Good books. Very

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Artemis Fowl
Good books. Very...

Good books. Very intelligent. Artemis is incredibly awesome. No cats whatsoever.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.38, NJ
(June 2, 2009 - 5:00 pm)

I think these books are okay, but not great.

submitted by IMA
(June 2, 2009 - 6:54 pm)

I personally like them because they're written from an intelligent perspective.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.38, NJ
(June 3, 2009 - 4:22 pm)

Foaly pwns. I love that guy. XD And No1's cute too.

submitted by Commander Kip
(June 3, 2009 - 9:12 pm)

Very original, too. The Time Paradox is my favorite.

submitted by Maddy, age 15
(June 3, 2009 - 8:59 pm)

By the way, what does "pwn" mean?

I hope Eoin Colfer (awesome name) writes more... Miranda had only just come into the stories, and she was superb.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.38, NJ
(June 4, 2009 - 3:50 pm)

Miranda is great! I'm glad somone has made an Artemis Fowl thread.No idea what pwn means.

submitted by Chloe E., age 11, California
(June 5, 2009 - 6:03 pm)

Refresh my embarrassingly short memory. Who exactly is Miranda??  Is she the girl genuis who Artemis met in The Lost Colony?

submitted by Phoėnix
(June 17, 2009 - 11:34 am)

What do you have against cats? I also like the series, but it was a little dull at times.

submitted by Mara C., age 12.6 or so, i am here
(June 8, 2009 - 11:23 pm)

Cats? *coughs* Long story. Warriors= cats and therefore cats= annoying, to me, anyway. And plus, who does like cats? They're gross and furry and... I don't know, I'm just not a cat person.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.41, NJ
(June 9, 2009 - 4:50 pm)

Couldn't put 'em down. I loved Commander Root. These authors have a knack for killing my favorite characters. (Paolini killed Brom, Riordan killed Beckendorf, Colfer killed Commander Root.)

submitted by Annie
(June 9, 2009 - 6:26 pm)

(ALERT! Commander Kip is scheduled for a routine two-week disappearance starting at one o'clock this afternoon. Goodbye.)


*narrows eyes* Annie? Do I know you?... eh. Probably coincidence. Nevah mind.


Yeah, I was devastated when Root died! NOOO! It was so saaad... but I loved the Time Paradox. That was so sweet when Holly got to say goodbye to Root... *sob* And you guys know that Kipin is a nearly hopeless romantic in disguise, so I liked that one... part... in the zoo... y'know. That part. I liked it. XD Minerva annoys me somehow... too cliche, maybe?

submitted by Commander Kip, age 16, off to astronau
(June 14, 2009 - 12:11 pm)

Look, I just don't see why you hate cats so much! What did they ever do to you? And FYI, Warriors=anthropromorphic, and Warriors cats=not real! Real cats= amazing, good, not like Warriors.

Artemis Fowl the character (who, for some reason has the same first name as a Greek Godess - why?) was intelligent, but not very interesting to read about. I mean, come on! He's not even a good person! Personally, I liked Holly and Foaly a lot more. Oh, oops. I just looked back at what I've written, and I realized it looks like I'm saying that only good people are interesting, but what I meant was, he's not interesting OR nice. Sorry.

submitted by Ima
(June 10, 2009 - 9:52 pm)

I doubt you've read all of the books, because if you had, you would know a) why Artemis is "named after a Greek goddess" (who was also, uh, the goddess of wisdom, so...) and b) that Artemis is not entirely "evil" and reforms to a certain extent.

I think you should finish the series if you haven't already, personally. It gets better with each book.

Just because a character isn't "nice," to use your word, doesn't mean that they can't be very interesting. And to me, intelligent equals interesting. Or maybe dumb just equals dull, either way.

I don't like cats because

1. I'm allergic :) and have therefore never been attracted to them.

2. I'm not an animal person.

3. They're furry and gross and mooderately annoying.

4. I heterodogmatize.

5. Warriors.

6. I just don't. Am I entitled to my opinions?


submitted by Mary W., age 11.42, NJ
(June 11, 2009 - 3:58 pm)

I specifically said that I didn't mean a character had to be nice in order to be interesting, I meant he was neither, therefore making him even less apealling to read about. He's like - oh, I don't know. I'm entitled to my opinions too. And sorry, I was still in the middle of The Eternity Code when I posted, and I hadn't reached the part where he explains his name. But Artemis wasn't the goddess of wisdom though, that was Athena.

submitted by Ima
(June 12, 2009 - 1:48 pm)

Sorry, you're right... I meant the hunt... which works for Artemis.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.42, NJ
(June 13, 2009 - 10:33 am)