CBer Appearance thread!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBer Appearance thread!!!

CBer Appearance thread!!!


This is just what it sounds like! post your (CB) appearance. I'm always curious about what you guys look like. I can imagine, but it's definitely not always accurate (at all).

I have shoulder length dark brown hair with faint bleached highlights (I'm going to try and dye it purple soon.) I'm not sure what to call my skin tone, not fair but not quite medium. I'm half vietnamese and half mixed caucasian. I have brown eyes and pale-ish freckles. I'm right at average height for my age. And on the CB, I have black wings. ;D


submitted by Milly Sunstar, age 13, the shrieking shack
(December 27, 2021 - 9:18 pm)

CB appearance-Tall with brown hair cut A line short. Button nose sharp hazel eyes some freckles. wearing forest green leggings and brown tunic with thin leather belt and hunting knife. Barefoot and has a bow and quiver full of arrows

submitted by Hawkstar
(March 3, 2023 - 4:03 pm)

Irl: I have very pale skin and blue eyes. My hair is very long, I can almost sit on it, I've been thinking about cutting it. It's very curly and puffy. It's a dark brown color, but in direct sunlight it can look golden or reddish. I think I'm tallish, but I honestly don't know.  I dress very simply, soft pants and a tshirt is pretty much all I wear. 

CB: I take the form of a dragon most of the time, with pearlescent scales and horns. I also have glowing blue eyes. For some reason, I often picture myself holding a cup of hot cocoa or a book. My human form has long, curly light purple hair with streaks of silver. I have white horns and wings. I wear tunics in very pale colors. 


submitted by OpalescentDragon, age Lost, Roaming the woods
(March 4, 2023 - 5:05 pm)

I also wear teal glasses. I have no idea why I always forget them. Even when I'm drawing myself, I still forget. 

submitted by Opalescentdragon, age Lost, Roaming the woods
(March 5, 2023 - 10:32 pm)


Screen Shot 2023-03-09 at 4.09.15 PM.png
submitted by ~Echo Hallowswift~
(March 9, 2023 - 4:14 pm)