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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

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You can tell this is SERIOUS because I didn't write ANYTHING in capitals and I ended with a PERIOD! (I feel dirty.)

But this is serious, so I'm betraying my natural instincts so you will listen to me.

A month, two months ago, all the CBers decided to mellow down on their AEs. Make sure they don't show up too much, because the CB was in too-crazy mode.

I wasn't aware that "mellow down" means "stop using completely".

I know we have been a big problem for CBers. Some don't see the point, and don't mind not having us. For some of you, your AEs are basically a part of you.

I understand if you who don't have AEs find us annoying, boistrous, and crazy. But listen. That's what a AE is. That's pretty much what we're made for. Crazy comedy. The wacky side of you. The part that you don't usually get to express.

We need to find a good place for Alter Ego action. I am aware that before, we were running around wild, cooko, and messing the CB up. But this... this is just wrong. The last time I was allowed to speak was during the CBer ball. I find myself talking to St. a lot now, because I can't express myself anywhere else. I want to be allowed to run around a bit, brag that I forced Feather to eat some brussels sprouts (which I did, yay for me!), and chat with Volcano.

Doesn't anyone feel the itch to have your alter ego speak? Doesn't anyone miss the screaming, the happy shouting? Anyone miss the pie throwing and the mountain dew?

We need AEs to make the CB the thing it's supposed to be: the home to the slightly crazy, writing-loving CBers. To fufill the crazy part, you need us.

Thank you for listening. I hope you will bring this speech into account.


submitted by Devil Owl
(July 27, 2015 - 5:51 pm)

Exactly! Fighting is awful. But this isn't a fight, at least not yet, and it doesn't have to be. Even though I don't have any Alters, I agree that you should make an AE thread for the people who do.

Why am I so opinionated about everything? 

submitted by OtR
(July 30, 2015 - 5:22 am)

Okay, I'm not going to hide behind Dev anymore.

We both talked about this beforehand, in a way. He brought it up while I was driving a Go-Kart. Anyway, we both agreed that although we all said we'd have "AE Threads," none of us actually did it, which left us pondering what to do.

We didn't mean to start another "CBer War". We just wanted to bring it up and ask if we could have those AE-friendly threads, instead of uncontiously shunning the Alter Egos.

AEs are, on a different note, different people. Okay, I don't like vegetables, but only Dev would want to shoot 'em out of blasters. I pay attention to grammar, but I don't lug around a magical encyclopedia wherever I go (Feather: Hey! That's my brother!).

My AEs highlight certain points of my personality and make them bigger. Even though I'm not really like them, they are like me, and a part of me. And I can't leave them behind now that I have them. Heck, even though I had to abandon her, I still think sometimes, What would Saint Owl do? 

So, Butterfly, I agree. Please make an AE freindly thread.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(July 29, 2015 - 6:31 pm)

Totally Butterfly! 

And St., THANK YOU! Thank you for bringing this up!  

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Secret HQ
(July 29, 2015 - 10:30 pm)

Butterfly, I agree. I also agree with a lot of others on this thread--if you like using your AE, then use it, but don't feel like you need one or should hide behind one.

submitted by Carolion K
(July 30, 2015 - 9:21 pm)

Ok, I've got 5 CBers who agree (including me) that I should make a thread just for AE's. I will make it today, and post the link here after it shows up. Thank you for agreeing. 

submitted by Butterfly
(July 31, 2015 - 10:58 am)

Ok! Here you go!

submitted by Butterfly
(July 31, 2015 - 3:22 pm)

Yay for Butterfly and conflict resolution! 

submitted by Air
(July 31, 2015 - 5:55 pm)