"Shab-e Yalda"

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

"Shab-e Yalda"

"Shab-e Yalda"

What is your favorite family holiday?

submitted by Ladybug, next to Pussywillow
(October 19, 2012 - 3:48 pm)

My family starts watching Christmas specials on November 1. Then, we always put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. And on December 1, we pull out our count-down-to-Christmas clocks, (yes, more than 1) one is electric, it's a little Christmas village, and the other one, you open a door and pull out a magnet every day to Christmas. And when all the pieces are up, it show the scene when Jesus was born, with angels & the 3 wisemen. We also bake a ton, and sometimes take cookies to our neighbors! We also go driving around, looking at Christmas lights. And we go on our local Trolley Ride of Lights, then get hot cocoa at the ice cream shop next to trolley stop! It's always a lot of fun! And I love going shopping for presents for all my sisters, and my parents! But the best is the Christmas dinner with a homemade turkey & dishes I helped make!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age Ageless, Island of Misfit Toy
(November 20, 2012 - 9:34 pm)

That sounds so wonderful! One of my favorite things to do is to watch the old black-and-white "A Christmas Carol" movie.

submitted by Old Cricket
(November 30, 2012 - 5:36 pm)