Valentine’s Ski Lodge

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Valentine’s Ski Lodge

Valentine’s Ski Lodge Plans

Hello! Since we were openly discussing this on Cho’s thread, I feel like there wouldn’t be much point in being super secret about it. So, what do you think? How should we go about this? Should we use aliases anyway? Do you want to make a list of things to plan or keep in mind? How did you do your last ski lodge? Have you made more than one? 

This is going to sound obvious, but we need to know who the murderer is from the very first day. Alizarine and I didn’t, and that was problematic. I was thinking we could plan some of it out ahead of time, though, like before anyone even signs up; clues, stages, false leads, activities, moods, maybe a few major deaths or murder methods. 

So... yeah! 

submitted by ...
(December 24, 2018 - 1:18 pm)

Weird... Let’s go ahead with this anyway, in case it doesn’t last or something. 

So, do you want to have a limited number of slots, and if so, how many? Would AEs and Captchas count/be allowed? 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 10, 2019 - 5:30 pm)

Yeah, I don't think we should do slots this time, but we will have a deadline.

submitted by C.C.
(February 10, 2019 - 8:50 pm)

Okay. What day? Also, who’s going to post the thread, and do you want Stardust to help, too? Many hands make light work, but too many cooks spoil the broth... 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 11, 2019 - 8:05 am)

So, so far I'm thinking Soren Infinity and Abigail for murderers? whaddaya think?

submitted by Catsclaw
(February 15, 2019 - 11:53 pm)

Soren’s good, although I think Micearenice would also work. Or maybe others, depending on their motivation. Are we doing mind control? I like the idea of mind control—handwaves motivation and makes it easy to drop hints by having the murderer act strangely. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 16, 2019 - 4:01 pm)

Yeah... Being threatened by some mysterious entity would also work...

submitted by Catsclaw
(February 17, 2019 - 11:56 am)

Maybe both—being threatened into indirect murders using traps and stuff, and mind controlled into more direct stuff... Oh, also, I chose randomly and I’ll be writing Soren as the murderer, with just one first-day death.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 19, 2019 - 8:55 am)

Okay, so I was thinking it would be cool to have the whole thing be immaterial, like explain at the end that we just teleported everyone’s consciousness to this pocket dimension to put on a show and no time has passed in the real world. It’ll be believable and useful for tone. 

We have to know the who-what-when-where-why-how of every murder. It might be useful to know about everyone at every time... I might just write like that. 

I’m starting an outline. I chose Agent Winter for the first death. Let’s say Abi is the second and Dewy is the third. After that, we should select based on what conclusions each death would push people towards. If someone was an enemy of the deceased, they are naturally implied. If they were a friend, some suspicion is alleviated. Also, people sharing information will almost always look innocent, and making a fuss will almost always look guilty. 

Some possible activities: Movies, ice skating, sky surfing?? Bungee jumping? Ooh, ziplining! Bird... something...? A play, perhaps, with volunteer cast. Or maybe just a play reading. 

A plot twist for the climax (or one of many): After building up suspicion, have Soren fake her own death, perhaps by “falling” off the edge of the hotel grounds. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 21, 2019 - 7:53 pm)

Okay, so I’m kinda out of time on this one, but I was thinking I’d grab both Soren and Alice (and maybe some others, heck, maybe even everyone) to help me make angel food cake, and then Soren would poison Agent Winter’s. 

I wish it wasn’t so late, it would’ve been fun to explore what everyone does here. I suppose I can always do it next week. I don’t know if you wanted to do anything in particular on the first day, but if so, now’s your chance.

Rogue is supposed to be very smart and observant, so she can be our main sleuth for a while. Although it would be kind of clever to kill her with poison, too; she said she’s always carrying a weapon, but what good would that do against food? Of course, she could also fall victim to fire, or wind, or my mom suggested a hot air balloon could go too high and asphyxiate its passenger, and I suppose being forced to exert herself in the thin air would also be bad news. Are there any other deaths one could only pull off in the sky? Getting lost in the clouds? Being chased through the clouds? Being attacked by cloud monsters? Being attacked by birds? Something to do with the sun? Hmm. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 23, 2019 - 12:36 am)

Oooh, what if at one point the thing that solidifies the clouds "malfunctions", and somebody dies from that?

Also, how's this for today's entry?


They all suspected there would be a murderer.

How could there not be, as this was a ski lodge lodged in a place prone to accidents, namely:

#1. Falling.

#2. Asphixiation from high altitudes.

#3. Being carried off by giant birds/dragons/other large flying creatures.

Yes, the sky was the perfect place for murders...

"Geez, does this guy know anything about modern taste?!" someone asked, flipping through the music on the ipods Catsclaw had distributed to them all, which was full of:

A) classical music, no later than the 18th century,

B) U2, no later than 1992, and

C) other old music Catsclaw didn't actually listen to, but had been popular in the 1960s through 80s.

Apparently Catsclaw liked making lists, because on the walls there were lists of:

A) Rooms in the Sky Hotel,

B) Games that they had in the gameroom, and 

C) Miscelleneous other lists.

Also on the walls, over the bunks, hung picturings of each CBer, drawn by Viola?, in the Skylark, Sparrow, Eagle, Owl, and Robin rooms, Catsclaw in the ones i'm not going to list, as their names are way too long. Anyway, the music selection was rather old. Also old-looking were the tapestries that hung on the walls, depicting heroes triumphing against hideous monsters. (Viola? got to name the rooms, Catsclaw to decorate them). The murderer started playing "Drowning Man" on their Ipod, but immediately stopped when everyone looked at them suspiciously.

All of a sudden, a whirl of stars appeared in the entrance hall, and then solidified into Stardust, who greeted them all before talking briefly to the other two proprietors and dissapearing again. Applejaguar got out a gramophone and started playing something on it. Catsclaw called down a few people to the game room to start a DnD campaign, and everything was nice. The murderer looked around for the Cloud Solidifier, and pulled out a MD (Magic Disruptor), disguised as an ipod. They actually didn't know it was an MD device, and just wanted to see how the Solidifier worked...

submitted by Catsclaw, age 1212121212, The Sky
(February 23, 2019 - 12:42 pm)

That’s good! Although I already said the rooms were decorated with birds. Eh, it’ll be fine. 

I just finished reading Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie, and it’s so good (it’s about this couple who plan the murder of a rich girl, then have to kill a couple witnesses too and get caught), but now I’m wondering about the practicality of such a long string of murders. Do you think we should have more than one murderer? We should decide now, of course. If there are two, then we can have one be caught halfway through, or confuse everyone with how it’s impossible for either of them to be the murderer because of how they both are (one killing while the other keeps a perfect alibi and then vice versa, for example). Maybe they could even be roommates. Or maybe they could be roommates with suspects? I don’t think Abigail is nice enough to fit with your beware the cute ones idea, but we could use Micearenice like I was thinking earlier. 

But what about motive... ooh, maybe while I have Soren and Alice off baking, there’s some debacle in which Mice gets a reason to be mad, and then Soren’s mad she missed it, taking Mice’s side somehow (an earlier conspiracy now ruined? Maybe after or before killing AW, one went to the other for help), but Alice doesn’t mind. 

Now, why would Mice be mad. Maybe she needed help and no one would give it to her. Maybe she was embarrassed about something. It would be so much easier if she had something to hide... Maybe she just wants everybody to know who Mortifero is. Or maybe Soren just does run to her after killing AW. Maybe a combination? So many possibilities. 

All right, what if I grab Micearenice and Alice to help me bake while all the others go off, and then Agent Winter pranks Soren, and the others, though well-intentioned, only make things worse. Upon hearing about this and with some mind-controlly encouragement, Micearenice poisons AW’s cake, perhaps by planting it in the decoration and serving her that specific slice, and blames Alice for it. Then, Soren and Mice go on killing in ever-increasing efforts to protect or rebuff one another, all of course under influence. Perhaps even that same day, Abigail turns up dead with Alice as a likely suspect. Soon, pessimistic Mortifero begins to suspect her CBer, possibly dropping a few hints before Mice and/or Soren realize and kill her. Dewy, being shy and doubtful, is not a threat for a while longer, but whether out of fear or conscience, she must inevitably speak and be silenced. Alice herself will have particular motivation to disprove her guilt; perhaps in poking around one night, she finds or witnesses something not meant for her. All while the mind controller just wants clean, disconnected deaths. 

If the mind control is coming from us, we could also have a ‘chosen killer’ thing, each of us manipulating one of the murderers to make things go the way we want them to, ways that may not agree with each other. This could help cover up gaps in our communication. Our motivation, of course, would be the fun of it, with the knowledge that nothing will have actual consequences. Since you suggested Soren and I picked Mice, I assume that would be the way to go?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 24, 2019 - 4:31 pm)

Yeah... I think that'll work. Also, for our first unintentional AKA tricked death, the Cloud Solidifier turns off for a few seconds, sending someone down...down...doooooowwwwwnnnnnn...

submitted by Catsclaw
(February 24, 2019 - 8:47 pm)

Sorry I didn’t post this week! I knew I should’ve done more sooner... but now it’s after midnight. I’ll try to do something tomorrow. Still, we didn’t set an exact schedule... 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(March 2, 2019 - 12:23 am)

What do you think of turning our disagreement over Jwyn and Applejaguar’s rooms into a canon scene?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(March 3, 2019 - 10:39 am)


submitted by Catsclaw
(March 10, 2019 - 2:00 pm)