We-ell, as you

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

We-ell, as you

We-ell, as you all probably know, a while ago we had a thread for quotes ((*thinks: Hey! Joe Moses/Snape! Stop reading my post over aloud, it's very distracting"*)).

Rather than resurrect the old one *again*, I'm just going to make a new one because I'm lazy like that. Silence your sniggering!

Well. Right. Quotes! Anything and everything! Wee!


"Hello, sick people and their loved ones. In the interest of saving time and avoiding a lot of boring conversations later, I'm Dr. Gregory House. You can call me Greg. I'm one of three doctors staffing this clinic this morning."

"Short, sweet, grab a file."

"This little ray of sunshine is Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Dr. Cuddy runs the entire hospital, so she's much too busy for all of you. I am a bored... certified diagnostician with a double specialty of infectious disease and nephrology. I am also the only doctor employed at this hospital who is here against his will.

[to Cuddy] That is true, isn't it?

So. Who wants me?"

~House. Speaking of which, what did they do to his hair for the upcoming season?! Did they seriously cut it?! 

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(September 22, 2009 - 5:18 pm)

This is kind of ironic.  I start a discussion, thinking, oh good, I'll finally know what everyone is talking about.  HA!!!  I'm just as clueless in this as in every other one, if not more!!!!  *NOT FAIR*

*sigh*  I guess I'm just not cut out to be part of the 'it' crowd of Chatterbox........ 

*wanders aimlessly down a dark corridor*  *headdesk* 


Laura,  you've been on Chatterbox for a long time, one of our earliest and most loyal members. Believe me, I don't always know what people are talking about either. Some comments may be about books or music or shows that are not familiar to me. Feel free to submit comments asking for further explanation.  

Old Cricket

submitted by Laura❀
(February 19, 2010 - 10:51 pm)

*huge wet hug*  Old Cricket, you're the best!!!!!!!  Thank you.  You made me feel better.  :D :D :D

You're the best, too, Laura. You and Snoopy!


submitted by Laura❀
(February 20, 2010 - 4:48 pm)

*hahaha*  Admin, you will never cease to amaze me with your very strange words.  :)


What's so strange? Snoopy? Doesn't he figure prominently in the history of your town? Did  you know that best wishes from Snoopy were published in the very first issue of Cricket (September 1973)? Or are you referring to something else?


submitted by Laura❀
(February 21, 2010 - 8:41 pm)

I was referring to Snoopy... it was just rather random.  And yes, he is rather prominent in the history of my town.

I like the random things you say, so don't feel like I don't, and that you oughtn't say them, I want you to.  I've been kind of sad lately, because I often regret what I say, because people take it the wrong way.  I (just finished Goose Girl at 1:40 something last night *waaa!!!*) seem to have lost my gift for 'people speaking', and tend to shock people with my words of late.  And it is sad to have people remarking on the oddity of your speech every time you open your mouth, so I'm just feeling kind of down.  And the fact that it's raining doesn't help.  As much as I love rain, if I'm already sad, it just makes me sadder.

Anyway, I'd like to thank you, Admin-I-don't-know-your-name, for keeping up this little conversation with me, because it seems recently, I have been the one answering my own posts, which is probably why I have been coming on less and less lately.  I was avoiding CB all day, actually.  Of course, it was a beautiful day, so I spent most of it outside, but I spent several various minutes of the day wandering aimlessly around my house, playing the same monotonous tunes on the piano, when I could have, and most probably should have, come on here.

Sorry for my long wordy speech.  Thank you for being such good listeners, Admins.

Your faithful friend, Laura 

 Sometimes I get that way too, Laura, where it feels like everything I say sounds wrong...don't let it get you down, though! You're a very articulate girl and you'll be back in full force in no time!


submitted by Laura❀
(February 25, 2010 - 2:18 am)


Thank you Admin, I hope you're right.


You're welcome, Laura. We're always happy to hear from you!


submitted by Laura❀
(February 25, 2010 - 3:28 pm)

Heh heh heh....  Admin, from time to time I go off to read the FAQs for a good laugh, (which, by the way, it always gives me) and so, just now I read them, and I can't believe that's what CaC was for!!!!  Hahahaha!!  I don't even know what we really use it for... I guess anything that we don't want to put in DtE, huh???  Pretty funny........


Well, I must admit I haven't read the FAQs in a long time, but I do know that the Chatterbox has really taken off and evolved in the year and a half it's been live--thanks to all you creative Chatterboxers!


submitted by Laura❀
(March 4, 2010 - 2:30 pm)

"My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R (?), my bologna has a second name, it's M-E-Y-E-R (?).  Oh I love to eat it every day, and if you ask me why I'll say, 'cause Oscar Meyer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!!!"

Ha, I don't think I've ever even seen that commercial, but I've heard people singing it so often, that I know it pretty well, although, I wouldn't be surprised if I messed up a little.  And I'm a veggie, so if I sing that, it's a lie.  :) 

(ha, I was spelling it 'oscer', because I thought that was what everyone was saying... mom corrected me.  *is sheepish*) 

submitted by Laura❀
(February 17, 2010 - 3:39 pm)

Hmm.... need to think of clever quote.....

*gives up and goes for not clever* 

"'Fraid not, I've known far to many Spaniards"  (er, that's probably not right....) 

submitted by Laura❀
(February 19, 2010 - 10:54 pm)

"What about the R.O.U.S.s?"

"Rodents of unusual size?  I don't think they exist." 

AAhh!!!  Why do I love that movie so much????? 

submitted by Laura❀
(February 20, 2010 - 4:50 pm)


submitted by znz
(February 21, 2010 - 8:09 am)

"Oh my sweet Westly, what have I done!"  *throws self down hill, VERY STUPIDLY*  *shakes head* 

submitted by Laura❀
(February 21, 2010 - 8:39 pm)

"No more rhyming now, I mean it!"

"Anybody want a peanut?"


and, of course,


"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


submitted by ZNZ
(February 22, 2010 - 7:32 am)

"I'm sure he's just a late night fisherman, out for a... pleasure cruise in... eel infested waters..." 

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(February 22, 2010 - 7:27 pm)

"I'm on the brute squad."

*looks Fezzik up and down*

"You are the brute squad" 

submitted by Laura❀
(February 25, 2010 - 11:10 pm)

"You killed my love"  *looks sufficiently sad-like*

submitted by Laura❀
(February 25, 2010 - 11:11 pm)