Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Please help me. I have many questions. I'm sure they get old when all the new CBers ask them over and over again, but I promise that I will catalog your answers in my heart and Microsoft word. Then when I am the metaphoricall gray-haired CBer, I promise to pass them on to new CBers.

1.  What is an AE? May I have one?

2. I am fairly certain CAPTCHA has something to do with the letters you type in to prove you're not a robot, but what is the significance of that? How does one use them?

3. Am I allowed to join a roleplay after they have already started the writing?

4. Are there etiquette rules I should know?

5. What is a good way to introduce myself?

6. Do threads eventually disappear?

7. CBers, introduce yourselves! I would love to meet you. 

8. I notice that Inkwell is mainly writing, as it was meant, but Chirp at Cricket is not only about the magazine. What do people normally post in each...category? What are those called?

Any answers and advice are much appreciated!  

 Welcome, Brown Bear!

1. Alter Ego ("other I"). You can create your own, a character to show a different side of your personality.

2. Just type the letters in. The selection is random.

 3. Usually not, but you could ask the person who created the thread.

4. Comments must be respectful and kind.

5. Just tell us a bit about yourself.

6. Threads remain forever, but sometimes they are hard to find because there are so many!

I'll let someone else answer the rest. It's late and there are other comments waiting to be reviewed and posted.


submitted by Brown Bear
(January 19, 2017 - 11:38 pm)

Wow! Thank you everyone - that was very, very helpful and I feel very, very welcomed. I am charmed to meet you!


submitted by Brown Bear
(January 21, 2017 - 3:15 pm)

You're welcome, and I am glad you feel welcomed by us all!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(January 21, 2017 - 5:28 pm)

Welcome to the CB!

1. An AE stands for Alter Ego, which has many different definitions but on here means a character a CBer (chatterboxer) makes to express another side of their personality. The recommended number of AEs is two, although one can theoretically have an unlimited number of AEs. Many CBers use different fonts to show when their AEs are talking. For example, my two AEs are Basil and Jammira.



2. The Admins' definition of Captcha is correct, but we Cbers have given them personalities, attempted to translate their 'words'and even named them! My Captcha pet is named Fwum, after his first word. Say hello Fwum!


3. Generally no 

4. Be nice to others, respect other people's opinions, no cursing (rule of the chatterbox), keep everything approiate for someone at the age of 8 (another CB rule), and recently some people have asked for proper grammar, unless of course your using bad grammar in the dialogue of a character that may be illiterate. 

5. What the Admins said.

6. Never, unless the Admins delete it.

7. I'm Embers in the Ashes. I'm a songwriter, author, actor, fencer, and photographer. Nice to meet you.

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(January 21, 2017 - 6:39 pm)

Wow! How long have you been fencing? 

As always,  I love to hear about what people create. That's one reason I'' excited to be here on the chatterbox with so many creative people sharing their art! 

submitted by Brown Bear
(January 22, 2017 - 2:50 pm)

Hi Brown Bear! I think you've had many answers to all you questions so I'll just tell you a bit about myself.

I'm Dandelion (I like flowers) I love to read and draw, not very into writng or so much roleplay on  Inkwell. And BTW I am addicted to rubik's cubes :P

submitted by Dandelion
(January 21, 2017 - 7:36 pm)

Welcome, Brown Bear!!

I'm Caroline. I'm homeschooled, love to draw, look at other people's art, sew, read books, and lots of other stuff too! 

I'm glad we have a lot of new people!!! 

submitted by Caroline
(January 22, 2017 - 12:38 pm)

Thanks, Caroline! I love to draw and look at other people's art as well. My favorite thing to draw is people, but I'm trying to bramch out.

I go to a public school, but I think it would be wonderful to be homeschooled. I'm a bit envious.

submitted by Brown Bear
(January 22, 2017 - 3:24 pm)

Hi Brown Bear! Nice to meet ya! I see that most of your questions have already been answered :) I'm September, and I like books, debate, and volleyball!


submitted by September, Welcome Brown Bear!!!!!!!
(January 22, 2017 - 4:41 pm)

Hey, I debate too! Do you do any special league or anything?


submitted by Caroline
(January 23, 2017 - 11:18 pm)

Really? Cool! What kind of debate do you do? I do Parlimentary, and I think I'm in the RDCL League? 

submitted by @Caroline, September!!!
(January 24, 2017 - 10:24 pm)

Hello! My name is Ronan, and I'm 12 years old. I'm a slightly older CBer and have been on for around the same time as most other people (It's my CBversary this month!)

I do a LOT of Kyngdom, which can be reached through Inkwell. It's a very complex but fun interactive storytelling preject, and I hope to see you there!

I also have two AEs and a Captcha.

Hello! (This is Iona)

Umm, hello... (This is Hype)

"allo" (This is Chad)

So that's pretty much everything. 

submitted by Ronan
(January 25, 2017 - 1:26 pm)

Nice to meet you, Ronan! I am fascinated by Kyngdom. Maybe you'll see me there when I feel like I've gained my footing.

submitted by Brown Bear
(January 25, 2017 - 5:48 pm)

Hmmm... I haven't heard of that one. I'm in a league called "Stoa". (It's a homeschool debate organization.) Also there's the NCFCA league, which I'm not it, but we know a few people who are.

I do Parliamentary Debate, too!!!! I also do Team Policy Debate.

That's so cool! So, is your parliamentary debate like where you get a resolution like twenty minutes before the round and then debate it? Because that's what we do in Stoa.

submitted by Caroline @September
(January 25, 2017 - 10:30 pm)

Yay!! Parlimentary debaters for the win!! If by resolution, you mean topic, then yes. We usually get topics a month ahead, and research them, and then at the actual tournament, we get assigned the topic 20 minutes before each round, then debate! 

submitted by September @ Caroline
(January 27, 2017 - 8:09 pm)

Cool!! (And yes, we call topics "resolutions". I don't really know why... :P)

submitted by Caroline @September
(January 28, 2017 - 2:06 pm)