Myers-Briggs types

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Myers-Briggs types

Myers-Briggs types

l had heard of Myters-Briggs testing for a long time now, but l'm generally not in favor of putting people into boxes--which was what l thought the Myers-Briggs testing was. A little more research and l discovered that it was very grounded in science and not for putting people into boxes, but for understanding how they think, which is completely fascinating

According to the website, l am INTP, one of the rarer types. l read up on it some more and is is almost creepily accuate. 

Anyways, what's your type? How accuate did you find it? 

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, The Other Side
(May 31, 2016 - 10:38 pm)

I'm ISTJ. I think it's kinda accurate but the description I was given seems to exaggerate all the wrong things. For example, it says I'm often frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, which I DEFINITELY am, but it also says ISTJs possess grim determination, which I DEFINITELY do not. It also says they believe truth wins out over tact and that these sorts of people perform at "highest efficiency while employing a step-by-step process" and are noted for "devotion to duty" and punctuality. I don't know that any of those are true for me.

I think the answer was a little off because a lot of the questions related to the workplace or social gatherings or things like that, which were clearly focused toward adults and left me answering "uncertain" half the time. So maybe I'll try again when I'm a little older and I'll get a different answer, because this didn't seem quite right.

Wow, this turned into a rant. 

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 1, 2016 - 6:14 am)

Mine is INFP, and I found it very, very accurate. 

submitted by Bluebird
(June 1, 2016 - 11:53 am)

High five, Bluebird! I got INFP too! I thought it was REALLY accurate. And it said it was the same as Anne of Green Gables and Frodo Baggins, as well as William Shakespere and JRR Tolkein!

submitted by Cockleburr
(June 1, 2016 - 12:19 pm)

I'm an INFP too, and also found it very accurate.

INFPs are dreamers, writers, creative, and determined, but don't take criticism well and can get lost in their heads sometimes. 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(June 1, 2016 - 1:58 pm)

So did I!!!

submitted by Bibliophile
(June 2, 2016 - 6:25 pm)

Hi, I'm back! I remember that when I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I got the one nicknamed "The Champion" and the one nicknamed "The Teacher." I took it a while ago, so I've forgotten everything except those two results. But I know I wrote it down somewhere...

PS That was sort of unclear, so if anyone has any questions, please ask. Maybe I should just take the MBTI again. 

submitted by Applejaguar, age !), New York
(June 1, 2016 - 4:36 pm)

I change from day to day, so I got E, I, borderline between F and T, borderline between J and P. Pretty accurate! It's not creepy, though. Just my opinion.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(June 1, 2016 - 7:24 pm)

Mine is basically a 4 way tie between ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, and INFP. Ugh. I am not anything.

submitted by S.E.
(June 1, 2016 - 8:23 pm)

Same! Mine is also a 4-way tie!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(June 1, 2016 - 9:00 pm)

HOW DO YOU READ MY MINNNDD? I JUST took this test a week ago, and I was just gonna write about it when you already did it!

Anyways, I'm an INFP. One of the lines said that I'm always trying to see the good in people. AND IT'S SO TRUE! Sorry if I'm getting really giddy about this but it's so accurate!

I dream way too much, I'm super sensitive, AND people always see me as naive!

It's a lovely website, and it's nice to know more about me ^^


(And again, excuse the giddy and rather poorly written paragraphs :3) 

submitted by Danie
(June 1, 2016 - 8:53 pm)

Hello, fellow MBTI enthusiasts!

I've read that, technically, you can't be INxJ (as in, wavering between INTJ and INFJ) since thinking/feeling makes a big function difference... but that's as close as I can get. I took the 16 Personalities (I'm guessing that's what you guys take/took?) test twice, one with each, and now I feel like retesting will affect my results. 

As far as INTJ (The Architect), one of the biggest ways in which that one is inaccurate for me is that "Rules, limitations and traditions are anathema to the INTJ personality type – everything should be open to questioning and reevaluation, and if they see a way, INTJs will often act unilaterally to enact their technically superior, sometimes insensitive, and almost always unorthodox methods and ideas.." (quoted from the webpage). I'm not a principle-steadfast person, I live with a lot of contradictions and exploration. However, the very intellectual side of INTJs are very accurate for me.

As an INFJ (The Diplomat), I'm definitely in line with the occasional leadership and the zeal for charitable work. The part of that type that's inaccurate for me is "INFJs find it easy to make connections with others, and have a talent for warm, sensitive language, speaking in human terms, rather than with pure logic and fact. It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extroverted types, but they would all do well to remember that INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw. INFJs take great care of other’s feelings, and they expect the favor to be returned – sometimes that means giving them the space they need for a few days." (quoted from that webpage). I'm terrible with small talk and social situations, and even worse at comforting people (though I am pretty good at giving people space).  

submitted by Air
(June 1, 2016 - 9:11 pm)

If you don't function like a normal human being, you can have a tie between INFJ and INTJ :)

Captcha.. so innapropriate. 

submitted by S.E.
(June 2, 2016 - 2:54 pm)

Air!!!! You're back!!!!



submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(June 1, 2016 - 9:26 pm)

Apparently I'm an ENFP... I'll have to google that to see what it means.

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 1, 2016 - 9:32 pm)

I'm an INFP too!

submitted by September , (Formerly Megan)
(June 1, 2016 - 9:43 pm)