Fourth Day! :D

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Fourth Day! :D

Fourth Day! :D

Name at least one:

[Real life] Friend you made this year:
CB friend you made this year:
State you visited this year:
Thing you learned this year:
Item you bought this year (exciting one, no?):
Funny incident that really happened to you this year:
New food you tried this year:
New show/movie you saw on TV and liked this year:
Favorite movie you saw in the theater this year:
Play/musical you saw this year:
New place you went this year:
Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse this year:
Unforgettable experience you had this year:
Time this year when you couldn't stop laughing:


submitted by Kenzie
(December 17, 2009 - 5:31 pm)

Kristin! A girl in my choir. Not to be confused with the Kirsten on here, who I've never met.

Um... Anyone? Sorry, I don't know...


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia=fear of long words!!


Um... Sorry, I don't remember.

A new kind of soup, cornbread, another soup...



Our Town


May/June! My 1st issue!

submitted by Ima
(December 17, 2009 - 10:47 pm)

1. [Real life] Friend you made this year: Seth

2. CB friend you made this year: Errr, wow...

*pulls out long list* Emily H., Mary Liz, Laura,

Paige, R~D~, etc., etc... Pretty much all of you

guys. :D :D :D

3. State you visited this year: Well, I didn't get

to go on any real vacations this year so... But I

have been in Kentucky this year, seeing as it's

right on the border, heheheh.... :\

4. Thing you learned this year: I've learned lots

of things this year. One being that you guys taught

me how to write decent stories and poems. ;D

5. Item you bought this year (exciting one, no?):

Hmmmm, *thinks* I bought this really pretty figurine

to add to my collection. It's of this medium sized-ish

angel that has "August" written across the bottom of it,

because that's my birth month. And it has a little

necklace on with a peridot (my birth stone) on it,

and it's also holding a bouquet of gladioluses (my

birth flower). And I also bought this pink fuzzy chair

to put in my room... :)

6. Funny incident that happened to you this year:

Hmmm.... well, one day my neighbor and his friend

came over and they wanted to play hide-and-go-seek,

so I played it with them a little bit and then it was my

turn to be it. So I counted and then ran across the yard

right past this giant green blob... I got somebody else

it and then realized that the giant green blob was my

neighbor's friend hiding under his green jacket, and he

was like "I was sure I was going to be it,". It was really

funny even though it doesn't sound like it. XP You

would've had to be there. They wouldn't stop teasing

me about it for the rest of the day...

7. New food you tried this year: Taco

8. New show/movie you saw on TV and liked this year:

Show - Medium     Movie - The Devil Wears Prada    :)

9. Favorite movie you saw in the theater this year: Well,

I didn't see many this year, so probably Harry  Potter and

 the Half Blood Price.

10. Play/musical you saw this year: I didn't see any this


11. New place you went this year: Like I said before, I

didn't go on any vacations this year so I really didn't

go anywhere I haven't been before... :\

12. Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse this year: I don't have

a favorite. :)

13. Unforgettable experience you had this year: I've had

lots, but one is seeing my old friends again.    :)

14. Time this year when you couldn't stop laughing:

I can't remember one particulat time, but trust me

there have been many. XD I was born into a crazy family. ;D


submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(December 18, 2009 - 9:45 am)

2. :D

submitted by Kenzie
(December 18, 2009 - 11:51 pm)

:D :D :D

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(December 19, 2009 - 8:15 pm)

[Real life] Friend you made this year: Max and Ben?
CB friend you made this year:  Um, pretty much everybuggy on here.
State you visited this year: Missouri, Illinois  IF you you said last year, then I would have said more.
Thing you learned this year: Some decimal stuff, other history stuff, a lot of stuff.
Item you bought this year (exciting one, no?): Wooden knitting needles!  I don't bey stuff a lot.
Funny incident that really happened to you this year: Um... When I was ice scating with my sister at a ice rink, she sort of scated into me.  There was a complete stranger in front of me, and a other guy in fron of him.  I fell down on top of the person in front of me, and the person in front of him fell down, to.  My sister said it looked like dominoes falling.  It doesn;t sound as funny s it was.  And once, my sister walked into glass, it was funny, I almost did, too.
New food you tried this year: Hmmm...  A taco-ish thing, I forgot what it's called...
New show/movie you saw on TV and liked this year:  Show- 30 Rock.  I think that it started this year.  And movie- Up.  I saw it recently at a friends house.  :D
Favorite movie you saw in the theater this year:
Play/musical you saw this year:  Annie, and To Kill a Mocking Bird.  My friend played Dill in To Kill a MOcking Bird, and the person who played Scout also played Annie in Annie, and I had been in Seussical with her. 
New place you went this year:  That meuseum thingie, and Spiral Scouts meeting thing.
Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse this year:  how can I pick?
Unforgettable experience you had this year: that very experience that I will not tell you because I don't want to.
Time this year when you couldn't stop laughing:  Many timwes, I can't really remember when, probably in the middle of the night, when I was sort of slap happy.

The non-spam thingie says akbg, sort of like act big...

submitted by Meadow
(December 18, 2009 - 3:21 pm)

[Real life] Friend you made this year: Amanda
CB friend you made this year: Errrr, i guess all of ya?
State you visited this year: None

Thing you learned this year: That it is possible for me to write a story less then 20 pages long!!
Item you bought this year (exciting one, no?): my rowing uniform!!!
Funny incident that really happened to you this year: I don't know if you'd find this funny, but during the summer we were at rowing practice. a 'fun' rowing practice. The coaches decided to put all eight of us, in a eight. We rowed, switching seats, messing up our coxswain, and attempting to switch oars. When we tried to switch the oars around the boat completely flipped!!! we had to swim it back to the dock and bail. :)
New food you tried this year: Afghani Food...YUM! 
New show/movie you saw on TV and liked this year: Midsommer Murders
Favorite movie you saw in the theater this year: I can't remember...
Play/musical you saw this year: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels!! 
New place you went this year: Like out of the city? or in the city? out of the city, A lake for a regatta. In the city, the huge water park that only I hadn't gone to. 
Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse this year: Ack! how could i choose? They are all amazingly awesome!
Unforgettable experience you had this year: Getting my new Kitten.
Time this year when you couldn't stop laughing: Can i count New Years Eve 2008? No? dang... I can't remember then...

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(December 19, 2009 - 1:04 pm)

Real life] Friend you made this year: Moni, (I think that is how you spell it), she is a new girl in my dance class.
CB friend you made this year: Sorry, I don't remember exactally who joined this year. ): Hmmm... lets just say all of you who joined this year. :)
State you visited this year: Iowa (: So close to MN... :) whatever.

Thing you learned this year: How to play the Saxophone. Ok, I just learned that last week, but it was the first thing I remembered. (:

Item you bought this year (exciting one, no?): Christmas presents! Stickers for my friends to name one thing.

Funny incident that really happened to you this year: OH, I don't remember ANYTHING. :( Something must have happened.

New food you tried this year: guacamole  (:

New show/movie you saw on TV and liked this year: New, hmmm, Idk...
Favorite movie you saw in the theater this year: HP, maybe

Play/musical you saw this year: Annie

New place you went this year: I don't remember

Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse this year: That one Muse issue about Placeboes was interesting.

Unforgettable experience you had this year: Going to YELLO (Youth Encountering Leadership Learning Opportunities), a youth 4-H leadership camp held during the summer. (SO FUN!)

Time this year when you couldn't stop laughing: For history class we had to do power-point presentations about WWI. My friend unknowingly added this feature to her presentation that made some of the words come onto her page really slowly, so she was just standing there waiting for them to come and the same thing kept on happening. Anyway about the third time it happened the whole class started laughing because it was so funny! Then my friend started to laugh which provoked more people, so the whole class was just sitting there trying to keep their laughter silent. 

Anyway It was hilarious.(:

submitted by Nighthawk, age 13
(December 21, 2009 - 9:00 pm)

A real life friend I made this year: Katie, a girl that is in a dance studio here in Georgia* Says "Georgia" in a real fake country accent*

A CB friend I made this year: Maybe Brynne. We actually had a thread that only we two posted on. It was pretty cool actually.

State I visited this year: Illinois, Kentucky, Georgia;)

Thing I learned this year: How to do umlauts;) What admin stands for, how to do a correct tennis stroke. What agricola means in Latin (farmer). How to say part of the Lord's prayer in Latin. Pater noster qui es in caelis sanctifecaeter nomen tuum adveniat regnum tuum fiat voluntas tua sicut.

Item I bought this year: Ummmmm, Oh yes! A Flower Fairies' Journal by Cicely Mary Barker! <3

Funny incident that really happened to you this year: Ummmm, i'm sure there's one but I can't think of one at the moment. My brain hasn't been functioning quite right! grrrrrrr.

New food you tried this year: Monkey brains! Just joking!

New show/movie you saw this year and liked: Merlin! Oh my! It is SO COOL!!! EEEEEP! Wizards of Waverly Place is pretty cool too except when it gets really cheesey.

Favorite movie you saw in the movie theaters: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince of course! Saw it twice in the theater.

Play/Musical you saw this year: The one that that dance studio that I mentioned at the beginning of this comment puts on every Christmas season.

New place you went: A water park in Kentucky that we went to with a cousin.

Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse: The first issue of Cricket this year. That was my first ever issue of Cricket I had ever gotten!

Unforgettable experience you had this year: When my sisters, friends, a dance teacher and I all went into our woods.

A time this year where you couldn't stop laughing: When my family and I watched Imagine That!



submitted by Hannah P. ☺☻, age 13, Georgia
(December 22, 2009 - 6:43 pm)

Real life friend I made this year: Lydia, a girl in Aladdin with me

CB friend I made this year: Hannah P., and Emilie/y L., especially.

State I visited this year: Several. Massachusetts, Missouri, Illinois, Vermont, Connecticut

Thing I learned this year: What "obstreperous" means, how to do a bunch of awesome stuff with hair, and how to etch glass.

Item I bought this year: Hmm, I bought several things. A book for my friend R, some stuff at Bath&Body Works, and a package of teeny, teeny hairties stand out mostly.

Funny incident that happened to me this year: Well, my friend T and her sister came over one night and they and my sister and I had a sleepover in a tent in our backyard. The whole evening was just hiliarious.

New food  I tried this year: I don't really remember. I don't remember what I eat. :D

New show/movie I saw and liked: Harry Potter!

Favorite movie I saw in the theater: Actually, the only movie I ended up seeing in the theater this year was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Play/musical I saw this year: Peter Pan last February, and Fruitcakes a few weeks ago.

New place I went this year: Queechee, Vermont.

Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse: I kind of liked the March issue of Cricket. I don't get Muse.

Unforgettable experience I had this year: I went to camp with my friend T and my cousin R, who had never met each other before and are now good friends.

submitted by Brynne
(December 23, 2009 - 6:02 pm)

Real life] Friend you made this year: Phoebe F.
CB friend you made this year: Umm Mango, maybe?
State you visited this year: Minnesota
Thing you learned this year: How to fake a deep cough
Item you bought this year (exciting one, no?): dunno
Funny incident that really happened to you this year: farting in the principal's office when I was sent down to get something. Sooo embarrasing!
New food you tried this year: goat cheese and olive hors d'oeuvres
New show/movie you saw on TV and liked this year: Ice Princess
Favorite movie you saw in the theater this year: all of them
Play/musical you saw this year: Fiddler on the Roof (Really awesome!)
New place you went this year: Paris
Favorite issue of Cricket or Muse this year: all of them
Unforgettable experience you had this year: realizing I could sing
Time this year when you couldn't stop laughing: my friend fell over backwards in her chair- twice!

submitted by Ann
(January 1, 2010 - 10:13 am)