Hello and welcome

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to the cber ball it will start right now and will never end but you can leave when ever you know. You can bring someone or go alone.

Have Fun!!!!! 

submitted by Cber ball
(April 30, 2017 - 10:53 am)

So if anyone has any intrest in doing it with me fine with me

I will be wearing anchor earings and a sea foam green dress along with mint blue roses tide up in a leather string along with a white bag for my phone and silver lipstick wth blue dye at the ends of my hair.Going along with the beachyish theme of my out fit I will be wearing NO SHOES! 

submitted by DiamondBright/Stampy, age ageless, Anywhere sparkly
(May 7, 2017 - 7:19 am)

@Joan, sure! This will be fun! Oh and yeah, my bad XDpw 

submitted by Will T.
(May 7, 2017 - 7:09 am)

@Cockleburr: Here you go! *hands you a purple bow tie* *straightens own green tie* We are going to kill with these fabulous things! [Jk. Or am I... I am. Don't worry:)]

submitted by Rae
(May 7, 2017 - 9:22 am)

Thanks, Rae! We look fabulous. Let's try to avoid killing, shall we? Unless we have an extremely good reason, that is.

Eevee said Pint! Cool! 

submitted by Cockleburr
(May 7, 2017 - 12:14 pm)

I think the theme of this ball is going to be NO SHOES, because everyone is saying at they won't be wearing any shoes. Well, I WON'T EITHER!!! XD

submitted by Rae
(May 7, 2017 - 1:26 pm)


In real life, I hardly ever wear shoes if I don't have to.

submitted by Cockleburr
(May 7, 2017 - 2:28 pm)

OK, elementgirl, DiamondBright, I had an idea to work this whole mess out. Double date. You know, I can take two people to the ball. I'll be graced with the presence of BOTH you lovely ladies, and all the crazy problems are solved. Does this sound good to you guys?

Also, I suggest Masquerade from the Phantom of the Opera. Or anything from the Phantom of the Opera, really. 

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(May 7, 2017 - 3:40 pm)

You can go with DiamondBright.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(May 7, 2017 - 5:06 pm)

Really? YESYESYEYSSSS oops I yelled

submitted by DiamondBright/Stampy, age ageless, THE BALL!!!!
(May 10, 2017 - 7:29 am)

We need a boy who can...like...dance with all the ladies...

Maybe Will and Gared can...except they have dates so...yeah....

submitted by ...
(May 7, 2017 - 3:51 pm)

Yes!!! Ok well... I'm just going alone then... Hey Dumpun and Starseeker can I hang with you in the corner. I don't think there are anymore guys. I am coming in well, it's in the picture. Although instead of the clack Top I'm wearing a grey sweater that says: Me? Weird? Always.


Please don't submit images you've copied from someplace else. Only your own original work, please.


submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(May 7, 2017 - 5:19 pm)

Why does nothing I do work? WHY?? Is it some speck of fate chosen to visit? Or is it just 'cause I'm bad at stuff? The world may never know. I wish I was not so bad at this whole ball thing. I might just withdraw to stop all the drama. So... I'm gonna write a poem.

This day, I feel

Has given me sorrow

So I look ahead

to the depths of tommorow.

My luck could change

Or it could stay

but I would be happy either way

because I can continue on

and begin a fresh, new day.

There may be trial

the may be fear

in it's own style

it draws near

but I can pull away

because there is more after today.


submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(May 7, 2017 - 7:29 pm)

First off, General Waffleson:

that was a REALLY good poem! You should post it on a poem thread!


no, don't withdraw! I think Diamondbright is sad, but she wants to make elementgirl happy! And elementgirl wants to make Diamondbright happy! Take them both! Do that double-date thing! Or take no one, and dance with them both at the ball! Worse case scenario, there's plenty of room in the corner with Dumpun and I. (and Esquire) :)


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(May 8, 2017 - 7:11 am)

That was an AWESOME POEM WAFFLESON! Okay I'm done writing in caps. BUT REALLY!

And I agree with Starseeker! Don't leave! Take the girls on a double-date or take no one at all! Dance with both of them! :) 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(May 8, 2017 - 5:19 pm)

So sorry Admins! 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(May 7, 2017 - 9:26 pm)