I feel this

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I feel this

I feel this community has grown less welcoming to certain groups of people. I just want to ask if everyone here tries to be as accepting and non-discriminatory as possible. It's a community I love, but I may have to leave it if some changes are not made.  

Thank you 

I'm sorry you feel this way, whoever you are. Everyone is equally welcome here.


Please see new note from Admin at the end of this thread.

submitted by +
(June 25, 2017 - 9:25 am)

I haven't noticed this. I actually think the community has grown more accepting since the Diversity War. Of course, I do see issues, but they are issues that seem to have always been there and that are slowly getting better and will continue to get better. I'm not sure exactly what you mean, and so I don't really know what changes could be made. Maybe you could suggest some?

submitted by GreenMango
(June 25, 2017 - 11:14 am)

+, we do allow diverse characters. We just may limit discussion about some characteristics we've deemed inappropriate for Chatterbox.


submitted by +
(June 25, 2017 - 2:22 pm)


submitted by +
(June 25, 2017 - 6:35 pm)

Oh dear, I'm sorry you feel this way. I personally have not noticed what you are describing. And since there's not a lot of specifics in your post, I'm just going to cover everything on my mind.

I personally want to let you know that I love everyone, and am all for equality--be it race, religion, gender, LGBTQA+ (I'm glad we got that settled last year), and even just differences in who we are as unique people with personalities, meaning our likes, dislikes, passions, and ideals. I think differences are a beautiful thing. :)

They are something I think the CB has been embracing more and more as the years pass. That's not to say that it was a bad place before this vague thing I'm thinking of--no, I've always loved the CB, and I've been here for quite a while! I believe things like equality, openness, and acceptance in general is something that is always, always growing, no matter how good they may have been in the first place.

On the topic of what others think, I second Gared in saying that I think the CB has become more accepting, and people have been able to mention things they didn't get to speak about before. One of them being of course, as he said, some of the topics of the Gender War. I don't know if that's what you're referring to, though, so I won't go very into it. Both on a deep, personal or even serious level--and also in an everday manner. That everyday manner, I think, is one way you can tell something has changed in a good way. Inkwell is a great example. It has always been a really great place of expression, and I think it has become even more open. I mean, just look at roleplays, stories, and poems people create and you may get what I mean.

Another thing I wanted to say is this: don't be afraid to say outright what you feel needs to change. You have the option of being anonymous, like you chose to be in this thread. The CB is a safe space, and if you feel something needs to be changed, I'm sure the rest of us are more than welcome to taking whatever ideas or suggestions you have. It's hard to address those "changes" you mentioned if we're not as clear on what they are.

Nevertheless, I hope what I've said spoke for something. I want you to know that not only am I here for you, but everyone else is here for you--and each other. :) <3 

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 25, 2017 - 4:38 pm)

Correction: I wrote GreenMango as gared. Sorry, don't know how that happened...maybe I saw the name, and when I was typing out my post, thought G for Gared?

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 25, 2017 - 6:32 pm)

To Whom it may Concern:

Lately, there has been occurrences in the world which may make certain people scared, worried, nervous, unhappy, etc. And as such, many people have been asking for help here.

You should not be able to shelter everyone from a small set of problems. Please, can you at least try to be a little more accepting of what you have called “discussion?”

Thank you for your time.
We stand by our guidelines of keeping discussion to themes that we consider appropriate for even our youngest readers.

submitted by +
(June 25, 2017 - 7:51 pm)

O.K., I'm still a bit confused and so far I haven't seen anyone openly be un-accepting in a while (so I think you're talking about the Admins not posting certain threads). I hope I haven't been offending you or anyone else in any way or anything... 

I think I get what you are referring to then, and I do agree that I would like some more discussion about these topics. I also thought it would be better for the younger readers to be introduced slowly to these issues on the CB then get shocked the first time they found out about them (like I did when I was younger). But Cricket can't apease everyone. If they allow for too much discussion, then others will get uncomftorable, fights might start, and parents might complain about them. They have found a middle ground and they have to keep a middle ground, even if I might not always completly agree. If someone is asking for help though, I do think that should be allowed (of course I'm just an ignorant teen, what do I know, please don't get mad at me anyone, ahhhh).

Still yet to be named Captcha says phyh. Mmm, pie. Or do you mean fi? Fee fi fo fum? 

submitted by GreenMango
(June 26, 2017 - 5:13 pm)

If you're old enough and wanting to discuss more serious and mature topics, maybe check out Cicada's The Slam (cicadamag.com/theslam) or find another forum that suits your needs. I agree with the Admins' decision to keep the website appropriate for younger audiences, and if that means disallowing certain discussion topics, I'm okay with that. I think it's less an issue of discrimination or censorship and more about keeping things PG.

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 26, 2017 - 5:45 pm)


submitted by Zen , America
(June 29, 2017 - 6:29 am)

I agree with +, please admins. 

submitted by Zen , America
(June 29, 2017 - 6:20 am)

@admins, could you maybe delete this thread? it's not comfortable. thanks.

I think it's a significant conversation for those who are concerned. I suggest you just stay away from it if it makes you uncomfortable.


submitted by A concerned kid
(June 26, 2017 - 2:20 pm)

I feel very strongly about not discriminating people. I have not encountered what you are talking about, and I try to be as welcoming as possible to all.


submitted by Kitten
(June 26, 2017 - 4:09 pm)

I see this is escalating very, very fast, but can we try not to have a war? ADMINs, if you could please try to make sure you keep everyone in mind when you make difficult choices.

Yes, we are keeping everyone in mind and several people on our staff discuss and help decide our policies and issues as they arise.


submitted by Gared
(June 26, 2017 - 7:32 pm)

Nah, it's not escalating. I think people just have plenty to say. But I think everyone's being chill....I mean you don't see anyone yelling at each other. Everyone's being respectful/calm. I think it's an interesting and relevant discussion to have, even if we have to dance around the topic a bit. To my understanding, people are just putting their input on the thread, like people ususally do.

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 26, 2017 - 9:37 pm)

Whew... I understand what you are talking about, and I understand what others are saying too. Yes, we - as a whole - might not be the most accepting but also given it is how we are raised. Most of the CB are on the younger end and are working to form their own beliefs. So if their parents might see say, against something then that kid might start off their lives thinking similarly. Although over time we learn to develop our own beliefs. And some of us still might follow what our parents follow. Not because they chose it but because we also believe that. In other words, we all have various beliefs based off of gut feelings, emotions, experiences, social media, culture, religion, and so forth. It is part of human nature!

Okay, so the second part to this that I want to point out is a solution. Sadly... there is not much of a solution. It has been woven in our genes to make our own decisions since - well, since forever. While someone might support one thing and another does not, there is not much we can do. The best solution for the CB is to kindly state how you feel. If you are against these different groups, you may state kindly that you are not comfortable about that. The others might or might not decide to include it based off of your feelings. If they don't, don't get mad, just say you don't feel comfortable in participating in that discussion, RP, etc. and go to another thread. If you are for it, then do not argue with the poor soul. You know how hard it is being the odd one out? Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Maybe they are against it, just plain not comfortable with different groups, so forth. They might be confused or scared or angry. Who knows? But the best thing you can do as a friend in this community is to take a deep breath and settle things kindly. It doesn't mean you have to change an entire discussion, just be mindful. 

So yeah, I do see what you are saying. Completely. Is it as bad as it was say... oh, prior to the Diversity War? Nada. Fortunately, we are improving our acceptance of others. But it takes time. And as more CBers join, that means new ideas and more might need to learn to accept or ignore it. I mean, that is really the two kindest options. Getting in fights is ugly, and since we are not talking in person, often words come off harsher than intended since we cannot read emotions through a silly screen. So smile, accept the fact that people share different opinions, and help one another become more of an accepting community! And for one, I am very accepting towards all groups so no worries, you have someone in your corner. And I don't think this is a debate of whether or not who accepts what, we are just simmering down to the solution of the issue. And an issue there is. But look around, the world's an ugly place. And while I might not... uhh... entirely agree with the fact that we should shelter younger kids from reality *coughcough* of the real world, I am not going to argue with the Admins. Respect - for all opinions, including that of the Admin and CBers - are the most important part to keeping this community strong. I wish you the best of luck in helping find a solution, +!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 26, 2017 - 10:29 pm)