Just saying hello. 

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Just saying hello. 

Just saying hello. 

To think, I'll be fifteen next month! 

Basically, I've been doing a billion million things. I've been doing a lot of D&D (Dungeons & Dragons, for those of you who don't do tabletop RPGs), working at the gym (as in a job, not getting muscular. >.>), playing a ton of Skyrim and Knights of The Old Republic, and basically enjoying the real world. OH AND FINAL FANTASY! Ohmigandaaallfff do I love it so much. Rydia is my favorite character so far. I've played through the first two, and we're working through the third now. (Coco, me and me dad, that is.)

The paragraphs here have changed and it's messing me up so badly. ;.;

I've been dabbling in Japanese arts, language and culture with bonsai, dorodangos, and more Studio Ghibli. There are several different levels of thank you in Japan. Politest: Hontouni arigato gozaimasu/Domo arigato gosaimasu (don't pronounce the last u.)

Domo arigato/arigato gosaimasu



Domo is super uber casual. :)

I like it here, but I feel like I'm still living in NC or WA, and it confuzzles me. I'm finally doing gymnastics again, too! So happy to be doing bars again. 

We finished Harry Potter, too! It's kind of weird not having to worry about spoilers.

Disney has been annoying my Star Wars love to pieces, so much so that I almost love Marvel more. *cries at the thought* I'm neutral twoards TFA, loved R1, hate TLJ, neutral towards Solo (It was decent, anyways. Enfys Nest for the win.)

I lurved Black Panther to pieces, and we're going back and watching all the Marvel movies. Poor Sif, just always being friendzoned by Thor. She deserves someone awesome.

I might reply back to some comments over the next few days, and I will be coming to the Valentine's day reunion after all. 

Wakanda Forever. 

Are you in Japan now? Will you be staying there now?


submitted by Cho Chang, age BATMAN, Wakanda
(July 19, 2018 - 9:16 pm)

I do remember you, Hermione! I remember there was a brief discuusion that we all agreed you should be president of the U.S. :)

And then I also remember joining, and being sad that someone was already Hermione. XD 

I was happy to be Cho, though. :) 

submitted by Cho Chang, age Bazillion, Wakanda
(July 31, 2018 - 7:22 pm)

Is this true!?! Can it really be!?!  

Oh please say you are still here Cho... so i can at least talk to you for a bit... *hugs so very tightly* We've missed you so so so much!!! I've missed you so so so much!!!!! *hugs again*  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 16, Camelot
(August 5, 2018 - 12:19 am)