Northern Lights Group!

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Northern Lights Group!

Northern Lights Group!

Hi! Wow, I've never been in a group with just TWO other people, nevermind THREE!! :DD

Soooo... I'm super excited!! 

*Panics* (What do I say I'm used to one on one)

I'm literally blanking on what to say; I've been staring at the screen for at least 10 min XD

Do y'all celebrate Chrismas? Or any holiday this month? I sorta celebrate X-mas- but I more celebrate the solstice. Well, both. 

Music? What songs do you guys like? I love pretty much anything- I'm always open to suggestions! I recently have been enjoying Complicated by Avril Lavigne.

Bookssss? My 8 yr old brother is currently starting to read Percy Jackson, and I feel like I'm reading it for the first time again XD My constant refrain is "What part are you at? Is it good? ect ect" I'm also reading it anyway though. I recently re-read the Lunar Chronicles, and now bc I ran out library books I re-read KotLC as well.

Well, I guess that's enough for now. Byeeee!! 


submitted by @Rainbow&Thunder, age &Wafflecat, It's Hawkstar
(December 10, 2023 - 10:32 am)

ACK sorry I'm here

Yes! My brother really though he wouldn't like it, and I've been singing I TOLD YOU SO haha

I completly get what you're saying about the Chatterbox. It took me forever to get used to it-(though, I believe that happened in like August lol) 

I just realized I don't know ANY of y'alls CB appearance... so what do you look like on here? 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(December 29, 2023 - 4:16 pm)
submitted by TOPstar
(December 30, 2023 - 6:52 pm)