CB Record book!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CB Record book!

CB Record book!
This is exactly what the name sounds like: A place to keep record of everyone!
It's like another way of organizing the CB, but people are less likely to be offended, since there is no ranking in this one.
It's basically a survey, or a charrie sheet.
CB name:
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial):
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined:
How you came up with name:
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name:
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs:
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in:
How did you come up with your name:
CB personality (3 sentence limit):
And here is my entry/page:
CB name: Mei-xue
Real name(optional): It's a secret…Mwahaha!!!
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): 
Date joined: October 7, 2015. Same as Scylla!
How you came up with name: Name of character in show.
Age(optional): 3.142592653589793238462643383279502884297169399375105820974944592307816406266208998626034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725354808128…Just kidding! (BTW, I typed that from memory.)
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: N/A. I just randomly signed up for an RP!
CAPTCHA's name: Xiǎo tùzǐ 
CAPTCHA's appearance: Little white bunny! Extremely cute.
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Hèmǐn and Fúdìmó
Their appearances: They are the Chinese Hermione and Voldemort, respectively.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Hèmǐn's crushes are 8-Piece, Torstyn, and Dev. Fúdìmó does not believe in love, so he looks down on Licorice.
Roleplays you are in: 
Redone Harry Potter RP--balletandbow 
True Selves RP--Me
Percy Jackson RP--Me
Warriors RP--Me
Marked RP--September 
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I don't hide my flaws, feelings, or opinions. I'm rather fiery, I stand up for what I believe in and am interested in civil rights. I love the CB, and while most people try to keep their bad traits off of here, I throw myself into it and so all my flaws are visible. 
HP hybrid House: Slytherdor.
Other: Harry Potter rules! Bunnies are cute! CB is the best!
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 1:44 pm)

PSXtreme... She's a Mudblood Slytherin and proud of it!

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 5, 2016 - 10:05 pm)

And Torstyn. He's excited to be in Gryffindor. 

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 5, 2016 - 10:06 pm)

CB Name: Abigail S

Real Name: *raises eyebrows* And why would you like to know? A couple CBers know, 'cause I've chatted with them outside of CB, and if you really are crazy for this information (ha, nobody) you can go to the January/February issue of Stone Soup and look for the story titled 'Join the Fun'. That's me!

CB Appearance: How I picture my CB self is basically the same as me in real life, but sure, I'll post an image.

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Date Joined: I wrote my first post on September 2nd, 2015. I had been reading stuff for a few weeks before that.

How You Came Up With Name: *sighs* I've explained this way. Too. Often, but. Abigail isn't my real name, and I don't really want to use my actual name on the internet 'cause privacy. It is a beautiful name, and it was one of the options for my naming. Geez, I used 'name' so much in that paragraph it doesn't even sound like a word anymore.

Age: Well, eleven! Though a lot of people in real life think I look older. (My birthday is soon though... I'll be twelve! Eeee!)

Intro Thread?: Nah, I just dove in and left it to you guys to figure out who I was. Here's my first post though! http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/blababoutbooks/node/182115

CAPTCHAs Name: Ookz. I haven't been using him very much recently, though... Since Mandy came around, the AEs sort of shoved him out of the spotlight.

CAPTCHA Appearance: Haven't given it much thought... When asked before, it's been a fluffy tan puffball with cat ears and tail.

Number of AEs: 3 (Not getting any more... it's already a lot.)

Their Names: Critic A (usually refered to as simply Critic or A), Mandy, and Hobbes.

Their Apperances:


Critic A





Their Crushes, Enemies, Etc: Hobbes has a crush on Feather, Mandy is friends with Pinkie, and Critic is on quite good terms with Feather and Hémîn.

RPs I'm In: *slaps forehead* Okay, I'll admit it, I'm really, really, bad at RPs. I join more than I can keep up with, but they all look SO COOL! I've been trying to tone it down recently, and with all the homework my teachers have decided that we need all of a sudden, I haven't had time to post on a lot of them. *sigh* Enough with the rant, here's the list.


Redone Harry Potter RP, balletandbow (Is this dead yet? Not really sure...)

Warriors RP, Mei (For LB's contest)

CB Personality: I tend to be more cheerful and witty on CB than in real life, mostly because I can think about what I'm saying before I do. I also get really enthusiastic about things then totally lose motivation. I'm way too amused by the Crush War.

HP Hybrid House: RAVENPUFFS FOR LIFE! (High five, ballet!) 

Ookz says zezt. Zest? Why did you make lemon zest? 

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose In a Book
(June 5, 2016 - 11:45 pm)

Um, okay.


CB name: The Novelist, though some calle me Novelist or Nova

Real name: ha ha no. It's extremely and unique, but let's just say my friends irl call me Rose (it's not even Rosemary)

CB appearance:look below for the sterotypical image of a nature lover. 

Date joined: I think, mid-January?

How: I am very non-creative and I refer to all my books as "novels" for some reason

Age: 13 1/2

No intro thread

CAPTCHA's name: Wubdub (still cringing at that name ugh)

Appearance: picure a baby griffin, small wings, exceptionally large eyes

ONly one AE, Nova, average-looking girl, but really an advanced humaoid robot. NO crushes (YET)

Roleplays: HUnger Games, REmade "real" RP, Civil War RP, story character RP

Personality: sometimes annoying, derp, kind, I guess?

HP Hybrid House: Gryffhuffleclaw or whatever. 



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submitted by THe Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 5, 2016 - 11:50 pm)
CB name: Butterfly
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial):
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined: July 4, 2012. I have almost been here for four years!
How you came up with name: I wanted something cute and related to nature, so I chose Butterfly
Age(optional): 12
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/103283
CAPTCHA's name: Cozi
CAPTCHA's appearance: I never thought of her having an apopearance, but I guess a younger version of Cozi Zuehlsdorff.
Number of Æs: 0
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in: I don't do roleplays
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I'm kinda shy and quiet, but I like my own way and kind of nudge people in that direction.
Other: I am one of first five oldest CBers on here.
submitted by Butterfly
(June 6, 2016 - 8:49 am)

CB name- Savvy44x

Real Name- Leila. (Pronounced Layla)

Cb avatar- Rainbow/pink/blond wavy hair. A lopsided top hat. A VERY glittery outfit.  

Date Joined- July 14, 2014. Or July 16. I'll have to check...

How I came up with my Name- Maple and I wanted to be Minecraft Youtubers but we needed names, and my favourite Minecraft YouTubers were Stampy Sqaishey, and Stacy, so I wanted a name starting w/ an S, ending w/ a Y and having an A in the middle. Also Savvy means smart. The 44 is random and X is the coolest letter of the alphabet. 

Age- 11.... Wish I was ten... Still mentally about 4...

Link to intro thread- it wasn't a three on its own, I posted in on someone's New CBers Welcome Thred. Here ya go  http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/downtoearth/node/139074?page=1 hope that works!

Capatcha name- Bubbles

Capatcha  Appearance- A little blue bubbly bubbled dude that kinda looks like a whale, but mostly just a bunch of bubbles with an adorable face

AE Stuff- I'm combining this into one question. I have 2 AEs, Potato, a redheadef hyper girl who wears dresses made out of potato sacks and is very childish, athletic, and energetic, and BeckyTheAustraillianTourGuideWhomEveryoneKniwsIsSecretlyBritish, who is a British tour guide pretending to be Audtailian who is super smart and kinda mature, but not really and is about 20 years old with two dark brown braids. Neither of my AEs participate is Cricket.

Roleplays I am in- currently? None.

CB Personaliy- Optimistic, immature, and... Nerdy? I don't know.

Other- I don't know, my life is too complicated. Go find almost any newer CBers welcome thread, and I'll tell you all about myself.... 




submitted by Savvy44x
(June 6, 2016 - 9:43 am)

CB name: Owlgirl

Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Elena
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Owlgirl real FINAL
Date joined: February 7, 2015
How you came up with name: I dunno...i like owls, and for usernames and stuff I usually put "Owlgirl"
Age(optional): 12
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: Not my introduction thread...I never really had one, I just joined...but the first thing I ever said on the CB:    http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/blababoutbooks/node/156539
CAPTCHA's name: Micna
CAPTCHA's appearance: An adorable pigmy owl
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Grace & Umbridga
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Grace- enemies are Umbridga and anyone who steals her candy. crushes are none.   Umbridga- enemies are Grace   Crush is Torstyn. (whenever he's in town, she suddenly starts acting really nice)
Roleplays you are in: None at the moment. I just got back on.
CB personality (3 sentence limit): Writer, fun, passionate
obsessed with Hamilton 
submitted by Owlgirl, age 12, Texas
(June 6, 2016 - 11:26 am)


submitted by Torstyn
(June 6, 2016 - 2:28 pm)
CB name: Booksy Owly
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Not telling!
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): This is how I imagine myself on the CB, not how I actually look.
Date joined: March 26, 2015
How you came up with name: Well, I like books, I like owls, and I've always wanted someone to call me Booksy, soooo...
Age(optional): 14
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name: Nope. Actualy, I had one name Bobble, but he kind of disappeared into the unknown...
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs: Nada. Rien. Zero.
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in: True Selves RP
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I am knd of timid and shy, rather innocent, and a little old fashioned. I love, love, love classics. I tend to stay on the side-lines more, though I love the CB.
Other: Am I the only one here with no AEs or CAPTCHAs?
submitted by Booksy Owly
(June 6, 2016 - 12:42 pm)

Here's the pic!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(June 6, 2016 - 2:43 pm)
CB name: St.Owl
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Sorry, that's the one thing (next to my address) I don't broadcast on the Internet.
CB appearance (anime avatar creator): See attached at the bottom.
Date joined: January 12, 2015.
How you came up with your name: Well, when I was on Pottermore, a lot of people had nicknames, and I wanted one. So I took a few Patronus/Animagus test, and I kept getting owls and stags. So I combined the two and made a Stowl. However, that wasn't allowed on Pottermore (the word, I mean-- they wouldn't let you post with it), but they did allow St.owl. Eventually, due to my mother, I realized St.owl-- St.Owl! Genius! And it became my internet alias.
Age(optional): 12
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: I never made one. It was funny, because the first time I saw an introduction thread, I was like, "Wow, why didn't I do that?"
CAPTCHA's name: Clode
CAPTCHA's appearance: Pretty much a Pygmy Puff from Harry Potter, except with little stumpy legs that he can barely walk on. He can change colors, but he mostly sticks with navy blue and royal purple.
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Feather and Devil Owl
Their appearances: My computer's being horrible and I can't go on my hosting site. I'll post them in separate posts after this.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Dev is currently allied with Evil Devin (against his will) and fighting MewFour and Fúdìmó. He has a crush on Volcano and maybe an itsy bitsy teeny tiny very very very small crush on Puck. Feather gets along very well with Critic and may or may not have a crush on Hobbes which is currently undetermined.
Roleplays you are in: Um. I join a LOT of roleplays.
-The Kástro Elénchou RP (please post, guys!)
-The Percy Jackson RP
-The True Selves RP
-The Dragonriders RP
If I forgot an RP, it wasn't intentional and I'm still in it, don't worry.
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I have no clue.
HP Hybrid House: I'm a big supporter of Hufflepuff, but I'm going to have to say Slytherclaw.
Other: ...I have a dog?
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submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 6, 2016 - 3:07 pm)


CB name: Cho Chang

Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Hannah G.

CB appearance(anime avatar creator): See below.

Date joined: Technically 9/9/15, but I posted under Hannah G. and Coco posted under Nora G., so the Admins thought we were the same person. So, they did not publish any of my posts.

So, on September twentieth, I changed my name to Cho Chang.  

How you came up with name: I'd been on an HP kick, and I really liked Cho's name, because it was so cute and exotic. ^^

Age(optional): 12, almost 13.

Link to introduction thread, if applicable: N/A

CAPTCHA's name: Sloth

CAPTCHA's appearance: A sliver sloth.

Number of Æs: 4, total.

Their names: Blizzard (deceased), Elsa, Pinkie PIEper, and Thorn

Their appearances: See pictures attached below.

Their crushes, enemies, etc: Elsa is crushing on/mad at Torstyn, and is best friends with Puck. Pinkie PIEper has no crushes (yet) and everyone is technically her friend. Thorn has a crush on Mrs. Elton, and Saphira-dragon is his enemy.

Roleplays you are in:

Remade HP RP -balletandbow

CB fantasy reality RP -Katydid

True selves RP -Mei-xue

Ashan Rp! Yea ... -Cho Chang

Marvel Comics RP -Brookeria 

CB personality (3 sentence limit): Nice, Fangirly person. (this is taken from the Compliment threads)

Other: N/A

HP Hybrid house: Slytherclaw

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 6, 2016 - 3:07 pm)

Here's Feather:

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submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 6, 2016 - 3:07 pm)
CB name: Brookeira
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Brooke E.
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): myAvatar (2)
Date joined: June or July 2014
How you came up with name: I meshed the names "Brooke" and "Keira". Because... erm...
Age(optional): 13
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: I DIDN'T MAKE ONE (laughs manically)
CAPTCHA's name: Crypto
CAPTCHA's appearance: Yellow cat with strange mystic purple symbols on it; has yellow eyes and is costantly grinning with its strangely large mouth
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Masked Piester and Baelfire
Their appearances: MP: Black curly hair, violet eyes, violet mask, black cape with violet lining, androgynous. Bael: Orange spiked hair, pure orange eyes (no pupils/irises/whites), floats
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Baelfire has a crush on Volcano Fire (what? n-no!)
Roleplays : 3
CB personality (3 sentence limit): Wise, smart, nerdy
Other: Has water, ice, teleportation and telekinetic powers
submitted by Brookeira
(June 6, 2016 - 3:12 pm)

And here's Dev (he's upset there wasn't a blaster option):


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submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 6, 2016 - 3:13 pm)