Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



The latest Ask Admin Thread. Its purpose is obvious. Ask Admins away!!! 

So Admin, I was wondering to what extent can we talk about romance? Because I really need a little help in that area... but I won't go into details quite yet.


Not much, Joe. Sorry. 


submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Ask Admin Vortex
(November 22, 2013 - 3:07 pm)


I'm new to the Chatterbox, and I was wondering if you could help me.

How do you post a new thread?

Also, how do you know when someone answers your comment? I have a tablet, and if I exit, I have to find the thread all over again. 


Oh and also, do you like Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Lost?


To start a new thread: From, select one of the sections: Down to Earth, Inkwell, Blab About Books, etc. When that page comes up, look for a colored rectangle in the top left area and select "Click here to talk about" . . .  Then start your thread on the page that comes up.


The only way you'll know someone replies to you is if you look at the thread. If you can't find it again on a front page, go to the very back. For some reason we can't explain or fix, posting a reply often sends a thread to the last page. Then when someone makes another reply, it comes back to the front. That's while you'll see some comments that just say "top." Someone was just moving the thread back to the front.

I've never seen Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Lost, though I know Doctor Who has a lot of fans on Chatterbox. I may give it a try sometime to see what I've been missing. I do like the Sherlock Holmes stories I've read.


submitted by Doctor Sherlock, TARDIS
(January 31, 2014 - 10:11 pm)

ok, Thanks!

submitted by Doctor Sherlock, TARDIS
(February 1, 2014 - 1:10 pm)

Admin, if a CBer submits too much inappropriate and/or rule violating content can they be banned from the Chatterbox altogether?


Not if they submit something appropriate. We'll just keep deleting anything inappropriate.


submitted by anonymous reg cber
(February 1, 2014 - 9:21 pm)

Admin, why is it that every time I update a CB page, part of the page goes totally black? Is that just my computer, or is it something with this website?


I have no idea. This is the first I've heard of this. Does anyone else have this trouble? What exactly do you mean by "update a CB page"? Do you mean submit a new comment on an exisiting thread?


submitted by Mag Fan
(February 2, 2014 - 11:04 pm)

On my computer, there is a little 'refresh' icon by the searcg bar at the top of the screen. If I have had the CB website up while my computer has been in hybernation, I'll update the page so I can see of there have been any new commennts. So was I basically mean is when I refresh the chatterbox website, part of the page goes black until I click on something else. Hope that was clear!

submitted by Mag Fan
(February 3, 2014 - 8:33 am)

I get that exact same thing on my computer at home! What kindof computer do you have? I have a Windows Surface tablet, and I only get this problem on my tablet, not on the school desktop. Could it be something with the Surface tablets? 

submitted by Lionreader, age 14, Virginia
(February 3, 2014 - 12:08 pm)

I have a Windows Surface tablet, too! Thank is sooo cool! It must be just a Surface thing then.

submitted by Mag Fan
(February 3, 2014 - 1:15 pm)

Admin, I hope you don't mind answering a short survey I've written up special for you. Here it is:

1. What gender are you (male, female)? Some of each

2. Is one of you the main Admin, or do all of you pretty much screen the same amount of comments in a day? We're all equal in CB authority. Each usually covers certain hours, but the number of comments that come in at any time varies from day to day. And if one of us is extra busy with other things or away, we cover for each other. We don't keep track at all of who posts the most comments.

3. Can you screen the CB comments from your home, or do you have to be at work to do so? We can screen comments from a computer anywhere.

4. Are there any specific times during the day (or night) that you're usually always screening the CB posts? The hours vary with whatever else we have to do. I try to get everything waiting posted at the end of each day and am often on from 10 to 11 pm Central time, if I'm free.

5. Do you Admins ever post things other than replies to posts directed towards you? We post all CB comments, also Cricket League and Spider's Corner winning entries, and more.

Thank you for taking my survey!

P.S. If you think that any of my questions are a little too personal, just don't answer them, and know that I don't mean anything by it.  

submitted by Lionreader, age 14, Virginia
(February 2, 2014 - 11:12 pm)

Admin, Lottie's mom has one more question for youbefore she decides whether or not to let Lottie come on the CB again: How do you Admins know if any of the CBers could be adults trying to find out information about the other CBers? I know, this is a weird question, but her mom insisted that I ask you. ;P

Admin: Mag Fan, we have no definitive way of knowing who the CBers are, but we don't allow CBers to share any personal information, usernames from other websites, or links to personal websites. 

submitted by Mag Fan
(February 3, 2014 - 1:20 pm)