The movie trailer

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

The movie trailer

The movie trailer for the Hunger Games came out today!!!!!!!!!!!

So Effie looks creepy (but awe-tastic) but I'm not too crazy about Haymitch's hair or Gale still...

The trailer only showed the beginning, not any part of the Games. :( But the short 30 second trailer they released a while ago has some scenes from the Games.

Katniss. Is. Amazing.

Effie. Is. Amazing.

And Caesar Flickerman (the show host) doesn't look as grotesque as I imagined... but I only saw a quick second of him so *fingers crossed*. And I can't wait to see the Capitol people. :D

The movie seems pretty good, especially Katniss and Effie's acting. ;) Rue didn't say anything at all.

I think they cut Madge out. Because there was a part where Katniss had the mockingjay pin. And I think Prim gave it to her, not Madge. ...

Still, I'M SO EXCITED!!!!

submitted by Olive
(November 14, 2011 - 8:28 pm)

Lol my class is reading the book (I've already read the whole series, and again in class--while we were supposed to be following along...) and our teacher showed us the trailer and we kept pointing out things that were different: The backpack is black not orange, Effie's hair didn't seem that pink, and when they were counting down to start the hunger games someone pointed out that that didn't happen in the book, because Katniss would (well likley) have been focusing on the counts instead of being distracted by Peeta... But another person pointed out that one of the clips was nearly identical to the book...

- lol We all knew books can't be exact to the movie , but it was fun finding the differences.

I agree with you about Madge; it was Prim who gave her the clip I think.

lol Can't wait for it to come out. Laughing

submitted by Hana G, Canada
(November 16, 2011 - 11:00 pm)


submitted by TOP
(November 18, 2011 - 5:27 pm)