Hey Admins, I

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Hey Admins, I

Hey Admins, I thought I posted a thread about the movie Singin' in the Rain but I don't think it was posted. I put it in Pudding's Place, and attempted to search the back pages of PP, but gave up after reaching 99. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys knew where it went?

~Poetic Panda 


You could try to submit it again or search for it. Sometimes threads get pushed to the end or the middle from a server glitch. You might try searching for it this way:

site:cricketmagkids.com THREAD TITLE

Replace "Thread Title" with the title of your thread and don't forget to leave a space beween cricketmagkids.com and your search. You can put it right into your browser bar or google. ~Admin 

submitted by Poetic Panda
(January 9, 2017 - 11:54 am)