A very Shortened

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

A very Shortened

A very Shortened Quizzy thing: I have about 5 minutes to do this, it's 12:30, my dad wants me to be in bed, so here we go: Wait, I have a better idea:

Tell a quote from a book, a movie, and a song. Now.

Book: This is very random. "S'matter?" he said.

Movie: "Mad and hairy? You woudn't happen to be talking about me know, would you"? Yes I know, very easy, but it's 12:30. Nuff said. 

Song: "Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye." Hint: think bugs.

Made it!

submitted by Mathilda B., Hogwarts
(September 1, 2009 - 11:34 pm)

It's my friend Claire's favorite.  :)

I uh... I kinda thought it was insane.  I didn't really get it.  Then again, I only saw it once, a long time ago, and sometimes I have to see them twice or more to really get them.  Usually, actually.  :)  Maybe I'll get it again.  :P

I remember a couple of things from it... like she (Julie Andrews) is in a convertable with a guy, and the matron or whatever of the place she is staying at gets a poison dart out of her ring, and it hits the guy in the neck.

And when she is trying to be modern, and she gets those rediculous undergarment and can't make the long beads look quite right. *snort*  :D :D :D

Oh, and when she'd trying to be cool and tries to smoke a cigarette, and she throws it in a window and something explodes...  :)

So anyway!  uh, bye! 

submitted by Laura
(September 4, 2009 - 1:25 pm)

Oh, I read that book!

submitted by Laura
(September 5, 2009 - 12:48 pm)

No one got my song yet? I guess none of you are ******* fans. (You thought I was actually going to give it away, didn't you?) More of the song: "Sittin' on a cornflake, look, I'm crying" Crazy, isn't it???? I luffs it. I'll tell you what it is on Monday. (Labor day! Yay! I get the day off from school!)

submitted by Mathilda, Hogwarts
(September 3, 2009 - 9:14 pm)

Actually, I knew it was I Am The Walrus, I just wasn't sure I was supposed to post it.

submitted by Reuben
(September 4, 2009 - 6:45 am)

Yay! Another Beatles fan! I *love* the Beatles. Especially George Harrison & John Lennon! Yay!

/*overuse of the word "yay!"*/

submitted by Mathilda B., Hogwarts
(September 6, 2009 - 5:10 pm)

Yay! Another Beatles fan! I *love* the Beatles. Esecially George Harrison & John Lennon! Yay!

/*overuse of the word "yay!"*/

submitted by Mathilda B., Hogwarts
(September 6, 2009 - 5:11 pm)

Hiya TNÖ!!!

submitted by Hi TNÖ!-Laura
(September 5, 2009 - 12:58 am)