In other words,

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

CB Author Interviews AKA Author of (every other) Day!
In other words,...

In other words, a way for us to flatter each other immensely.

A lot of big shot writers- and debut authors and Other Authors- get interviewed and those interviews sometimes make it to a publisher's website, fansite, YouTube, TV sometimes, etc. etc.

Well, now it's time for the authors of the ChatterBox to get star treatment!

Every other day, someone will get picked to be Interviewed. Fellow CBers will post 3 questions i.e. Why did you start to write? and then the Author of (every other) Day will answer them (for their alloted 2 days of CB Stardom!). And then after their 2 days are over, they'll choose someone else to interview (or they could let me choose since I have too much time on my hands... *hinthint*)! And repeat repeat repeat. This is a good way to get everyone prepped and ready for their future real-life author interviews. And it's also fun. And flattering.

Try to pick someone who posts frequently, since they only have two days to answer des questions. (an easy way to do this is to click "Last Reply" on the thread twice so you can see who posted recently_

Now lettuce begin!


Let's start with... (*searches Inkwell and BaB for frequent post'er*) 



From the information that I can gather in a few seconds, the intelligent SC is a frequent post'er on RPS. She is currently a part of the Deaderlands RP (which she also started) in which she plays/writes as Peter Pan. She is also part of the RP started by the phenomenal ARPS which currently has no title. She writes as Juliet Butler in said RP. There is a countless number of other RPs and RRs which she is a part of and/or started.

She was a participant- and winner- of the 2011 NaNoWriMo. Her hobbies include the delicate and renowned art of Running Like a Maniac, playing the piano and chorus. The music she novels to includes: New Divide and Famous Last Words, and the music she listens to when she is not novel'ing includes Muse, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance and- occasionally- Greenday. She currently lives Somewhere In the Universe but also vacations to Narnia on occasion.

Her works include but are not limited to:

The Guardian Angiks of Demok High (a novel written for NaNoWriMo) 

Endeyrory Pracea also known as Endey the Slayer in An Untitled Dragon RP (started by the amazing Tiffany W.) 

Cartmer Tylara Animesti Tasbreeyard vika'Drom in New Character Lounge (which she also started)

Hephaestus in Mythology RP (started by the ever-so-smart Choco)

Nyx in Mythology RP

Shade Chase in Put-Your-Character-In-A-Room (started by the amazing Quintus) Shade Chase was also featured in another Character Lounge

Dante Rossi in Steampunk Fantasy Circus That Definitely Didn't Copy The Night Circus By Erin Morgenstern (started by yours truly)  


Q&A Time!

(try a minimum of 3 for Maximum Flattering but more is always appreciated I'm sure)


Q: When did you start writing?

Q: Who is your favourite character that you have written? Including both original fiction and RP characters.

Q: Which character that you wrote would you say is most like you?

(sneaking in an extra few questions)

Q: Which character that you didn't write would you say is most like you?

Q: If you could write a story of your life, what would be the title?


And I probably stole half those questions from some interview or English worksheet. ;)


Now let the games begin! 


(and if you were wondering, when I do my research, I do my research well) ;)

submitted by Olive
(April 6, 2012 - 11:37 am)


Q: I've noticed that you write fanfiction. What is your dream crossover?

Hm... I don't know. Doctor Who x a lot of things, for one. I once had an actual dream wherein Lady Margolotta of the Discworld series showed up in the Twiverse, which was lovely. Because the League of Temperance >>>>>>> being "vegetarians"

Q: If you had to stick to ONE canonverse for the rest of your life, what would it be? And by canonverse I mean CANONverse, not cross-verse.

I'm assuming you mean for writing fanfiction...? In which case, most likely Harry Potter.

Q: If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Well, jeans. And it's a toss-up between my Follies T-shirt and a collared shirt/tie/sweater vest. And a hat. My trilby, probably.

Q: If someone ventured into your room, what would be the first thing that sticks out at them? 

Well, there's the skull. It's facing the door rather dead on. Although—two weekends ago someone really did venture into our room (at four in the morning), and all she did was invade my roommate's bed and act befuddled when we tried to get her to leave. So who knows.



What's your favorite book?

That sound you hear is my brain exploding from overload. I can't pick just one! But probably one of the Discworld books?

Who's your favorite author?

I believe I answered this before, but Terry Pratchett.

If you had to choose one character to be for the rest of your life, who would it be?(either from your stories or from other people's work)

Uh, uh, one of the Doctor's companions. It doesn't really matter which one (except not Rose).

Do you believe that the world will end in 2012?

Why, yes. Because I'm going to take over. *cue scare chord*

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(May 9, 2012 - 8:02 pm)

What's your favorite book?

Who's your favorite author?

If you had to choose one character to be for the rest of your life, who would it be?(either from your stories or from other people's work)

Do you believe that the world will end in 2012?

Okay. That was a lame question. Sorry bout that. :)


Admins, is it okay if I post a pic? 

We only post your own artwork or photos that don't show people or personal ID info. Not something picked up somewhere else to which someone else may hold the rights.



Boris says cfcx (Boris is my spambox). Not quite sure what that means... 

submitted by Macon W., age 16, Middle Earth :D
(May 9, 2012 - 5:54 pm)

Okie-dokey. TNÖ, you were nominated the 7th of May and right now is the 10th. So who do you want to nominate for the next AoEOD? :D

submitted by Olive
(May 10, 2012 - 7:16 pm)

I don't know... *is terrible at making decisions* You can pick. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(May 11, 2012 - 2:37 am)

Okay! Thanks! :D The next AoEOD is... Macon W.! 

Macon is 16 years old and resides in Middle Earth.

Q: If you could meet with any LotR character, who would it be?

Q: Which do you like to read better, original fiction or fanfiction? Which one do you like to write better? Why?

Q: If your favourite character had to be played by an actor/actress (living or dead), who would it be and why? 

submitted by Olive
(May 11, 2012 - 7:51 pm)

Oh wow! That was unexpected... :) THANK YOU!!!


If you could meet with any LotR character, who would it be? Definitely Pippin. Or Faramir. One of my best friends nicknames is Pippin. :)


Which do you like to read better, original fiction or fanfiction? That's a toughie. I like fanfiction because it's often filled with inside jokes and cool stuff, but I'm gonna have to say that I like reading original fiction best. Without the original, we couldn't have the fanfiction. :)

Which one do you like to write better? Ummmm, whenever I can't go to sleep at night, I like to compose fanfiction in my head, but if it's on paper, I like writing original.

Why? I don't know...maybe because my mind becomes alive at night...

If your favorite character had to be played by an actor/actress (living or dead) who would it be and why? Oooooh, I cannot remember her name at this moment but the girl who plays Miss Gracie in Sargeant York and Mary in Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Why? Because she's awesome. And she looks like my main character in the novel I'm writing right now.


How long do I have to answer questions and before I have to pick someone else?

submitted by Macon W., age 16, Middle Earth :)
(May 12, 2012 - 11:08 am)

I think this is the actress who played Mary in Yankee Doodle Dandy.

from the trailer for the film
The Hard Way (1943).

Born Joan Agnes Theresa Sadie Brodel
January 26, 1925 (age 87)
Detroit, Michigan, United States
Occupation Actress
Years active 1934–1991
Spouse Dr. William G. Caldwell (1950-2000)
(his death) 2 children
Awards Golden Boot Award
2006 Lifetime Achievement
Walk of Fame - Television
1560 Vine Street
submitted by Admin, Hollywood
(May 12, 2012 - 11:42 am)

YEAH!!! That's her! Doesn't she look awesome, guys? (I'm a bit of an old movie nut if you haven't noticed...)

submitted by Macon W., age 16, Middle Earth :)
(May 12, 2012 - 12:06 pm)

She looks a bit like Doris Day from the Man Who Knew Too Much (remake) (QUE SERA! SERA!)

submitted by Olive
(May 12, 2012 - 3:29 pm)

How long has this been going and who's been done?

submitted by Saz, age 13, Out of the clouds
(May 10, 2012 - 11:14 pm)

@Saz. This as been going on for a month and 10 days. The Authors-



Blackbery E. 


Elizibeth M.

Tiffany W.

Emily L.


I would love to be the next author!!!! 

submitted by Claire H.
(May 11, 2012 - 9:45 pm)

Hmm...I wonder who will be picked?

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 11, Flowers
(May 11, 2012 - 9:09 pm)

We'll just have to wait for Olive's great mind to decide.

Tobi (spammy) agrees, he says gowe!

submitted by Saz, Out of the clouds
(May 11, 2012 - 11:39 pm)

Aww thanks!

submitted by Olive
(May 12, 2012 - 12:00 pm)

Oh wait! It's Macon! Go Macon! Laughing

submitted by Saz, Back in the Clouds
(May 11, 2012 - 11:40 pm)