
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



I start homeschool in a week now. I'm going into 10th grade. I would like to know any of you homeschoolers' schedules and curriculum. I could go on FOREVER about this stuff.

So here's mine.

7:00-9:00 Breakfast and getting ready and helping my younger sister (each of us older kids is responsible for a younger sibling)

9:00-12:00 Teaching my younger sister (I VOLUNTEERED to do this; my parents didn't make me do it)

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:00 I either take a walk, jog, bike, meet some friends for a game of badminton, or some kind of excercise

2:00-4:00 Extra activities

4:00-6:00 Schoolwork (Note: I'm doing school in the evenings; it suits my schedule way better)

6:00 Dinner

6:00-7:00 Finish school

7:00-9:00 Meet with friends, go on the computer, hang out with my family, whatever

This is a very rough schedule. It sounds all neat and tidy when it's written down, but it's way more hectic than that. Those "extra activities"? On Mondays, my family and I go to a homeschool group, where we have classes, go on field trips,  or just hang out. On Tuesdays, I work on a project at a lab at the local community college. On Wednesdays, I don't have anything planned. I usually spend this time with my friends. On Thursdays, I have debate. On Fridays, we all go to the mosque. On the weekends, I tutor younger kids at the library, and I volunteer at a nursery home once a month.

How about you guys? 

submitted by Bookbug
(August 24, 2015 - 2:36 pm)

I'm homeschooled! So are Cloudy Dweller and Queen Elizabeth.

submitted by Rose bud, age 13, wheretheredferngrows
(September 1, 2015 - 3:47 pm)

I'm homeschooled too! 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc , age 13, Camelot
(September 1, 2015 - 6:18 pm)

l don't have a schedule :P  My life is chaotic. 

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(September 1, 2015 - 7:09 pm)

My mom teaches my two brothers and me, but I'm pretty close to independant. I'm in 7th.

7 to 8 - Get up, eat, chores, get dressed, and prepare for the day

8 to 8:30 - Math with my mom (We do Saxon so we just go over the teaching together.)

8:30 to 11:45ish - Independent work. I use Heart of Dakota so it's mostly stuff I can do by myself.


12:30ish to 1 - Reading

1 to 3ish - Finish independant work, free time

3ish - Check in with mom, do school with mom

4ish - Any extra school stuff

5:30 to 6 - Supper 

6 to 8:30 Free time

8:30 - Bed 

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(September 9, 2015 - 6:56 pm)

What curriculum do you guys use?

submitted by Bookbug
(September 11, 2015 - 5:03 pm)

We used Sonlight for a long time, but now we use Heart of Dakota.

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(September 13, 2015 - 9:08 pm)