Sleep.I know

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Sleep.I know


I know we've had this thread before, but I want to start another.

Okay, I don't know if something's wrong with me, but I CAN'T fall asleep at night. I've tried so many suggestions. I listen to soft music, read, only use my bed for sleeping, go to bed at the same time every night, don't watch screens or have caffeine, and don't eat anything spicy. IT DRIVES ME INSANE!! I'll lie there for hours, just tossing and turning. I'm exhausted, but I can't fall asleep! I'm tempted to take sleeping pills, but I don't want to rely on them. And you know what's weird? For a few weeks, this will continue, then all of a sudden, it will stop. I'll start going to sleep really fast. After a couple of weeks, I can't fall asleep. And so it continues.

Does anyone have this problem? My mom says it might be because my body is changing, but I don't know. Does anyone have any suggestions?

submitted by Bookbug
(December 30, 2014 - 3:00 pm)

My suggestion is to try to think of something other than how you can't fall asleep. It won't help if you lie there just thinking "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I can't sleep, I really need to go to sleep!" It will just wind you up. Sometimes I sing in my head to distract myself. I had a similar situation as you. A couple summers ago I could only get a sound sleep once every few weeks and I only got about one hour of sleep the rest of the time. It was weird because I usually slept really well. Anyways, after a while it got a little better but since then it always takes me about two hours to fall asleep after getting in bed and I wake up frequently in the night. 

Captcha says ahrd. Yes it is hard to fall asleep. 

submitted by Juniper Mae
(March 8, 2015 - 5:00 pm)

Benadryl might help...

submitted by Will T., age 14, GA
(March 8, 2015 - 9:59 pm)

When I was around 10, I could not fall asleep at all -- except it wasn't insomia. I had some pretty "big" fears at the times and they kept me up. My parents took me to see a therapist and she helped me to find way to fall asleep and relax. It helped a ton. Never underestimate the powers of therapis -t- I've always had pretty awesome experiences with them.

submitted by Abigail A., age 14, VT
(March 9, 2015 - 7:04 am)