Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




Alright, so we all have pet peeves! What are a few of yours?

One of mine is when something is canceled at the last minute.


I'm probably driving the Admins crazy by posting so much today. Sorry about that Admins! 

That's OK. No problem!


submitted by Pastella
(August 5, 2017 - 8:02 pm)

Something that really annoys me that really shouldn't ('cause it's fandom related) is when people call him Doctor Who. He's the Doctor, the show is Doctor Who.

submitted by Rae
(August 9, 2017 - 11:09 am)

Grrr... yes, I hate that! Even a news channel called the 13th Doctor "The new Doctor Who is Jodie Wittaker!" NO. SHE IS THE NEW DOCTOR. HER NAME IS NOT "DOCTOR WHO". xD

Doctor Who is the oldest question, the first question, of the universe. Not his/her name. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(August 10, 2017 - 12:26 am)

I have even MOAR!!

3. People who say digital art isn't "Real" art

4. Trading card games.  I really, just don't understand them.  Especially Yu-Gi-Oh.

5. People who think Pokemon isn't an anime. 

6. People who misgender me (Like srsly people, I'm wearing a pink headband!!)

7. When people don't log out of their accounts on the school computers. (unless it's someone I don't like, then I make a google doc and write HI really big) 

8. Writers block

9. Artists block 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(August 10, 2017 - 1:35 am)

Ah, yes! To all of this! Ok, seriously, most jobs other than freelance art required you to be good at digital art, so... and, yes, all kinds of block suck! And although I'm not really bothered by being misgendered (when I do, it's mostly by little kids), it's still happens quite often, just because I have short hair. 

submitted by Bluebird
(August 11, 2017 - 9:30 pm)

I actually get really uncomfortable when I'm misgendered, mostly because then I get embarrassed that people don't think I'm "feminine" enough, since my hair is an inch long and I never wear skirts.  I've had people from age maybe 5-25 think I'm a male person.  I've had a guy at a restaurant yell "Sir!" at me because I don't like pickles.... I might make a thread about things that I don't like that other people don't like me for not liking. (Wow that was confusing)  

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(August 12, 2017 - 12:30 am)

I don't like it when people say dance isn't a sport. It basically is. It requires a lot of physical effort, mental effort, and time. Also, I don't do modern dance or whatever, I do Irish Step Dancing, but in the Championship level, there is also a point system, similar to other sports. 

And I don't like it when people don't use British English correctly. They say "favourite" but don't spell something like "realised" right.  

submitted by Killim
(August 10, 2017 - 9:08 pm)

Agh, yes! I do snowboarding and swimming, not dance, but a lot of people say those aren't sports as well. They definitely are, so I feel your pain!

submitted by SopranoTwo
(August 11, 2017 - 10:29 pm)

I feel you so hard on this one! Dance isn't easy. It takes work and pain to make it effortless, and requires as much, if not more, physical strength, focus and control as a more conventional sport. I take ballet, which is really understimated. People tend to associate it as something "girly", and due to stereotypical preconceptions, that's practically of "easy" or "weak". Ballet is blisters on your heels and calloused feet and gritting your teeth and putting your pointe shoes back on anyway. Ballet is twisting your ankle on a fouteé and stretching your splits and your flat shoes ripping after a week. Ballet is a partnership, a hierarchy, and always, always, always a competiton. It's as much a sport as football.

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(August 12, 2017 - 10:50 am)

1. When people say, "Chorus isn't hard."

Okay, I don't know about other people, but I sing in the San Francisco Girls Chorus, a world-renowned, internationally touring organization. We have rehearsal six hours a week, and once a month on Saturdays, we have an additional 6 1/2 hours (so that's TWELVE AND A HALF HOURS OF STANDING UP AND WORKING!!!!). Also, we don't just stand around and sing as we please, oh no. We have to memorize songs in languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Creole, and much more, sometimes within a few days of first looking at them. We also sing songs by composers such as Lisa Bielewa, Philip Glass, Pamela Z, Amy X Neuberg, etc. If you don't know who those people are, look them up! These songs are CRAZY. We're singing at Carnegie Hall this year, and we're performing an hour and a half long piece WITHOUT A SCORE. That's right, there are five notes we're allowed to sing, at any point randomly, but everyone else is playing nonsense, so you have no idea what notes you're authorized to sing. XD. You need perfect posture, extreme technique, enough stamina to sing for three hours in a row without breaks, the ability to work your butt off at home as well, and the will to put chorus first before everything ("I can't, I have chorus," is pretty much our catchphrase). You also need to be prepared for our director to call on you at any moment and make you sing the song as a solo! I'm not trying to complain, I LOOOVE chorus, but I'm only saying that YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER CHORUS IS DIFFICULT OR NOT. It's just as physically draining as playing a sport and involves much more inner body strength. YOU TRY AND SEE HOW LONG YOU LAST!

2. When people get upset before listening to your full story

Admittedly, I do this sometimes, but I am quick to lash out whenever someone does this (so I really just make it worse for myself, I know, I know. XD 

3. When you can't go see a Broadway show because it's too expensive or it was on Broadway in 2008 and they're making a movie of it and you're not sure whether or not you want to watch it and you just want to cry and scream and throw something because you can't see the dang OBC of In The Heights!

This one pretty much explains itself.  


I have more, but this post is already too long, so... I'll think of them later. XD 

Mudge says ahfk. Wow, Mudge, watch your language! But, yes, that's about how I feel with all of these. 

submitted by SopranoTwo, AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
(August 11, 2017 - 10:57 pm)

My pet peeve is when someone is picking their nails. It makes this annoying clicking sound, and when I tell them to stop they won't stop. It soooo annoying! MY other pet peeve is when people pick their skin. Sometimes I an hear it, and its just so gross. 

I can't handle whistles after they whistle once. I'm not talking about  people whistling i'm talking about those metal whistles.  It just makes my ears hurt. 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 23, 2017 - 8:59 pm)

my pet peeve is when someone writes on a white board and then erases it leaving behind little dots and pieces of whatever they wrote

submitted by Barnswallow
(November 13, 2017 - 3:41 pm)