Nov/Dec Old

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Nov/Dec Old

Nov/Dec Old Cricket Says 

WE DON'T HAVE any national holidays! What? Isn’t Thanksgiving at the end of November? Has the Grinch stolen Christmas? No, don't worry. I used the word "national" in a narrow sense. What it means is that the president of the United States and Congress have the right to proclaim certain days as federal holidays. That doesn't apply nationwide but only to the District of Columbia and federal installations elsewhere. The government of each individual state is free to declare whatever holidays it chooses. True, the states usually declare the same ones as the federal government. Nevertheless, a lot of states have additional, special holidays of their own. (Can you name any in your state?) 
That's not all. The so-called "traditional" holidays don't formally count as "official," but we have fun with them anyhow: Halloween, for example; and Valentine's Day. And more. Most every nation has its particular days of special meaning. In many European countries, Twelfth Night (January 5) is a time for merrymaking. In France, Bastille Day (July 14) is a great celebration; in Ireland, St. Patrick's Day (March 17). There are plenty of holidays for everybody. 
In addition to big public holidays, small private ones can be just as festive: family birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions. We can proclaim our own personal holidays to celebrate anything we choose. Holidays of the heart are about love and remembrance, and those can be any day we want. So, this Old Cricket offers you Young Crickets his loving thoughts and wishes for all this season's holidays and for many others to come.

What is your favorite holiday—or idea for a new holiday?
submitted by Old Cricket
(October 15, 2013 - 1:09 pm)

I like Christmas best, I think. The spirit of the holiday is so jolly and catching. My family always drives to a big shopping mall once a year to get most of our Christmas shopping done. It is always so much fun, but also a  bit challenging when we have to think of something for my parents!

submitted by True
(October 29, 2013 - 4:41 pm)

I definitely agree! Christmas is the best!

submitted by Rachel R., age 12, Morgantown, WV
(November 9, 2013 - 8:58 pm)

No. I think Thanksgiving is the best.

submitted by fireboltdragonisis, age 9, NC
(December 1, 2013 - 12:08 pm)

As said. TOP!

submitted by TOP!!
(October 29, 2013 - 4:43 pm)




submitted by TOP!!
(October 29, 2013 - 4:44 pm)


submitted by True
(October 29, 2013 - 5:56 pm)

I think Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love dressing up, deciding what I'll be, getting to be something I'm not for one night of the year! Plus, I mean, free candy. There's not a whole lot that's better than that!

But Christmas and Thanksgiving actually might tie. I love Thanksgiving as a time for me and my family to reflect on the blessings God has given us. Plus, I love food.

Christmas is also another favorite because we get to celebrate Jesus' birth. I love all the nativity scenes. Plus, as True said, the season is always so much more jolly! I love the Christmas specials that we start the day after Halloween, and watch through January because there's always so many! I love the Christmas tree shining, the smell of spices and candles, and listening for Santa!

So yeah, starting with the fall season, all through Christmas, is just my favorite!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Celebrating
(October 30, 2013 - 3:19 pm)

I think my favorite holiday would be New Years. I love the feeling of a brand-new start, a rebirth, if you will. And I love thinking up resolutions that I will never be able to keep!

@ Blonde Heroines Rule:

I don't know why I thought of this, but I know you're a Christian, so I thought I'd mention it: I once met a girl who was a Christian who told me her family didn't celebrate Halloween because it worships the devil. I never thought of it that way before, but thinking it over, I realized it was kind of true. So I don't really celebrate Halloween anymore. 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Tree
(October 30, 2013 - 10:17 pm)

It wasn't supposed to worship the devil.  It was started to remember the souls of all that had died and even the saints.  However, some people have twisted it so it seems to be about the devil.  I think that as long as you don't get involved in anything bad, it's a fun holiday.

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(November 7, 2013 - 8:49 am)

To expand on what Melody said, November 1 - the day after Halloween - is All Saints Day and November 2 is All Souls Day. All Saints Day is often referred to as "All Hallows", thus October 31 is "Hallows Eve", which is similar to the term Halloween. In medieval times, when people went to the vigil mass on October 31 they called it "All Hallow's Even", which shortened to Hallowe'en. 

Originally, Halloween was used as a day to remember and pray for all the dead, wherever they may be. This day was mostly used in Ireland. Then, on November 1, the French would dress up, although I don't know the exact reason for that. Over time, the two became mingled, and the tradition of dressing up on October 31 came to be. 

So, Halloween just started out as a day for Christains to pray for those who have gone before us. Over time, people have morphed and changed the meaning of the Christain holiday to something entirely different. So, truely, Halloween began as a Christain holiday, and if followed in the right light, it still is.

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(November 7, 2013 - 3:07 pm)

I love Thanksgiving. Mom always made us so many things. Although sometimes she messes it up. I think the important thing is I have a chance to be surrounded by my loving family. I so don't care about the turkey. Heck, i so  don't care about the stuffing. My mom was willing to cook all day for us. My Thanksgiving was about family and being thankful for being loved.


submitted by Rey. D., age 11, Sammamish, WA
(November 5, 2013 - 5:43 pm)

@ Everinne: Melody and Teresa hit the nail on the head. I don't really focus on the gore or the whole "mystic witches and warlocks magic" type side of Halloween. Unfortunately, there are people who twist and corrupt Halloween. But if you view it like I do, as just a fun night to dress up and get free candy with your family and friends, then it's all right. I'm just careful about what I dress up as, and what I watch and get into. It all depends on your viewpoint of Halloween, and how you celebrate it.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Jacking up on sugar
(November 10, 2013 - 9:54 pm)

Precisely, my dear Watson!

Ok, sorry, that was really random.

But yeah, that's exactly Halloween!

My family wants to go to as the Peanuts ghost group next Halloween!

submitted by Violet, age 12, Here
(December 5, 2013 - 11:55 am)


Do you like Sherlock? You mentioned Watson in your comment.

submitted by Doctor Sherlock
(February 23, 2014 - 7:15 pm)