SI, Sort ofI

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

SI, Sort ofI

SI, Sort of

I had an idea for an SI. Basically, everyone fills out the following sheet with random facts, and then we all put our names as three random letters from the alphabet. Make sure not to copy others! That way the sheet is the only hints we have! Reveal date is August 21! Okay, if you want to join, here's the sheet!


SI name:

favorite color:

first food that pops into your head:

favorite song:

blue or green:

orange or red:

dressy or casual:

hot or cold:

Favorite book/series:

favorite season:

writing, drawing, or both:

introvert or extrovert: 


Here's my sheet! 

SI name: AAA

favorite color: hmm, some sort of light blue

first food that pops into your head: pizza

favorite song: Maybe Heartbreak Anthem

blue or green: blue

orange or red: red

dressy or casual: somewhere in-between

hot or cold: cold

Favorite book/series: The Hunger Games or KOTLC

favorite season: winter

writing, drawing, or both: Writing

introvert or extrovert: Somewhere in between, more of an extrovert.

Okay, that's it! Have fun! 

submitted by AAA, age AAA, AAA
(July 29, 2021 - 10:11 pm)

Nope, I'm not woolly, either!

submitted by ASG
(August 5, 2021 - 10:00 am)

Alas, I am not!

CPL says faeut. Either their pondering the meaning of feet or they are trying to become a member of the fae species by grunting just like them.

That's not it, CPL, you have to add a raspy h.

CPL: uHT??


submitted by CQE, age CQE, CQE
(August 5, 2021 - 11:00 am)

SI Name: ACS

Favonte color: teal/silver

First food that pops into your head: cherries

Favorite song: varies, but I'll pick into the unknown

Blue or green: blue

Orange or red: red

Dressy or casual: in-between

Hot or cold: cold

Favorite book/series: WoF or KOTLC

Favorite season: spring

Writing, drawing, or both: writing all the way!

Introvert or extrovert: introvert

CQE, would you happen to be Jaybells? Or maybe honeybee?
submitted by ACS, :)
(August 7, 2021 - 10:31 am)

Ooh fun! I hid a sort-of clue in my name if you want to find that :)

SI name: GHD

favorite color: olive, army green, that kind of stuff

first food that pops into your head: tacos

favorite song: good 4 you by Olivia Rodrigo!!

blue or green: green

orange or red: red

dressy or casual: casual

hot or cold: cold

Favorite book/series: KotLC, the Hunger Games, PJO, HoO, etc.

favorite season: fall

writing, drawing, or both: drawing

introvert or extrovert: ambivert leaning towards introvert


submitted by GHD
(August 8, 2021 - 11:11 am)

SI name: XYZA

Favorite color: blue

First food that pops into your head: sushi:

Favorite song: La Marmalleise (French national anthem)

Blue or green: blue

Orange or red: Red

dressy or casual: casual

hot or cold: cold

Favorite book/series: I don't know

Favorite season: Winter

Writing drawing, or both: both

introvert or extrovert: extrovert 

submitted by XYZA
(August 8, 2021 - 2:37 pm)

CEC, are you Agent Winter, by any chance?

submitted by ACS
(August 11, 2021 - 10:23 am)

Oh so sorry! I put my name as four letters! (My SI name was XYZA). Now it is CEC.Smile

submitted by CEC
(August 8, 2021 - 2:40 pm)
submitted by Top!
(August 13, 2021 - 6:09 pm)

It's reveal day! But I think I'll extend the date a week, since there hasn't been enough guessing to reveal yet.

submitted by AAA, age AAA, AAA
(August 21, 2021 - 12:37 pm)

So since there hasn't been much more action, it's reveal day!!!!!

Hey guys! It's Red Starlight! 

submitted by AAA, age REVEAL DAY
(August 26, 2021 - 1:47 pm)

I'm Snazzycakes :)

submitted by ASC/Snazzycakes, age 13 she/her, Lost in a daydream
(August 26, 2021 - 6:40 pm)