Contests!! :):):)

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Contests!! :):):)

Contests!! :):):)

What Cricket League contests has everybuggy entered for lately??  I entered the March issue contest (the drive-in movie drawing contest), the April issue (the 'animals in a funny place' story contest), and I am going to enter the May/June web contest (Draw Cricket Country). :):):) Actually, my version of Cricket Country is pretty funny, if I do say so myself. :):):) I spent two hours drawing it yesterday!!! :D:D The buggies look so much like the real ones, it's hilarious!! :D:D (and don't worry; I added Pussywillow!!!!!)

submitted by Paige
(April 27, 2009 - 4:45 pm)

I am glad you added Pussywillow.

submitted by Bluestar
(April 27, 2009 - 7:01 pm)

Hee, hee, hee!! :):) Thanks! :D:D

submitted by Paige
(April 28, 2009 - 10:23 am)

I am sadly lacking in artistic talent, so I've only entered three Cricket contests, and the only recent one was the February Cymbril poetry contest, and I placed well. :) I'll add a question - who has won contests and which?



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(April 28, 2009 - 3:33 pm)

I am new to Cricket, so I have only entered 2 contests.  The 'Escaping a Monster' contest, and I just entered the 'Animals in a Funny Place' contest.  For the 'Escaping a Monster' contest, I was awarded honorable mention for my story. Wink

I am thinking about sending a drawing of mine into the new contest, 'Draw Anything You Want', but I am NOT a good artist.  Might as well try though! Laughing

R.D. Innocent 



submitted by Robyn D., age 12, Washington
(April 28, 2009 - 7:39 pm)

I hope you do well!!! :):)

submitted by Paige
(April 29, 2009 - 4:04 pm)

THANKS, Paige!!!!!!!!!!!



submitted by Robyn, age 12
(April 29, 2009 - 7:33 pm)

You're welcome!! :):) Hey, are you new here???  If so, welcome!!! :D:D (You don't happen to live in New Jersey, do you???  You don't have to say if you don't want, but I may know a Robyn who lives in NJ.)

submitted by Paige
(April 30, 2009 - 4:57 pm)

No, I live on the opposite coast of New Jersey!!!!!!! Thanks for the welcome. I have been getting Cricket since November, but this is the first time I've been in the chatterbox! :D This has to be my FAVORITE Cricket cover!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so pretty!!!!

So do you like writing contests or drawing contests??? As you can tell, I prefer writing!!!!




submitted by Robyn, age 12, Washington
(May 1, 2009 - 11:55 am)

Oh, hee hee!!  I guess it was worth checking!! :):):) And YES, this is my favorite cover, too!!!!! :D:D:D I think I might buy the poster of it!!! 

Really, I've pretty much just started entering the contests.  I think I might like the drawing ones better, but they're all fun!! :D:D:D (but I don't like writing poetry....)

You should check out Chirp at Cricket or Down to Earth in the Chatterbox!!!  Those are the two places that I'm at most often, and I think are the most fun!!! (oh, but if you love writing, go to the Inkwell!) :):):)

submitted by Paige P
(May 3, 2009 - 6:41 pm)

Congradulations, Emily!!!!! You won First Prize 11 and up in this months contest winners!!!!! That was a GREAT poem/song!!!!:):):):):):):)

submitted by Bekah P., age 12!, North Dakota
(April 29, 2009 - 2:29 pm)

Zora and I entered for the November/December cat drawing contest, and we both got honorable mentions!!! :D:D:D (hey, has anybuggy seen Zora in a while?!)

submitted by Paige
(April 29, 2009 - 4:03 pm)

I entered the cat drawing contest and I got an honorable mention, too!

submitted by Larissa, age 14, PT, Washington
(August 30, 2009 - 7:21 pm)

The best I've done is 2nd. In Cricket.

submitted by Grace♥, age 13, SC
(June 13, 2009 - 12:54 pm)


the best i've done is 3rd place in the inspiring cricket cover contest. i wrote ballad of the butterfly. iv'e also gotten an honorable metion.

submitted by Katie, age 11, Missouri
(July 28, 2009 - 11:44 am)

"Placed well"? I'll say! Congratulations -- I loved your poem! (Even though I didn't read the story.)

submitted by Ramon F., age 12, Florida
(June 14, 2009 - 10:25 pm)