CB Record book!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CB Record book!

CB Record book!
This is exactly what the name sounds like: A place to keep record of everyone!
It's like another way of organizing the CB, but people are less likely to be offended, since there is no ranking in this one.
It's basically a survey, or a charrie sheet.
CB name:
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial):
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined:
How you came up with name:
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name:
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs:
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in:
How did you come up with your name:
CB personality (3 sentence limit):
And here is my entry/page:
CB name: Mei-xue
Real name(optional): It's a secret…Mwahaha!!!
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): 
Date joined: October 7, 2015. Same as Scylla!
How you came up with name: Name of character in show.
Age(optional): 3.142592653589793238462643383279502884297169399375105820974944592307816406266208998626034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725354808128…Just kidding! (BTW, I typed that from memory.)
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: N/A. I just randomly signed up for an RP!
CAPTCHA's name: Xiǎo tùzǐ 
CAPTCHA's appearance: Little white bunny! Extremely cute.
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Hèmǐn and Fúdìmó
Their appearances: They are the Chinese Hermione and Voldemort, respectively.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Hèmǐn's crushes are 8-Piece, Torstyn, and Dev. Fúdìmó does not believe in love, so he looks down on Licorice.
Roleplays you are in: 
Redone Harry Potter RP--balletandbow 
True Selves RP--Me
Percy Jackson RP--Me
Warriors RP--Me
Marked RP--September 
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I don't hide my flaws, feelings, or opinions. I'm rather fiery, I stand up for what I believe in and am interested in civil rights. I love the CB, and while most people try to keep their bad traits off of here, I throw myself into it and so all my flaws are visible. 
HP hybrid House: Slytherdor.
Other: Harry Potter rules! Bunnies are cute! CB is the best!
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 1:44 pm)

Here's me:

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 6, 2016 - 3:14 pm)


Yes. She has changed, due to Torstyn being unresponsive. Sloth says avaa. Avada Kedavra? *gasps*

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 6, 2016 - 3:16 pm)


submitted by Cho Chang
(June 6, 2016 - 3:23 pm)

Very pink.

submitted by The Riddler
(June 11, 2016 - 12:40 pm)

Here's Thorn!

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 6, 2016 - 3:37 pm)
CB name: The Riddler
Real name(optional, but only first name, last initial):Elena P.
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): It depends. Maybe I'm  a shape shifter.
Date joined: February 2nd, 2016
How you came up with name: I used to be Elena P. but I didn't really feel like going under a normal name, and of the names that popped into my head, that one felt the best.
Age(optional): 13
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name: Charles
CAPTCHA's appearance: He's a niffler, from Harry Potter. With a top hat. They're kind of like dog-mole creature things, with really long snouts. They love shiny things. 
Number of Æs: Uno
Their names: Stan
Their appearances: He's kind of a tall, cartoonish character with brown hair, a green and purple striped top hat, and a green top hat
Their crushes, enemies, etc: He won't tell me
Roleplays you are in: argwen RP (Which somebody really needs to post in) and I feel like there are some that I'm forgetting
How did you come up with your name: Didn't you just ask the same thing earlier?
CB personality (3 sentence limit): Erm... I don't feel like I would be a good judge of my own personality.
Other: Go Ravenclaw!!!
Charles says opny. You think New York is OP? Well of course, they have Hamilton!!!
submitted by The Riddler
(June 6, 2016 - 3:38 pm)

CB Name: Clouded Leopard

Real name: My name spelling is so uncommon I feel like saying it would give me away, so I'll just give a misspelling of my name- Erin R.

CB Appearance: Medium tall girl, frizzy white-blonde hair, sky blue eyes, leopard ears and tail, a mint green blouse, dark blue pants, barefoot.

CB date joined: January 8, 2016

How you came up with your name: I've always had a connection with leopards because of a group my friends and I formed. We each chose an animal, and I picked a leopard. I thought clouded leopards look really cool, and Cloud sounds pretty.

Age: 13

Link to introduction thread: none. I joined SE's fantasy RP.

CAPTCHA's name: Vixtion

CAPTCHA's appearance: She's a kitsune. In fox form, she looks like a small white fox with a pink tail-tip and muzzle. In human form, she's a little girl with a pink dress, white

Number of AE's: Two

Their names: MewFour and 8-Piece

Their appearances: MewFour is a Mewtwo with a black fedora and an even darker soul. He's spiteful, vain, and arrogant, but also clever, cunning, and extremely loyal to Fúdìmó. 8-Piece is a tanned 16 year old boy with dog ears,  a dog tail and a dog nose. He's chill, relaxed, and bright, interested in marine biology. He gets very flustered when he's presented with big news.

Their crushes, enemies, etc: MewFour is everyone's enemy, except for Fúdìmó and 8-Piece (in a way).  8-Piece is the opposite; he's friends with everybody, and has a crush on Hé-mîn. 

Roleplays you are in: Dragon Riders RP, Katydid's fantasy RP, Alternate AE/CAPTCHA School RP, and the AE Hotel RP.

CB Personality: Polite whenever a problem arises and eager to reside it, not liking disagreements. Poetic and artsy, likes to compliment and shares with others. However, can be stubborn and a bit lazy.

HP hybrid house: Proud Ravenpuff!

Other: I like organization and Ski Lodges! I'm from Kansas.

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(June 6, 2016 - 4:32 pm)
CB name: Phantom
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Skip!
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined: August 21. 2015
How you came up with name: Phantom of the Opera, partly, and also some horror stories....
Age(optional): 13
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: l didn't make one, but this is my first post! http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/180061?page=1
CAPTCHA's name: Not appliple....l don't have one.
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs: None.
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in: None, l haven't been here for a while. 
HP House: Slytherin!
CB personality (3 sentence limit): l don't know.....l lurk around a lot, l'm very excitable and kinda....strange.
submitted by Phantom , age 13, Ghostly Places
(June 6, 2016 - 4:34 pm)
CB name: Indigo Keli
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): It is on the CB, somewhere. Maybe posted in an ancient long dead thread or a new, bottomed thread. Y'all have no idea, and you aren't figuring it out any time soon. mwahahahaha. I've already given out so much info, my name isn't going anywhere, even just first-and-last-name.
CB appearance (anime avatar creator):
I'll leave my CB appearance for you guys to imagine. I like hearing what you guys think I look like. 
Date joined: During CS. Beginning of July, I think? Woooow that's almost two years. *mind blown*
How you came up with name: First RPG. Liked the name. Kept it. On here, I'm like a character in a book, who is me, but isn't. I guess that's part of it.
Age (optional): meh. I also enjoy having you guess my age. People think I'm older than I actually am, I boy do I love it. When someone thinks I'm older than I am, I frickin' love it. 
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: none
CAPTCHA's name: ... "that thingamajiggy down at the bottom of the tab"? "CAPTCHA". Thinking about Captchas, makes me realizes, I think of it as being "CAP-CHAA". Huh.
CAPTCHA's appearance: A little puff ball with big eyes and tiny, almost unnoticable little paws and little whiskers. 
Number of Æs: none. 
Their names: none
Their appearances: none
Their crushes, enemies, etc: none
Roleplays you are in: (Live RPs only, otherwise it would be too many for me to remember) Brookeira's RP. 
How did you come up with your name: Already answered this.
CB personality (3 sentence limit): Our intrepid young heroine, Miss Indigo, is a punny, trying to be optimistic but failing, young person in a crazy, crazy, Chesire cat's grin world. She's the sane one in the crazy world, or maybe the crazy one in a sane world. Or something.
Other: none
submitted by Indigo
(June 8, 2016 - 5:19 pm)

Cb name: Will T

CB appearance: Brown hair and eyes, green shirt with a front strap across it. 

How you came up with your name: Ooo, big mystery.

submitted by Will T.
(June 9, 2016 - 7:36 am)

Name: Andra (used to be Alexandra)

Real name: Alexandra Y.

CB appearance: Uh, I don't really know how to make those things

Date joined: sometime Febuary or March, 2016

How you came up with name: It's a nickname. I like it more than my real name.

Age: 10 (Am I one of the youngest CBers on here?)

Link to intro thread: don't have one! Was I supposed to make one...

CAPTCHA's name: Marigold

CAPTCHA's appearance: A marigold flower, obviously

number of Æ's: 0, right now

RP's you are in: Marked RP--September

CB personality: I don't know. I was never good at judging myself.

HP hybrid house: Slytherclaw

Other: none.  




submitted by Andra
(June 11, 2016 - 4:36 am)
CB name: Leafpool
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Not telling. :)
CB appearance (anime avatar creator): Erm... I don't know if it will work, but I'll try to post it later.
Date joined: I think I first came on in October 2014, but I wasn't posting and I left after a couple weeks. My official coming-on was in November 2015, I think. 
How you came up with name: I really liked the Warriors series, and Leafpool in the original ones was my favorite character. I liked her name, so I use it on here.
Age (optional): Umm... I'd rather not tell, but I will reveal it in 2017 on my birthday, I promise. That's kinda long to wait, though. But I'm somewhere in between 10 and 14.            
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: I never made one. I just randomly came on the CB.
CAPTCHA's name: Hazel
CAPTCHA's appearance: Hmm... if I get the Mega Anime Avatar Creator to work, I'll post a picture.
Number of Æs: 2 currently.
Their names: Arwen and Serene. 
Their appearances: Arwen has loooong wavy blond hair, wears purple jeans, purple shirt, purple sweater. Serene is...darn, I forget the appearance that I posted last time. I think she had brown shoulder-length hair, though.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Arwen has a crush on Evil Devin, who has a crush on her. Serene doesn't have any crushes...yet. 
Roleplays you are in: The Marked RP, the CAPTCHA and Æ boarding school RP that I made, um, not in a lot of RPs right now.
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I love cats, writing books, (I have one going right now) reading books.
Fandoms: HP, LOtR, Redwall, Star Wars, Warriors, CHATTERBOX! 
Other: None
submitted by Leafpool
(June 11, 2016 - 1:55 pm)

CB Name: Jack-a-Nat

Name: Natalie (like I used to be)

CB Appearence: Shown below: Long, wavy, thick, reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, pale, freckled skin.

Date Joined: 5/21/16, but I was on here before last year, but didn't do anything (I think)

How I came up with my CB Name: I have a best friend named Jackie, my name is Natalie, and my nickname is Nat, combined: Jack-a-Nat

Age: ?

CAPTCHA's Name: Pavlavla

CAPTCHA's Appearence: Brown hair, bangs, blue eyes. 9 years old.

Number of AEs: 2

AEs Names/Appearences:

1. Donut: Pavlavla's twin with slightly wavy brown hair and brown eyes. 9 years old.

2. Crysti: White blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin. 100 year old elf with crystal powers (but looks in her 20s.

They both have no crushes or anything like that.

Roleyplays I'm in: I don't know which ones: a lot.

CB Personality: Thinks too hard about things, doesn't understand RPs until they are posted on, joins to many RPs but doesn't realize until I have to quit.

Other: I don't think that I have any CB friends (other than Shy, but that doesn't count because he is my real life friend), but I look up to a lot of people and want to be their friend.



submitted by Jack-a-Nat, age ?, Natalie
(June 17, 2016 - 5:42 pm)

Here's a picture of my CB Appearance:

submitted by Jack-a-Nat, Natalie
(June 18, 2016 - 8:25 am)
CB name: S.E., duh. And some of you know my full name from the porty book I wrote awhile ago.. but anywho..
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Again, I'm annoying and will make you look at old posts to try t see where you can find my full name
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): Well... I made this one, but I love it, so I'll post it at the bottom.
Date joined: My first post on Old Cricket's Library was on April 6th, 2013 (I think, maybe March) and my first CB comment was November 25, 2013
How you came up with name: Well, I looked at my name and was like WOAH! S---- E----! I'll use my INITIALS!
Age(optional): 13 as of last October
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/downtoearth/node/124941
CAPTCHA's name: Usually Spammie. It depends on his mood.
CAPTCHA's appearance: A noodle
Number of Æs: only the ones in my mind *sinister smile means nothing
Their names: n/a
Their appearances: n/a
Their crushes, enemies, etc: n/a
Roleplays you are in: Sadly, none currently. I'm too busy working on my... 13 current novels and 56 other fully plotted ones..
CB personality (3 sentence limit): Um... I don't know... 
Other: I wear all green mostly, I am an avid mountain biker nd rock climber, my favorite food is lettuce, I have way too many novel ideas, and I procrastinate and I have ADHD and I am diagnosed with a condition that is called giftednesss that I do not believe in. DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM!! Oops, sorry. I am also a passionate Tolkieite, very active in the community of writers, and a passionate Christian who isn't afraid to speak her mind. Oh, yeah, I also am a theatre geek and dream of beng an author/psycologist/broadway actress/entrepeneaur/good person/missionary. Totally possible. I also never, ever bie off more than I can chew. *said as I choke
submitted by S.E.
(June 18, 2016 - 11:41 am)