I feel this

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I feel this

I feel this community has grown less welcoming to certain groups of people. I just want to ask if everyone here tries to be as accepting and non-discriminatory as possible. It's a community I love, but I may have to leave it if some changes are not made.  

Thank you 

I'm sorry you feel this way, whoever you are. Everyone is equally welcome here.


Please see new note from Admin at the end of this thread.

submitted by +
(June 25, 2017 - 9:25 am)

Okay, thank you for responding to my comment. I'll await the posting of my comment on Ashlee G's thread, if it is indeed posted.

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 30, 2017 - 11:19 pm)

We arent allowed to call it anything other then 'gender issues' or else the admins will deleat the whole intire post, no matter if you spent hours on it or not. 


Actually, what you say above, Claaws, is not accurate. We use the term "diversity," and we don't necessarily delete entire comments, only the parts that dont's fit CB guidelines.


submitted by @Applejaguar, Claaws
(June 30, 2017 - 9:11 pm)

SEE! SEE! Im NOT the only one who feals this way! You can stop deleating all of my posts now! Also, why do they get to keep their posts when theyre basically saying the same things I am, or the exact opposite....in your favor....*sigh* never mind, just deleat this one like you do to all my other ones....................);


We don't delete all your posts, Claaws.


submitted by Claaws, Class of 2020
(June 30, 2017 - 9:14 pm)

And Gared offically deserves a hug. *hugs* 

And so does Icy. *hugs*

And everyone else standing up for other peoples rights *squeeze*

submitted by Claaws, Class of 2020
(June 30, 2017 - 9:25 pm)

And you didn't post half of this one. Disappointments.

submitted by Claaws, Class of 2020
(June 30, 2017 - 10:46 pm)

Oh yes, group hug to you guys! *Hug*

And to the rest of the CB for being... well, awesome of course *Hug* 

And to the lovely Admins, I might not agree with all you say, but thank you for being here for us all. *Handshake* 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(June 30, 2017 - 11:51 pm)



I'm sorry, that entire part about St. Owl's post disappearing.....I was looking at the wrong thread! It was on Ashlee's thread.

You can delete the part about me not seeing her post.

As for the rest of it about my post deleting, I don't know, because it says the last post was Owlgirl a little over 2 hours ago....I can't tell if it wasn't posted on purpose or just hasn't been posted yet. Please keep that part until I know for sure. If I was wrong, then I'll make a comment about that.

Sorry for the confusion! 


There are currently four comments older than this one that are being held in the "not posted" queue. We are carefully considering each comment, but may not post or reply to comments that have already been expressed and/or answered in previously posted comments. 


submitted by Owlgirl, age 13, Texas
(June 30, 2017 - 10:27 pm)

@Daisy:  1) I still find a great deal of entertainment and pleasure in Cricket!  I'm very much a young-at-heart person and I've always loved this company and this website!  The Chatterbox gave me my leaping point in serious writing, roleplaying, having friends with the same interests, and even introduced me to the person who has become my best friend!  While I'm a fair bit older, I'm typically able to get along with younger kids better than my peers, though you'll notice the older I get the less I'm on due to life and the now significant age difference.  But nonetheless I enjoy popping on here every so often.
2)  I really don't see how 10-11 and even older is an okay age for this.  You aren't a legal adult therefore your parents still decide what's best for you, and legal adult or not I don't see the need for everyone to be bombarded with it all the time.  Again I'm an adult and I still don't care to have it everywhere.  As to what some states do I can't control that.  But that's school and that's some states, this is the Cricket Chatterbox where the Admins decide what kind of content is posted irrelevant of what some states dictate. It's freedom of speech and press, meaning you can say what you want but they also have the right to decide what's posted on here. And again we're not in the dark so it's not like you need to be educating us nor is this the place to do it.
3)  Down to Earth is meant for topics that aren't Cricket, theater, book, movie, or writing centered.  Basically it's for talking about life things but not for controversial and inappropriate topics.  Down to Earth used to be one of my favorites because of the topics we could discuss there and advice we could advice and encouragement get on things going on for us. I don't see how the fact that we're allowed to discuss life commutes to people thinking you deserve to discuss inappropriate topics.
4)  Half the time it's not obvious what a thread is even about.  Another reason I'm on so little is I don't have time to filter through everything.  And even so we shouldn't have to work through everything worrying if it's going to be okay to read or not.  It's like if someone was writing about a book you were wanting to read but didn't say there would be spoilers until you'd read it.  That's not fair. 
5)  Well others of us feel differently regardless. And whether you feel it's okay, it's up to Admin discretion, not ours.  I think you should trust the adults to decide on things such as this because they have more experience and knowledge in this realm and know how such things go.  The Admins will be fair and judicious and won't treat anyone wrongfully.

To the person who replied beneath Daisy: But the point is that parents shouldn't have to sit there and filter through every single thing.  While I full on support parental invovlement in what their kids do online, they also shouldn't have to stress what their kids are going to see all the time.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(July 1, 2017 - 12:27 am)

(I'm the one below Daisy's post)

Parents should never have to filter through things! You are totally right about that. But sometimes parents choose to do so, and most often (although not always) it is clear what the conversation the child is engaging in is about. And if parents are not involved, they often set guidelines or rules that the child must follow about the internet. If that is also very lax, then the child should know what they are comfortable with reading. And like I said, parents shouldn't do all the work! They do so much for us all already.

Thank you, BHR and Admins. 

submitted by One below Daisy
(July 1, 2017 - 10:58 am)

Yes, it was me writing this which I felt was somewhat obvious. But again, why am I not allowed to express any sense of disagreement or an opinion if the others can?

You are allowed to express disagreement within our guidelines.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(July 1, 2017 - 4:12 pm)

Honestly I haven't really noticed the CB being less accepting or less welcoming to anybody lately, but I've seen tons of posts saying that it has. I'm not going to get involved, but Gared just left and more people might follow. I just don't want the CB to become consumed by this. I want it to stay a happy place where we play games, talk, and write.


Tuurquoise says ewww. Hey! Are you calling me disgusting? 

submitted by Dragonrider
(July 1, 2017 - 1:26 pm)

What I think is that overall we CBers, we kids, we people are not unaccepting. I really don't think we are.

I feel that this discussion seems to be more directed at the rules, structure, regulations of the CB. It is the rules that are making people upset, the filtering and/or editing of posts people see as postable, while the administrators do not.

So when people say the CB isn't accepting, they don't mean the actual people that make up the CB, I think. It's more of the address in the web browser, the guidelines set by the site itself.

(This brings up one of a couple differences between this conflict and the previous conflict, even though they are related. The last conflict was surprisingly black and white from the point of view I'm about to describe: it was CBers arguing over how they thought things should be. There was very clearly one opinion opposite of the other, until the Decision by the Admins that brought it to an end. That was versus enough to be considered a "War" (I don't like calling it that though). This though....I call this a conflict or a discussion or an issue right now, but we're not fighting against each other. Sure, there are different opinions, but if you've noticed, there's not too distinct sides. There's plenty of mixed feelings and ideas, and that's okay.)

One could argue over which makes the CB, well, the CB. If it weren't for the website and Cricket, we all wouldn't be here. However, it is us as CBers that fill this lovely community up, and make it a lovely community.

I don't know if this post necessarily helps the issue. It's not an opinionated post, rather an explanatory one., just pointing out things. And because it's explanatory, you'll notice I haven't offered an opinion, athough I've stated it a lot elsewhere. *shrug* I'm weird like that. (such as the one I posted earlier on this thread, updating everyone on the policies the Admins had defined so far by compiling quotes to make a sort of a rule set. That wasn't opinionated, or even completely relevant. It was like an info sheet. If we're going to discuss something then we need to be informed.)

...but as someone who not only likes to analyze history as it happens but history as it happens (as I've done sometimes with real world things), I wanted to point this out.  

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 1, 2017 - 5:55 pm)

Another topic with this issue is whether the said problem with the site and not the people is actually discriminatory, or acceptable, or restrictive, or reasonable or any of the things. And of course what people think should be done with it.

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 1, 2017 - 10:54 pm)

Here's a link to the Admin's specific guidelines. If the link doesn't work, copy and paste it. I hope this will help--and enjoy!


submitted by Icy, age 13inAugust, The Forest
(July 1, 2017 - 5:55 pm)

Thanks, Icy! I think some are still mad (validly) yet we do needed the reminder. So that settles *some* of the conflict! I am just hoping for some sort of compromise that lasts.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(July 2, 2017 - 10:20 am)