Floof Finale: why

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Floof Finale: why

Floof Finale: why Floof Industries is deciding to leave the Chatterbox.

Alright, I realize that this title obviously sucks. It's hard when any Chatterboxer leaves the CB, but especially so for Floof. We've made our presence here so well known and in some cases unavoidable. How could we leave? That's why I'm making this post as Ella Starburst; so that I can explain this on a personal level.

This was an incredibly hard decision to make - I know, everyone says that, but this honestly was. I love the Chatterbox so much. It's such a friendly, wholesome community with tons of ways to express yourself. There is nothing I hold against here. This community has really helped me develop as a writer and a person. I know, a lot of cliches, but another reason I hold the CB so close to my heart is because this is one of the only times I've been able to use those cliches truthfully.

The younger Ella Starburst was a kid in a candy store here; again, roleplays and writing and ski lodges, oh my. I wanted to become intertwined within this place and make new friends. But I wanted MORE. I wanted to become a big name on here, like Rogue Wilding, Soren Infinity, and Spiffycat (now known as Porcelain Dragon, Luna Starr, and cerinthe). So I created the MCU, and it was a hit! I poured my heart into making Floof Industries, and it definetely paid off: we became a household name.

But I could never have predicted what came next.

In the later years of the MCU, I still tried my hardest. I even added some lore. But eventually, I visited the CB less and less. Others things grabbed my attention: middle school, friendships, video editing, growing up. My presence sapped away from the CB, and I didn't put much thought into it.

At this time, the MCUs were becoming somewhat burdensome to create. I was getting frustrated with the lack of responses, since that meant more work for me. I became worried about how little attention I gave my AEs, so I added them into it - more on that later. I tried ways to lessen my workload, and it's pretty evident when you look at the MCUs development: The additon of employees, the 'auto-assignment' of all of those workers, cutting the joke section. But everytime I even thought about quitting, I was reminded of all of you guys, awaiting every new issue of the MCU like kids on Christmas. I was filled with guilt, so I shyed away.


On a certain MCU, I got a comment. I don't remember which one or the year it was; I'm not even sure who wrote it, though I'm pretty sure it was Jwyn. But I'll never forget what the comment said. Something along the lines of

"Hey guys, nice MCU as always. But why don't you go on the Chatterbox anymore? We miss you guys."


Now old me saw this as a flaw, a way in which I failed to be a good person. 


But looking back now, I think I know what Maybe-Jwyn meant.


Lately, the thoughts of MCUs and HHGs have filled me up with a yucky feeling in my tummy. A sense of dread, another thing I have to do. Followed by laziness, reluctance, followed by an obligation to do it because I don't want to let anyone down.


But I think what not-Jwyn was trying to say was "Hey! Remember to enjoy your time on here!" And I honestly haven't been doing that. I've been spending so much time on these MCUs and not seeing the fruits of my labor. This is supposed to be a fun community newsletter, but it's no longer that for me.

So, I'm stepping back. I might still do the Chatterbox for roleplays and stuff, but it doesn't seem likely. I'm freeing myself up to do other stuff, pursue my other aspirations. I want to have fun, and I want this to be fun, for everyone. So sorry, no MCU or HHG this month. 

Which brings me to my next point.

I don't want the HHG and MCU to go away: They're entertaining to read, and they're big parts of the MCU. The HHG is easier to do: just make a hunger games simulator and add some holiday related events.

The MCU is what I'm more worried about - and interested in. How will you guys approach it? Will you stop doing it? Will another person adopt it? (NOT reccomended) Will it become a community project, with a masterpost for everyone to contribute? I'm excited to see what will happen.


As for me, I wish everyone here the best of blessings. You're all so loved, so important, and so, so, SO valuable. Never forget that, babes. I've gotta go have dessert now - can't do it past 7:00. Take care of yourselves.



Ella Starburst




Floof Industries


submitted by Floof Industries
(March 18, 2021 - 6:45 pm)

Nooooooooooooo! I've never actully commented on any of your posts, but I'm gonna miss you guys. You are the first CBer that's left during my time here (i think) and it is very, very sad for me. :( I respect your choice, though. The CB should never be a burden. Still, I'm sad :( :( :( Goodbye Floof Industries. You will be SORELY, sorely missed. 

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 11, NY but not NYC
(March 18, 2021 - 8:05 pm)

aww, goodbye Floof!!

submitted by Tealeaf, age 13, Steeping
(March 18, 2021 - 8:45 pm)

Aw, I'm sorry that all became a burden. I really loved the MCU and the HHG, it was one of my favorite things that was here. I totally understand what you feel, and I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish you well on future endevours. 

Also, I'd be down to take over the HHG, if no one else wants to. :) 

submitted by NerdFace, age 14, in the void
(March 18, 2021 - 9:18 pm)

I completely understand and empathise with your decision. My sincerest congratulations on taking the initiative to come out and say what you're thinking, instead of languishing in discomfort and misery, and on doing it in such a beautifully-written post!

I haven't been engaging with the MCUs a lot lately, but I've seen the impact you've had on the CB. It's beautiful and wonderful, and your legacy will remain even after you leave. I don't know who will take over the MCU, but I know for sure that someone will. That's just the kind of project it is.

Much love,


submitted by Kitten, age too young, to vote, she/her
(March 18, 2021 - 10:24 pm)

*waves hand* Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah I might "take over" the MCU. Well, not TAKE OVER. I will make it my own and hopfully make some CBers smile. If that's okay with Floof, of course! (pls say yes, but if you don't, ok)

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 11, NY but not NYC
(March 19, 2021 - 9:47 am)

At this point, you don't need permission. I would recommend making it a shared thing unless you're absolutely certain you can handle it, but anyone is free to discuss together. All of Floof is so excited to see what happens!

submitted by Floof Industries
(March 20, 2021 - 2:39 pm)

Bye, I never got to know you much but i'm sure your nice. Well bye


submitted by clover, Neptune
(March 18, 2021 - 10:57 pm)

Well, I'm sure a lot of people, me included, will miss you from the Cb. But it's your choice, and it's better to do what feels right for YOU. Bye Ella starburst/Floof industries!

submitted by Lazerbat
(March 19, 2021 - 5:31 am)

I'm so sorry you're leaving! I never got the chance to contribute to the MCU or join the HHG, but I read your posts, and they were amazing. I totally respect your desicion, though, it's what you needed to do. Thank you so much for everything you've done to make the CB an amazing, more creative place!

submitted by The Sage Wolf
(March 19, 2021 - 6:24 am)

Aww, we'll miss you! I totslly understand what yoy mean about giving you a sense of dread. Your legacy will remain.

What if we each choose one section of the MCU to take over? That woudn't be too much work for anyone and it wouldn't be too complicated, either. 

submitted by Feline Fantasy, U.A. High
(March 19, 2021 - 7:30 am)

Bye Floof!!! I always loved reading the MCUs and HHGs, and you will be missed (a lot)!! I totally  understand your motivation for leaving, and I wish you the best of luck from now on (just make sure to come back on valentine's day for the reunion!)

~Silver Crystal 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(March 19, 2021 - 7:58 am)

we will miss you. so so much. goodbye. and... before you go. 

moon kitsune and co. would like to take over the HHG. if you do say yes, thank you. we promise to honor floof industries with funny humor, loud explosions, interjecting with cliches, and most importantly trying our absolute hardest to keep the chatterbox the amazing, happy, crazy, safe place it is. goodbye from the bottom of our hearts. 

submitted by moon kitsune and co.
(March 19, 2021 - 8:14 am)

Dearest Ella,

I remember the very first MCU that I saw, I adored it. I eagerly awaited the first of every month when I could see more floof fun, get to know your AEs, and get hype for the coming month. Then the HHG came along, and my excitement was indescribable when I saw my name on the tribute list each time. 

The end was inevitable, though I never wanted to think about it. "What will happen to the MCU when Ella leaves?" we would all ask ourselves, but simply brush away the thought. But the finale is here now. We have to find a way to go on.

As for the future MCUs... I believe we should all take on a role, or one section, like Feli said. Look out for a thread on that soon...

For now, we shall hold on tight to the legacy of Floof Industries. You will all be a well-remembered name that goes down in Chatterbox history.

Farewell, Ella, Zeke, Andrea, and Kazmara. Farewell, Floof Industries. 

All the best,

Majestic Mary 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Majestopia
(March 19, 2021 - 9:17 am)

Goodbye Floof!

I never really got to know you guys, as I am a very nw CBer. However, reading over your MCUs made me feel like I got to know you and your AEs. I'm sad that your leaving, but we'll work our hardest to help maintain your floofy legacy. I hope you all come back to visit someday!


Star Princess/Eulalia

PS: here's a pie [} 

submitted by Star Princess
(March 19, 2021 - 9:38 am)

I totally get how you feel. Things that feel like a burden, but I feel so guilty if I don't do them because I don't want to let anyone down. I think you definitely made the right choice. We'll miss you!

submitted by Honeybee
(March 19, 2021 - 9:58 am)