April 2016

Rise to new heights with this daredevil Cricket.

Adopted by Cuban-American parents and living in Miami, eleven-year-old Mariel takes a trip of a lifetime when she returns to her Chinese orphanage in “Miami by Fujian.” 

Can wisdom and goodness win out over meanness and badness? Find out in “The Terrible Kites of Len Yo,” a tale of ancient China filled with the wisdom of Lao Tzu.  

At the beginning of the twentieth century, daredevil Dolly Shepherd stole the show, and the hearts of her fans, as she risked life and limb parachuting from high-flying balloons. Read her amazing story, and enjoy some amazing photographs, in “Hang On, Dolly!”

And speaking of amazing, have you ever ridden in one of those brightly colored hot-air balloons? Enjoy the ride as you get the behind-the-scenes story in “An Amazing Airy Adventure.” 

Enjoy the final episode of  “The Secret,” the continuing adventures of Morgiana in our retelling of the Ali Baba tale, and a new daredevil story contest. Even Pussywillow takes a daredevil kite ride! All in this month’s Cricket.

And this Cricket also presents some of the contributions of our readers to the Kyngdom project on our Chatterbox. Join the story! And may the Power of Wing be with you!