
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Anyone here who hunts? I do, as of the end of September. I'm chasing this hyoooooge doe, we named her Bleep because whenever she comes in she blows at us and scares away anything within five miles of us.

We've also got a big nine-point buck named Straight Faced Ace, we call him Ace. I sAw HiM wHiLe HuNtInG tHiS mOrNiNg BuT hE sPoOkEd OfF

It was below freezing this morning my toes almost fell off but you better believe I'm shooting Ace this week. It's the height of the rutt, deer mating season, and the bucks, well, they get pretty stupid. Just put out a scent stick that smells like a doe in heat and they don't give a stick for that pile of corn lol

Anyway, who else here hunts or shoots a bow or something like that? 

submitted by Nyx, age 13 years, Earth
(October 31, 2020 - 9:41 am)

Huh, I thought I was very anti hunting but I actually understand it a lot better now! Farming animals is super unethical and hunting seems like a more humane alternative. It does seem a bit hypocritical to criticize hunting if you eat meat. Personally, I'm pescatarian so I don't eat red meat. I also don't think I could stomach killing an animal, but I respect hunters! I think being able to shoot a bow is super cool!

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(November 3, 2020 - 2:17 am)

I feel like this thread isn't exactly going in the direction you intended, but I'm still going to say it... I always thought of hunting as a bad thing, killing innocent animals and stuff. But you put it in a whole new light, and you're right, hunting actually is far more humane than the horrible curcomstances that animals in factory farms are forced to suffer through, and thank you so much for explaining that.

Also, it's so cool that you do archery! I've always wanted to do it (not killing anything, but target practice and stuff) but I'm lazy and never got around to asking about it.  

submitted by PygmyOwl
(November 3, 2020 - 1:57 pm)

Wow, I'm really glad that so many people now have a new view on hunting. It makes me feel so good when can help change people's minds about things I feel are important. Y'all are awesome, woo!


Just felt like saying that. 

submitted by Nyx, age 13 years , Earth
(November 4, 2020 - 8:26 am)

I'm vegetarian, and I kinda morally disagree with hunting, but not nearly as much as I disagree with farm or factory raised animals. I do find hunting for food morally okay, but not for sport. For sport makes me so, so mad. Animal lives are no less precious than human lives, in my opinion. Really, if we could all just go back a bajillion years ago where we had to hunt for our own food, I think the world would be okay. In the meanwhile, I respect your opinion. I think it's okay for you to keep hunting, as long as you respect the animals. What I do not agree with is animals rasied to be killed that never get to live their lives. I'm glad you're hunting responsibly. Keep up the good work.

submitted by Someone, It’s Honeybee
(November 4, 2020 - 5:06 pm)

Thanks for sharing your opinion, Someone.

I will say, just briefly, that humane farmers will let a meat animal life a full life before killing it. In fact, for some animals that are bred for meat, cornish cross meat chickens for example, it would be inhumane to let them live longer than was necesary for them to grow to a meal-size. Their legs literally don't hold them, and they kind of sit in their own poop all day. So although I don't agree with any mass-production animal farms, the good farmers will think of the animal first, and not themselves. 

submitted by Nyx, age 13 years, earth
(November 4, 2020 - 8:09 pm)

That's super cool, Nyx! My dad hunts, and I've gone with him a few times. He shot a deer a couple weeks ago, and I went with him to track it, but we lost the blood trail after a while- we looked for about two and a half hours. It's awesome that you bowhunt! It's so much harder. I used to practice with a bow, but I haven't in a while.

Also, I'd like to add that hunting is a very humane way to get food! I absolutely understand where people are coming from, but Nyx explained it very well. There are a lot of regulations around hunting, and it actually helps the deer by keeping the population down so they don't starve. Just my two cents!

submitted by Quill
(November 5, 2020 - 4:49 pm)

I don't really appose hunting, as long as people don't hunt endaggered animals. I have a friend who hunts with her grandparents then eats the remains. I also don't feel that it is wrong as long as you use whatever you just hunted. If you eat the remains it is kind of the same as people killing animas on farms, exept you are the one who has to disect it. Hunting then throwing the food and carcass out is such a waist truthfully. I don't hunt but I do know how to use a bow and arrow, though the last time I practiced was about a year ago, so I probably have forgotten. 

submitted by MoonHalo, Neverland
(November 6, 2020 - 3:20 pm)

Yes, MoonHalo, we do eat what we kill. And the parts that make Mom squeamish but are still edible (heart, liver, etc), we give to the animals on our farm, and it still goes to good use.

submitted by Nyx, age 13 years , Earth
(November 7, 2020 - 8:44 am)