Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



So yeah, this is the new AA thread, and I will ask the Admin: What happened to my post asking if I could make a movie about the CB? Are you guys discussing it?

Right. I opened it after 5 on Friday. So no one is likely to see the query till at least Monday morning.


submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 15, Ask Vortex
(June 29, 2014 - 8:49 am)

Another curious question.

Is there any special order the comics at the bottom go in? And why do different computers have different comics?


The comics in Cricket go in the page order of the magazine. But I don't know what you mean about different computers having different comics.


submitted by St.owl, age 10
(February 16, 2015 - 1:57 pm)

I'm sorry, I should have been more specific. There's a little cartoon at the bottom of all the chatterbox posts, but I've noticed that it changes when I use a different computer.

Oh, I don't know about that. I'll ask our webmaster.


submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 16, 2015 - 2:34 pm)


These cartoons all old "classic" Cricket & Ladybug strips. It should start with a random one, and then as
you go to the next page it'll do the next one in the set. Each set is from an old Cricket magazine (1970s or 80s). Once the set
is complete, it starts another random one.

submitted by Webmaster, age Eternal, WWW
(February 16, 2015 - 5:30 pm)

What does it mean when somebody says, (wierd name) says (wierd thing that is not a word)?

Example: Bubbles says blag

What does that mean? 

submitted by ????, age ????, ????
(February 17, 2015 - 8:35 am)

They are talking about that spam box at the bottom of the submit page. They give it names, and make it into a pet, called a CAPTCHA. Mine is Cookie. Also, why do people say "bottom"?

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 17, 2015 - 1:32 pm)

I don't know exactly why people "bottom" threads, but I guess maybe it could be because if you want your post to top up and posts above it have 0 replies, we all know that if you post once then the thread goes to the bottom. ???

submitted by Air
(February 22, 2015 - 5:59 pm)

Maybe they want to be a little different...? Because, you know, there are so many tops out there...?


submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 26, 2015 - 4:43 pm)

Admin- Thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much for making the CB possible. CBers are pretty much my only friends so I appreciate your work even more. Also what's the email for emailing a letter for the Letterbox?


You can email letters to:

We'd love to hear from you!


submitted by Young Writer
(February 28, 2015 - 5:17 pm)

Also, when's the next IC?


I'm sorry, I really can't say. It's hard to find a time that's good for most people.


submitted by Young Writer
(February 28, 2015 - 5:18 pm)

I just submitted a post, and I got a notice that said something like "your browser must have cookies for CAPTCHA violation". Then I tried it again and it worked. Any idea what happened?


No idea. I'm glad it worked for you the second time.


submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 28, 2015 - 8:00 pm)

If I were to post some words on the fantasy dictonary now would they get looked at or used? Becuase i had some ideas and they aren't going to be seen,,,,


I think Fred is just about finished looking for words for The Girl Who Writes the Future, but anyone on the Chatterbox is welcome and encouraged to look at the dictionary and use the words in their own stories.


submitted by MapleSyurp
(March 3, 2015 - 8:40 pm)

So I'm just wondering, what exactly do you do as an Admin? Do you just sort of scroll through the chatterbox all day long, or do you kind of... I don't know, is this like a full time job, or do you have other work at Cricket?


I do various editorial work on all the Cricket line of magazines. This week, I'm reading Cricket League and Spider's Corner contests poetry entries. While I'm working, I try to check Chatterbox as often as I can.


submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(April 23, 2015 - 4:30 pm)