dreamiing's thread

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

dreamiing's thread

dreamiing's thread


I'm slipping even further into the depths of the hiatus land, so here's my place- i'll just post whatever i feel like on here. 


I've been real immature in the past. Annoying and dumb as well. I'm trying to learn from my mistakes but real life is catching up to me and i'm drowning in expectations.

My thoughts are a mess, my crush is on and off, and my vision is deteriorating rapidly. 

I don't know. Maybe i'm just lost? Like my location tag? 

Life is strange.  

Anyways- yeah- i'll be chilling here. We've got eco-friendly beanbags and lots of books if you wanna stop by. 

Also, my AEs are pretty much done.


I'm looking for something quiet to get them back out of the dumps- but then again, my commitment is bad  so i won't keep up w/ it,,

Do whatever you think is best, dreamiing dear. *smiles tiredly and goes back upstairs*

*buries head in hands*

We're all wrecked.

I dunno.

*waves awkwardly*

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 22, 2021 - 12:07 pm)

Dreamii! *hugs* it's so great to see you! 

Ugh, crushes. I feel like I'm deteriorating my friendship with someone because of my confusing emotions, but to be fair it's not like they really even text on our group chat anymore--then again neither do I--ok I gotta stop this or I get stuck in a downward spiral of thoughts. 

Anyway, crushes and emotions in general are confusing and weird. 

I think you're a super awesome person and I wish I knew you IRL, but I also am going to encourage you to do what you think is best for you, even if that means looong hiatuses or just leaving the CB. Of course you'll be missed by I encourage you to follow your gut.

I'll let my AEs take over:

Why, hello, Firefly, Faith...and the rest of you, whoever you are.


Please go away.

Hi, lizards.

>Hi lizards! I hope you, um....feel better?<

>Heyyyyyyy lizards!<

Alrighty, I'm just going to post this. Oh yeah, I also finished your picturing and idk if you saw it and im too lazy to check so im just going to post it on here, then get off screens bc i need a break ok bye! 

submitted by Honeybee
(March 22, 2021 - 5:37 pm)

aaaa im hurrying to finish writing resonses to everyone,, i have tWO mINuTES

crushes yes gah they are so ConFuSINg

I don't think i'll leave,, probably just stay on hiatus until i can find a happy place- just chilling here in the meantime <3 and *uno reverse card* YOU are a super awesome person, Bee!!

Hi, itallics AE. I forget your name lol. Both of my sibs are out doing stuff with their girlfriends 


oops sorry i meant CRUShES 


*laughs* Well yeah, hi everyone.

Oh my gosh BEE yES DUDE 

you nAILED the picturing AaaAAAA i look pERFECt thANK YOU!!!!

*dissolves into happy squealing*

~dreamiing & faith & starlight

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 23, 2021 - 11:31 am)

You know dreamiing, although I don't know you super well, I can still say that that's scarily relatable. I hope you stay on here, but obviously we'll respect your decision no matter what.

Your honesty and just... Brokenness, if that makes sense, really makes me want to hug you. *sends virtual hug* I hope things improve, and I'll pray for you if it'll help.

Also, I'm not sure if I'm really in a position to give advice, but maybe consider pouring everything you're feeling into writing? I know it's difficult and sounds sort of stupid, but I often find it actually helps. Even if it doesn't solve the problem, it helps you, and that's what matters. Even if you just write about a character having a bad day, or a poem about rain, or the lyrics to a sad song; even if you think it's not 'good' or don't finish.

Well, that's all I can really do for you, so I hope things get better on your end.

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(March 22, 2021 - 8:07 pm)

*accepts hug* Thank you, Jaybells <3 <3 That's great advice!! as soon as i get a chance i'll try it :D

:\ I've got to go bc my teachers being like  "nO dOInG StuFF wHILE thE gReEN ClUB vIDeO iS plAYINg" even though it's off so yeah, thanks again! 

I've never mentioned this before but i adore your age and location boxes aaaa


submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 23, 2021 - 11:34 am)

hi dreamii!!! *flops onto an eco-friendly beanbag* (fun fact, I'm actually in my actual beanbag chair right now:)) I'm sorry you've been feeling down! *hugs* *sends more positivitea* I doubt you've been annoying, dumb, and immature, though! you're a super amazing person, even if you've made mistakes. <3 unfortunately, I can relate to an on-and-off crush. I've an a crush like that for years and it's not very fun... also, I might have a crush on someone else now, but I'm not really sure, and being a teenager is not fun. I also have to take a final for a 9th grade math course I'm taking in my free time this week as well as a test that will determine whether or not I graduate from 8th grade. *buries face in hands* well, anyways, it's good to see you again!! 

submitted by peppermint, lost in a book
(March 22, 2021 - 11:15 pm)

It's good to see you too, pepper! Feel free to join the on-and-off-crush-club, we have a special corner and badges in the back. 

wait noo wHY tEsTS WHY-  pepper im so sorry *sob* 

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 24, 2021 - 10:46 am)

Aw geez.. dreamiing dont go! You're awsome and you actually talk to the weird little cbers like me! Most big cbers don't do that.

Anyway.. dreams. Sometimes i dream about dark forests full of graves with singing men in masks and of a man with no face in a wide brim hat. Or of a school full of dead cats that can talk.  Or of a cliff I have to climb to meet the hooded people on top but they won't help they just shower me in rose petals.

I have one messed up subconcious. 

submitted by Lord Entropy, age 13, Who wants to know?
(March 23, 2021 - 9:30 am)

hey, weird is good. I'm weird! We're all weird! And thanks for calling me a big cber by the way :flushed: 

Wow- that's, um, very disturbing xD I've actually dreamed about a cliff with rose petal rain before,, dREAm BuDDiES!!!! 

vii says nkezy,, what does that mean? not kezy? Who's kezy, vii-baby?


CAPTCHAs are weird. 

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 24, 2021 - 10:50 am)

Hey dreamii! *hugs* I feel you, life is exhausting and feelings are confusing. Do whatever you need to do to feel better. I'm here if you ever need to talk! And my AEs say hi too.

We can speak for ourselves! Hi!

I hope you don't leave! You're all lovely.

*nods* Yes, you're very nice. Um, see you around?

submitted by Quill
(March 23, 2021 - 4:08 pm)

Aw, thank you, Quill <3 *hugs back* That sentence is my new motto lol

dreamiing - life is exhausting and feelings are confusing. 

Hi, Bean, Harper, and Ace! Nice to see you guys!

My sibs still hanging with their girlfri- I mean crushe- I mean, um, FRIENDS. YOU HEAR ME, STARLIGHT? THERE IS NO CRUSHING INVOLVED!

*grumbles off in the distance*

*rolls eyes* Anyways, it's just me. So hi! I haven't really talked to any of you before. I'm Faith, I use she/her even though I'm agender, I play soccer (bLUE tIGErS fTW), and also i breathe ;D 

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 24, 2021 - 10:57 am)

I don't think I've ever had a serious crush, but they sound annoying. Hope you work it out, and become less-lost. And, from what I've seen, you are not annoying and dumb. You're very kind and smart. Have a good hiatus/leave/other! 


Also these eco friendly beanbags are really comfortable 

submitted by Lazerbat
(March 24, 2021 - 5:20 am)

My hero has returned. Need I say more? Honestly you would've been a legend in my book simply because your name used to be heroes of olympus but you're so much more. You are kind and loving to everyone and your AEs are awesome. You tolerate me and my imatureness. You are grown up and never annoying. Truth? It hurts that you even need me to say this. This speech is nowhere Lumi worthy but I hope it helps.

This whole community is unique. Where else can you find virtual food fights, gif wars (Yes I had to put a NaNo thing that me and Azure invented in there) and ski lodges? But I understand if you have to leave but please don't make it a sad goodbye and come back whenever. 

My life is changing to and I don't know what to make of it. I haven't written in five days so that's truly amazing. I lost my kindle and *sob* are restricting my chocolate acess. I just went back to school all day. Point is no one stays happy and content forever. Do what you need to do not what other want. 

Signed, Princess Juniper 

submitted by Princess Juniper, age she/her, Nowhere
(March 24, 2021 - 5:41 am)

Just wanted to stop by and say hi dreamii(&AES)!!! For one thing, I've never, ever thought of you as immature, annoying or dumb, and I doubt anyone else has either. For another thing, you're a pretty cool person and I think that you make the CB an overall better place :)

Plus, your name is really cool.

Say hi to your AEs for us, dreamii! 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(March 24, 2021 - 8:19 am)

okay for some reason i want a picturing

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(March 29, 2021 - 11:46 am)