SI, Sort ofI

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

SI, Sort ofI

SI, Sort of

I had an idea for an SI. Basically, everyone fills out the following sheet with random facts, and then we all put our names as three random letters from the alphabet. Make sure not to copy others! That way the sheet is the only hints we have! Reveal date is August 21! Okay, if you want to join, here's the sheet!


SI name:

favorite color:

first food that pops into your head:

favorite song:

blue or green:

orange or red:

dressy or casual:

hot or cold:

Favorite book/series:

favorite season:

writing, drawing, or both:

introvert or extrovert: 


Here's my sheet! 

SI name: AAA

favorite color: hmm, some sort of light blue

first food that pops into your head: pizza

favorite song: Maybe Heartbreak Anthem

blue or green: blue

orange or red: red

dressy or casual: somewhere in-between

hot or cold: cold

Favorite book/series: The Hunger Games or KOTLC

favorite season: winter

writing, drawing, or both: Writing

introvert or extrovert: Somewhere in between, more of an extrovert.

Okay, that's it! Have fun! 

submitted by AAA, age AAA, AAA
(July 29, 2021 - 10:11 pm)

Yes, I'm Feli. @IAUO, are you Silver?

submitted by ENC/Feli
(August 3, 2021 - 3:38 pm)

Ahh, you got me :)))

submitted by IAUO/Silver
(August 6, 2021 - 9:02 am)

are you skip?

submitted by JKY @ ENC
(August 2, 2021 - 12:44 pm)

All I need is an E and my initials are all the vowels XD (I have two middle names btw)

SI name: IAUO

favorite color: Blue!

first food that pops into your head: spaghetti

favorite song: idk?? like honestly I have no idea.

blue or green: blue

orange or red: red

dressy or casual: casual

hot or cold: cold

Favorite book/series: Anything by Rick Riordan or Tolkien, basically.

favorite season: Spring

writing, drawing, or both: Writing (I can't draw, unfortunately)

introvert or extrovert: ambivert, I think  

submitted by IAUO
(August 1, 2021 - 9:19 pm)

SI name: dark confetti

favorite color: rose gold

first food that pops into your head: macaroni and cheese

favorite song: probably the Agni Kai sound track from Avatar

blue or green: blue

orange or red: red

dressy or casual: depends on the occasion

hot or cold: mild

Favorite book/series: right now, it is the Waking Land trilogy

favorite season: spring or fall

writing, drawing, or both: both

introvert or extrovert: more introverted than extroverted, but definately extroverted in some respects

submitted by dark confetti
(August 2, 2021 - 7:16 am)

Are you Kitty Cat or Th3mysticw0lf?

submitted by AAA@dark confetti
(August 6, 2021 - 2:48 pm)

SI name: LCH

favorite color: bright blue (if i gave the exact shade you would know exactly who i am XD)

first food that pops into your head: pepperoni pizza?

favorite song: ahh hard. One of my favorites is Wasted by Brandi Carlile. 

blue or green: blueeeee

orange or red: orange because wHaT tHe hEcK

dressy or casual: unclear. Maybe dressy?

hot or cold: cold.

Favorite book/series: afdhlwherlahlejrlsfd why do you make me cHoOse AHhh 

but I'll say KotLC? 

favorite season: summer. In LA, though. Reasons: the sky is not usually grey, it rains sometimes (ish), it's hot but i can deal with it, no school.

writing, drawing, or both: WRITING all the way.

introvert or extrovert: unclear? I'm either 49% introverted and 51% extroverted or vice versa, according to my three Meyers-Briggs tests. But I consider myself a shy extrovert.

submitted by LCH, age LCH, LCH
(August 2, 2021 - 11:16 pm)

LCH, are you periwinkle?

my captcha (let's call them RFF - rules are for fools: if you know constance contraire you'll recognize it) says <bddtr>. it is either someones birthday or RFF wants to play dungeons and dragons.  

submitted by JKY @ LCH
(August 3, 2021 - 2:07 pm)

(Schools and rules are tools for fools! -Constance Contraire) 

submitted by Rainbow!, age 11, Pyrrhia
(September 22, 2021 - 8:25 am)

Are you Lumi?

submitted by ENC/Feli @LCH
(August 3, 2021 - 3:39 pm)

Yup :)

submitted by LCH/Lumi
(August 6, 2021 - 4:38 pm)

'CQE' stands for 'Constantly Questioning Everything' by the way.

SI name: CQE. You can call me Cee-Quee. Heh.

favorite color: Hmm. Black.

first food that pops into your head: Noodles!

favorite song: Ah, I can't choose. Plus, if I did choose, you'd guess me way too easily.

blue or green: Blue!

orange or red: Orange. I hate red.

dressy or casual: I think my style is casual, but I love dressing up.

hot or cold: I like my room to be like a cave: dark and hot. But I don't mind the mild cold. So... in-between, I guess. Lukewarm milk. Although I hate lukewarm milk.

Favorite book/series: How To Become A Planet by Nicole Melleby. I reccomend this book to everyone ever. It's SO good and written in such a raw, unique way.

favorite season: Uh, summer probably.

writing, drawing, or both: How difficult! I'd say writing 'cause I'm better at it, but I do like drawing... when I can get it right.

introvert or extrovert: Introvert all the way. People are not my thing.

My CAPTCHA (who we'll call CPL- Constantly Pondering Life.) says ifmau. If Maul what? Oh- more Star Wars theories?

submitted by CQE, age CQE, CQE
(August 3, 2021 - 10:47 am)

SI name: ASG

favorite color: Pine green

first food that pops into your head: Goat cheese

favorite song: First Burn

blue or green: GREEN

orange or red: red

dressy or casual: casual

hot or cold: It's summer now, so I choose cold, but in the winter I would choose hot.

Favorite book/series: The Book Thief

favorite season: Autumn (Not fall, the only reason I chose autumn over spring is because I love how autumn is spelled, I just like milder seasons)

writing, drawing, or both: WRITING

introvert or extrovert: Introvert

submitted by ASG
(August 3, 2021 - 3:29 pm)

BAA, are you woolly?

CQE, are you th3mysticw0lf?

submitted by ASG
(August 3, 2021 - 3:32 pm)

I am not! Are YOU woolly? (Sorry when I go to guess someone my mind often draws blanks so uh-)

Huh. my captcha said rock.

submitted by BAA
(August 4, 2021 - 12:51 pm)