Gah, DtE is

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Gah, DtE is

Gah, DtE is dead.  So, what's on your mind?

submitted by Melody, age 14, The Jolly Roger
(September 18, 2012 - 4:48 pm)

The frosting's falling off.  Ugg.  Virtualy cupcakes helped create spammies.  Let me explain:

1. Virtual cupcakes exist (mostly with lopsided frosting).

2. Virtual cupcakes repel poison.

3. The poison goes out into the internet as spam.

4. Spammy helps with spam.


Virtualy cupcakes created spammy.  They also imply spammy.

Spamster in his spamster cages says mwcb.  He is Pussywillow.  Mewy Chatterbox. 

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(November 17, 2012 - 7:38 am)

Wait.... Cupcakes repel poison? 

submitted by Red, age 13, Korea
(November 17, 2012 - 11:57 am)

Report from Mooselfower:

I think so.  Because.  I said so. 

submitted by Golum, Mooselfower
(November 18, 2012 - 7:23 am)

Why thank you, Gollum.  *hires food tester* *makes him eat some* *he isn't affected* *eats it*  Yum!  How did you know I like red velvet?

submitted by Melody, age 14, Small World
(November 18, 2012 - 5:15 pm)

I am thinking strange things to my cat.  In exempla:

"You cannot eat my dinner.  Just because you are lurking behind the computer and looking cute does not mean you can have some."  We don't believe in feeding cats from the table at my house.  And he eats too much cat food anyway.

Me in science class trying to draw an owl:

"This owl is too fat."

"This owl is pompous looking!"

"His wing is the wrong shape!  Daaaaaaah!" It turned out to be an okay picture after I massacred it with brown colored pencil.

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(November 19, 2012 - 9:17 pm)

I like to listen to music while I work, and usually like to sing along with it. I recently discovered that the vocaloids Rin and Len are great because they sound fairly human, I sound like Len anyway, and I can do Rin if I go high enough. 

Trick and Treat. A morbid song about dolls, but it is so hard to sing! First of all, Rin keeps speeding up and Len keeps on slowing down. I end up going way too fast on Len and way too slow on Rin. Second, in Japanese songs you run certain syllables together. Well guess what? Half the time they don't and the other half they do! For instance they use the word "chodai" (to give something) a lot. Normally, you say cho-dai. And they sometimes say cho-dai, but other times they say cho-da-i. And lastly, they stress certain syllables and understress others that are normally not stressed and stressed, respectively. Seriously, whoever wrote this song has probably never listened to a Japanese song in his or her lifetime. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, The Woods
(November 20, 2012 - 12:12 pm)

Piano u-te cho-dai!

(The jingle for a Japanese company that buys pianos that people don't want anymore.)

submitted by Miki G., age 11, The Milky Way
(November 20, 2012 - 9:56 pm)

I've been actually using my real name and location and age for no apparent reason.  So, let it be known that I'm an eclectic name chooser.

On another note, NaNoWriMo is very amazing.  And I'm 90.03% in.  Which I am really happy about.  And I've been wasting my time with Nerdfighting, Decreasing World and all this other NaNoWriMo stuff (like the musical :-)) <== this looks like a double chin, does it not?  I've been on the computer for three hours.  This is not good.  I think I'm going loopy.

submitted by Helen S., age 12, Woodsock, NY
(November 27, 2012 - 9:01 pm)

A fellow nerdfighter!!  So exciting!  I just thought that I'd express my excitement at meeting another nerdfighter.  So... DFTBA!  And good luck with NaNoWriMo!  

submitted by Leaf, age 15, on a tree!
(November 28, 2012 - 11:38 pm)

Fellow Nerdfighter!  Salutations!  Even though this is almost completely irrelevant, I made a John Green themed logic puzzle for math.  *retrieves from Homework folder* Augustus, Hank, The Yeti, Hussain, Isaac, Hazel, John, Lindsay, Henry, Colline and Katherine went to a book reading where they had reserved tickets.  What order did they sit in?  Clues: 1. Augustus was closer to John than he was to Hussain (because some infinities are bigger than other infinities) 2. Lindsay and John were at the ends on either side. 3. The Yeti, augustus, Henry and Hazel were inbetween Katherine and Isaac. etc.

On another note, my step grandfather died.  Boohoo.  Rest in Peace, Irving, fellow viola player.Cry *squints at emoticon* The tears emoticon always looks so cheesy.  (;-;) That's not much better.  Dah.

DFTBA, every person (and various animals, plants and carnivorous plants [which I think should count as a protist {But who cares?}])


We're sorry to hear about your grandfather, Helen. I trust he had a long, full life. As time goes on, you'll feel less sad and be able to remember the good times you had together and smile about them.


submitted by Helen S., age 12, Woodstock NY
(November 29, 2012 - 7:46 pm)

Aww, I'm sorry, Helen.


On a lighter note, I'm a Nerdfighter, too!  DFTBA 

submitted by Melody, age 14, El Tiempo del Rio
(November 30, 2012 - 3:44 pm)

I wrote DFTBA on the condensation on the window on the bus yesterday.  I wrote it backwards, so people outside could see, and my friend thought it said Abtfc.  I tould her it was DFTBA, and that it stood for either Don't forget to be awesome, or Darling, fetch the battle axe.

submitted by Helen S., age 12, Woodstock, NY
(December 1, 2012 - 9:28 am)

Also, Colline is supposed to be Collin.  :P

submitted by Helen S., age 12, Woodstock, NY
(November 30, 2012 - 4:50 pm)

I'm getting really excited for my band trip!  It's going to be so fun and my friends are going and my dad's chaperoning.  I don't want to have to wait until April, though.

submitted by Melody, age 14, El Tiempo del Rio
(November 29, 2012 - 5:25 pm)

You can see a day in my life. Or rather, not see, but read about. 

Japanese: One of my classmates "Elise-san" wanted to start a secret Santa kind of thing. And guess who I got? MY EX-RIVAL AND SECOND ARCHENENMY!!! RAAAH! AND NOW I NEED TO GO OUT AND BUY SOMETHING FOR HIM!!!! Okay, I'm better now. I am a very unlucky person.

English: We have a class story in a notebook. Every day, someone takes it home and writes a page in it. I took the notebook home yesterday and wrote about some creepy dolls. This story was already a horror stroy, but now it go ten times creepier. And then we took a test and I got an A-. Woof.

Math: We moved seats today. Fortunately. That is probably the only reason I am still alive. Here's why: There used to be a girl at my table who wears so much makeup, I'm not sure what she really looks like. And during a conversation, one guy at my table said something like, "You're white looking" to the girl (I know, I know, really racist). And she said, "Well, I'm part Asian, too!" I added (very quietly, or so I thought), "and part makeup". Well, apparently I wasn't that quiet because the guy started laughing and the girl turned around and GLARED at us. I was scared, seriously. And that's not all. Later, when another girl commented on her makeup, saying "Oh, it's so natural looking" I literally burst out against my will, "Really?" I didn't mean to, I swear I didn't, and the moment I did I regretted it so much. Well. Let's just say that I'm lucky to be typing this.

Science: We finished a lab on rolling balls down ramps, (fun, right?) and watched a mythsbuster video.

Lunch: It was raining, so I stayed in the science classroom and worked on my lab report.

P.E.: It was still raining, (and according to our school announcements, rain is dangerous) so we went into the multipurpose room and did a lot of activities like jumping jacks, sit-ups, etc.

History: Our teacher was out doing something for a few minutes, so the guy next to me thought it would be fun to open up his binder, pull out the lyrics for "Baby, Baby" (or whatever that Justin Beiber song is called) and sing it loudly at the top of his lungs. Finally, our  teacher came in and stopped him singing. We gave her a standing ovation for that. And then we got lectured on the Fifth Amendment.   

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, At Home
(November 30, 2012 - 8:29 pm)