Voyage of the

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Voyage of the

Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the movie)

Unless I'm mistaken, no one has made a thread about this, so I thought I'd go ahead. *clears throat importantly* If you are a Narnia fan, like myself, you are in for a big disappointment. They totally twisted the plot of finding the seven lords to uniting the seven swords of the seven lords and banishing "the mist", a.k.a. as superstitious green cloud that tempts you and makes people disappear. The diaglogue was quite bland too. They added in two completely unnecessary characters, a little girl and her father, whose mother/wife had been devoured by the mist and were hoping to find her. Though in the book Lucy never actually utters the spell that will make one Beautiful Beyond the Lot of Mortals, she does (of course!) in the movie and becomes Susan for a few minutes. Afterwards Aslan appears and tells her that if she were Susan, she never would have discovered Narnia. Excuse me?! While that may be an acceptable message, the real message is to be happy with what you are given!

Eustace was a dragon for about half the movie and at the end, he started *crying.* Ack. I started sinking lower and lower into my seat and wanted to crawl down on the floor and hide. Speaking of Eustace, one of the only parts I liked was where Reepicheep befriended Eustace while he was a dragon. They did a good job with that. Oh, good news!!! Prince Caspian laid off the fake Spanish accent!! I don't see why he did it in the first place, 'cause English accents are so lovely!

So overall, I give it a 3. Sorry about my disorderly paragraph with run-on sentences and rants and abrupt changes of subject. <-----run-on sentence.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14!!!!!!!!
(January 2, 2011 - 1:00 pm)

Don't get me started on this. Really don't, unless you want to read through paragraphs of ranting. (This is for the Admins' sake as well. XD)


submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Death's Domain
(January 3, 2011 - 8:02 am)

Ok, I'll be normal and write a reveiw on it (not very long though).

[*][*][*][*][] (5 stars)

Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Vida's review)

Well, I thought that this movie was great!

Even though they changed a few things from the book, they did stay pretty close to it!

This movie was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better that the second one, Prince Caspian. Oh man, don't even get me STARTED on that movie!!!!!!!! That WAS A HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!! I am sooooo mad at the producers!!!!!!!!! That just WASTED 60 or 70 dollars!! We saw it in 3-D so it was even more expensive!!!!!!!

Back to Voyage of the Dawn Treader, it was pretty good. Not the best but still good!!!!!!!!!

I can see that most of the CBerz (all really) didn't like the movie! I am too lazy to read it all so why does everybuggy dislike it soooooooo much???????????? It was a great movie!!!!!!!

Seriously!!!! It was really good!!!!!! Why does no one like it?????????

Admins did you see it???? Do you know why everyone is resenting it????????? 4 stars is my rating!


*Faints out of dizzyness*

Well anywho, goodbye (for now) my hand is hurting!! LOL!


I haven't seen it yet, but I'd like to. What I've learned over the years about movies made from books is that you should just try to enjoy the movie as a movie itself and not compare it to the book. Look at it as something completely different. That way, you're less likely to be disappointed. A really great book is hard to duplicate in a movie!



submitted by Vida Marie, age 11tomorrow
(January 6, 2011 - 12:34 pm)

They did not "stay pretty close", they "changed the entire plot". There's something of a difference. I thought that the changes from book to movie made no sense, showed little respect for the original, and took out all the romance and most of the humour from the original story. I liked some things - namely, Eustace, and the friendship between him and Reep, but all-in-all, this movie was not very good. Mind, not everyone agrees with me. If you had actually bothered to read TNÖ's post, you would have seen that she liked it quite a lot. 

Also, Vida? No offence, but I really wish you would cut down on your end punctuation. It's extremely hard to take you seriously when you use so many exclamation points and question marks. And, well... "Five exclamation marks. The sure sign of an insane mind." OH how I love Terry Pratchett. He says everything perfectly. 

submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Thulcandra, the
(January 6, 2011 - 8:26 pm)

I luv ur comment!

submitted by Sholin U., age 13, Frankfurt, Germ
(January 8, 2011 - 3:16 pm)

Wow, I didn't realize my post would be that long! Might be my longest ever! Which is pretty short compared to some of you guys. :P *thinks of Ima* To the top!

submitted by MJ, age 14!!!
(January 3, 2011 - 8:40 pm)

GRR. GRRRRR. GRRRR!!!!!!!! I'M SO MAD AT MOVIE PRODUCERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm always so mad at the movie producers; all of the movies that I'm looking forward to are just so disappointing!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:)
(January 3, 2011 - 9:17 pm)

Oh yay, permission to rant.

Disclaimer One: I am a huge fan of the books.

Disclaimer Two: I am currently rereading the books, and am currently reading The Silver Chair.

On to the important stuff! The usual applies! Do not read if you do not want spoilers!

Wonderfulness #1: Disney is no longer involved, having dropped the contract after the UTTER FAILURE of Prince Caspian, which makes me happy. 

1. Plot and the additions thereof. Personally I always disliked Dawn Treader because of the wanderingly aimless plot and the fact that, even though Caspian does find all seven lords, nothing happens because of it. Even as someone who absolutely adores these books I always have thought that Dawn Treader was the worst of them and served only as a vehicle for Lewis to rant some about how flat-out ignorant and useless nonbelievers are (yes, yes, all the books are vehicles for Lewis to rant about various topics of Christianity but in Dawn Treader he was annoyingly heavy-handed about it, be quiet and read the review). Besides which, WANDERING AIMLESSLY FOREVER does not translate well onto screen (see Deathly Hallows Part I). As such I was extremely pleased with the new additions, even if they did come from slightly left field. [my love for the additions has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH the fact that it let them slip Jadis in AGAIN using the most incredibly wonderful vehicle ever. I promise. (The movies would lack something with Tilda Swinton.) See point 2.]

2. At least one of the writers/producers/directors/actors/some combination thereof is shipping Edmund/Jadis with me, which becomes clear from her first appearance and increasingly obvious throughout. Internal squeeing commenced. Of course, depending on your point of view, this could be a very bad thing indeed (squick, nightmare fuel, et cetera). As for me, I like my ships dysfunctional. ((And if it isn't someone on the creative team shipping them, then I either (a) appreciate the oversight on their part or (b) appreciate the bone they threw the undoubtedly small percentage of Edmund/Jadis shippers in the fandom)) [also don't judge me for this please]

3. I miss Harry Gregson-Williams :( but David Arnold did passably well.

4. From his introduction to the end Eustace was an extremely pleasant surprise ("Note to self: Investigate legals implications of impaling relatives" AH WIN), albeit one you want to smack until after his Character Development kicks in. His interactions with Reepicheep in particular were delightful. That being said, Skandar Keynes/Edmund is still BY FAR the best.

5. Re: Lucy and the beauty spell: Er, wasn't "don't wish to be something you're not because you're best suited to being you" the whole point of Aslan's reminder that without Lucy the Pevensies wouldn't have come to Narnia...? At least, that's what I got out of it. Also re: spellcasting: this way they could use a gimmick to lend weight to their plot expansion.

6. WHY was The Island Where Dreams Come True renamed Dark Island? Admittedly DI is the chapter title, but still IWDCT is a much more subtly terrifying name I think. Probably something to do with the plot adaption, which is vexing but unavoidable I guess.

7. The Dufflepuds. were. amazing. That entire sequence was absolutely hilarious and the Dufflepud dialogue had a delightfully Discworld-esque flair (as did "What was that?" "Lint. But don't tell them.") to it, which was... delightful *fails at variety*. "Beware the Oppressor! He's very oppressive!" indeed. It was like the humor in the books distilled and then infused with Pterry and freed of the admittedly rather constricting phrasing in the book. Brilliant.

8. "It's volcanic, my lord. Not much grows." ...what.

9. Drinian was awesome, by default because he defied like NINE villain tropes that my friend and I could count (Bald of Evil and Evil Sounds Deep being the most prominent, but also and more subtly the fact that he (the first mate and therefore ship equivalent of a Grand Vizier/Evil Chancellor candidate) calmly agreed that they might in fact have to eat dragon!Eustace (he started to seriously confirm the sailor's statement that if they didn't sight land soon, he'd eat "that dragon" right before Eustace started pulling the ship. It's blink-and-you'll-miss-it fast but it's there).

10. Re: dialogue: the overuse of state the obvious was seriously annoying, but much of the snarkery and anything Jadis said to Edmund was handled well ('course I'm biased for the latter bit, as I mentioned I ship them and therefore view all their interactions through EXTREMELY rose colored lenses).

11. The Christian parallels managed to be every bit as heavy handed as they were in the books. If you don't get them you were (a) in the wrong movie or (b) really really really really REALLY atheist. That is all.


On the whole I quite liked it (...and the world collapses in shock...) but had to mourn a little at the end because no more Edmund.

That being said, here's hoping they ignore the fact that the two characters are COMPLETELY unrelated excepting that they're both witches and recast Tilda Swinton as the Lady of the Green Kirtle. y/y? 

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(January 4, 2011 - 12:21 am)

Dawn Treader was my favourite of all the books and I really don't have the time to write a huge rant about it, so I'll just respond to a few things you said: I think that Edmund/Jadis shipping is rather disturbing. I also loved Eustace, but I greatly disliked the Dufflepud scene. I felt that they cut it down to the point of ridiculousness and removed the majority of the humour. (I really love Lewis' sense of humour.) I agree that they shouldn't have renamed TIWDCT, and I thought they didn't do that well at all. Oh! And one other thing of my own: THEY CUT OUT THEM GETTING RID OF GOVENOR GUMPAS! And that was such an awesome scene in the books...
Re: Tilda Swinton as Green Lady: 'Course they will. They adore that actress - they're inserting her into every single movie. This is basically the only reason I expect them to make MN, so they can have Jadis running around all the time.
TNÖ, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but are you a Christian? (I am.) Just kind of curious... *feels awkward*

submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Death's Domain
(January 4, 2011 - 4:12 pm)

Re: Shipping: I know, I know, it's disturbing and wrong on so many levels but I love it anyway. As I said it counts as squick and/or nightmare fuel for some, for which I apologize.

Re: Dufflepuds: I liked 'em, but to each his own I guess. (what made it even better was my friend having a foot phobia and cringing whenever she saw the gigantic feet. Schadenfreude!) Re: Lewis' humor: Normally I like it but I loathe the way he phrased the Dufflepuds' conversation, even though it saved pages and pages of useless dialogue. It works much better on a screen, I think.

Re: Gumpas: And replaced it with the mist. You win some, you lose some.

Re: Tilda Swinton: That's my thinking, the only reason they wouldn't is to stop propagating the Lady of the Green Kirtle = Jadis theory which has ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS in canon. The Magician's Nephew is going to be so epic, especially while she's in London. And I cannot wait to see how they handle Charn. It'll be interesting to see if she's in The Horse and His Boy (if they get that far of course), because Edmund's in it but not a main character. Certainly they'll find an excuse to squeeze her into The Last Battle, the dwarves mention her at least once. Also Re: adoring the actress: you have to admit that, aside from her hair colour, she is absolutely perfect as Jadis. And her acting is spectacular, particularly in the first movie when she, you know, had a substantial part.

And all of this of course contingent on them actually continuing the series. We'll see. (I hope they do, SC, MN, and LB were some of my favourites besides LWW) 

Re: Religion: Yes. Nondenominational.

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(January 4, 2011 - 8:15 pm)

Re: Shipping: Eh, I ship some weird stuff too. (Madame Pince/The Librarian being the current favourite. They're perfect for each other. Do not deny it.) 

Re: Lewis' Humour: I'm not sure I know what you mean by that, but whatever.

Re: Gumpas: But I didn't see the mist as a win. It made me want to throw something. I mean, it made no sense! Why was it making people disappear who mysteriously appeared again at the end? What did it stand to gain from tempting everyone in sight? Villains who do things For The Evulz have always annoyed me. 

Re: Tilda Swinton: You seriously think they'd not use their favourite actress for the sake of not confusing the canon? Doubt it. Also, Re: HB: We'll see her as Ed's wife! Joking, joking. I dunno if they'll fit her in there. Tempting Ed is a bit overdone, at this point. There's no reason for anyone to summon her. So what's left? And Re: Adoring Actress: I never said she wasn't good. I liked her in LWW. 

Re: Favourites: LB and LWW are your favourites, and yet you criticize the heavy-handed-ness of the Christian parallels in VDT? 0.o Kay then. 

submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Thulcandra, the
(January 6, 2011 - 5:45 pm)

Re: Shipping: They communicate through the L-Space! She gives him bananas, and he repairs the damage done to her books by the hooligans at Hogwarts! How did I not think of this before new OTP.

Re: humor: It makes sense in my head, don't judge me :)

Re: Mist: maybe it was capturing them in order to absorb them in its stomach juices in order to survive? DI did have a somewhat organic quality to it after all. 

Re: Swinton: This is a good point. Especially given they clearly don't mind deviating from the books. Re: HB: My tiny corner of the fandom would INSTANTLY REJOICE and love the screenwriters forever and ever if that happened. Or I would, at any rate. Possibly she'll just make a tiny cameo or something. Or not, who knows. Re: adoring actress: I think everyone did. She was fantastic.

Re: Favourites: Yes. Be quiet. It makes sense in my head!

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(January 6, 2011 - 10:22 pm)

Re: Shipping: Yes, that was my thinking too. And they have exactly the same attitudes about books (he thinks book theft is a crime worse than murder; she thinks writing in a book is sacrilege). They both are librarians at magical schools, and neither is especially keen on the idea of students trying to read the books. With most crossover ships (Remus/Angua, for example) the problem is in getting them into the same universe, but for these we have L-space. It's perfection. 

Re: Mist: But it didn't eat them, it just kept them in boats for no apparent reason!  

Re: HB: She could play his wife or something like that, but that's not canon either because none of the Pevensies ever got married in Narnia. Maybe we could see a flashback to LWW or something like that? 

Re: Favourites: Your head must be a scary, scary place. ;D 

submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Thulcandra, the
(January 7, 2011 - 8:03 pm)

Re: Remus/Angua what.

That being said, obviously any other crossover ships get there in Vetinari's TARDIS. Obviously. /digressing

Re: Mist: Maybe it was GOING to eat them. Or maybe it did eat them, and replaced them with evil clones of itself in their forms, so as to better infiltrate Aslan's world of goodness. Which is why the island vanished at the end, it dispersed into the rest of the world via Evil Clone Army! /WMG

Re: HB: Everybody loves flashbacks!!

Re: No, just very convoluted. It's okay though. They know me there. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(January 7, 2011 - 10:03 pm)

Re: Shipping: What's a TARDIS? *clueless*

Re: Remus/Angua: Yes, that was my reaction too. It doesn't even make sense, since they aren't the same kind of werewolf. And I refuse to ship Angua with anyone but Carrot. (Then we give Remus to Lily and everyone's happy but Sev and James who can both go die as far as I'm concerned. /digression)

Re: Mist: Maybe it was... um... torturing them? Scientifically observing them? Keeping them as slaves? *is beginning to run out of ideas* Or, no, I bet it was contractually obligated to not hurt them until after a certain date, to make sure Our Heroes got a fighting chance. *likes this explanation*

Re: TNÖ's Mind: Well, I should hope so. XD

submitted by ZNZ, age 13, Thulcandra
(January 8, 2011 - 6:28 pm)

Re: Shipping: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space (ie a Time Machine). Because Vetinari is a Time Lord and you know it.

Re: Remus/Angua: I agree with everything except RemusxLily, I'm very much a Sev/Lily shipper.

Re: I am too braindead right now to come up with a coherent guess, because Bernadette signed my poster. Why can't I live here?

Re: My mind: Haha. You'd think. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(January 9, 2011 - 2:02 am)