Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




submitted by Anon.G,TWolf,SammyE.
(July 29, 2020 - 5:42 am)

I have no idea what's going on here 'cause I'm new, but I'm laughing so hard right now.

submitted by QueenofWolves
(August 6, 2020 - 5:14 pm)

LOL Yeah, there's a war between my friend's 'Timber Goat Kingdom' and my 'Everlasting Empire'. Wanna join?

P.S. Timber Wolf, Anonymous Goat, your rap was horrible XD

submitted by Sammy E
(August 6, 2020 - 5:51 pm)

I can't really rhyme, so I'll do my best.


We gonna defeat u,

You're gonna regret

The day that you

Set up the Timber Goat Kingdom!

The Everlasting Emipre

Will not fall,

But you will

Timber Goat Kingdom!!!



I'm sorry, that was awful XD!!

And Bradley said "diyfg". I think he wants to do a Do It Yourself Figurine challenge.

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 12, Kitten Kingdom
(August 7, 2020 - 11:37 am)

Hey, wassup,

I'm finally back

Ready to write another

Verbal attack.


I wouldn't even try!

If you comment I'll shoot back

Before the sun is in the sky. 

submitted by Jubilee, age unknown, the stratosphere
(August 8, 2020 - 5:07 pm)

Thanks Sammy, I'll totally join!  Just waiting for someone in the Timber Goat Kingdom to respond to the last comment so I can crush them.

submitted by QueenofWolves
(August 7, 2020 - 3:34 pm)



I’m not really on either side, so nobody will care, yeah

But I’m here with a rap

Cause somebody dared me 

I guess I’m with Everlast

Timber Goats are cool too

But whatever.  

My time’s up

The Dare’s Done



And I’m





submitted by Anonymous...
(August 12, 2020 - 8:14 am)

Okay, I've never even heard a rap in my life but here goes . . .

The Everlastin' 

Can't be taken down

So you should back out as we

Take our crown


Okay, this is what happens when I attempt to initiate in a rap battle when I have never even heard a rap xD.

Hey, MEOWrulestheworld3! get over here, help, stop geeking out about One of Us is Lying!

Okay, she refused so I'm on my own.


The timber goats,

You won't get to gloat,

See I even forgot to capitalize that

Your so forgetable, you'll just go splat








Okay I'm awful at this but yah let's fight back and WIN! >:D I have talents other than rapping, I'd say we should have an artfight. Actually, I have a good idea -- an alliteration battle!!! (puns too, maybe). SO basicly, we alliterate a bunch! 



As they say, alliteration sells so obviously the EVerlasting Empire has a better name.


Everlasting Empire Elequently Excentuates and Emenates Ecxellence, Elevating the Everlasting, Eagerly Ending Ecxsessively Evil Enemies.

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(August 20, 2020 - 5:02 pm)


Sorry, had to go to dinner so I didn't get to finish. 

The Everlasting Empire Elegantly Excentuates and Emenates Ecxellence, Elevating the Everlasting, Even Ecxitedely Embedding Elequence, Eventually Eagerly Ending and Earnestly Eradicating Ecxsessive Evil, Emptying the Entire Empire of Every Enemy.

That's twenty two. Can you beat that? I doubt it. You can use words like "the" and "and" but sparingly like I did and that's fine. You just can't use other words, such as "you" -- even that is too much.

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(August 20, 2020 - 6:24 pm)

Come on guys, RESPOND! I challege you to make a comeback that us alliterating more than I did.

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(August 25, 2020 - 6:25 am)