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Look Inside from Cricket Magazine -

April 2009

Discover the final fate of Cymbril and Loric in the final episode of "The Star Shard."

Have you ever been held hostage by monkeys?  Or put white mice in your uncle's pajamas? Or kept goats in your bedroom? These wild animal doings are all in this month's issue. Learn the art of mehndi, or henna painting, and make a cooling drink from India. And see who wins the Cricket Country Play-Offs.

Cricket League

Old Cricket's Library

  • Mehndi Designs

    MEHNDI PAINTING - Look at these step-by-step creations of basic mehndi patterns. There's also an elephant pattern!

  • Part 2

    HURRAH FOR MR. DAVIS! HURRAH FOR MR. LINCOLN! - Miss an episode? Read it here.

  • Part 9

    THE STAR SHARD - Did you miss an episode? Read it here.