I'm sorry. I

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I'm sorry. I

I'm sorry. I really am. I get how this is. I remember reading these threads from other CBers and feeling really sad. but I'm just going to say it.

CB, I'm leaving.

I love it here- or I did, anyways- and you have all given me such good times, but I feel like it's dead. The CB I used to know is slowing down, or I'm just growing up. I was going through a pretty rough time in my life when I found this, I was moving and had no friends, so I think this made me feel, well, connected. Happy. Wanted. But now I have friends and this place just doesn't seem the same. I don't feel like I know anybody here. I tried to connect, but it never really happened. I think the time has come to move on.


TARDISrider leaned against on of the tables, or threads, in the CB. The large convention center with people milling and chatting. Commenting on threads and hurring up to the huge round tables to RP. But nobody noticed Rider, Ditty and Taxicab, standing at one of their few threads.

Rider stroked Taxi's head. Ditty eyed the doors. "You think it's time to go?" She asked softly. Rider closed her eyes as a burst of laughter exploded from somewhere in the center.

"Yeah," she sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, maybe." She glanced at Ditty. "Thanks for being an awesome AE. Sorry I didn't use you much." Ditty smiled.

"You want to announce it?" She suggested. Rider scoffed, but Taxi nodded at her. Rider gathered breath deep into her lungs.

"I'm leaving!" She shrieked. "You all have been awesome and-" More laughter from another RP. Nobody even heard her. Rider leaned against the table.

"And, I've had good times here..." She trailed off, her voice weakening. One person smiled at her sympathedically, before being yanked into another conversation. Ditty shrugged.

"Well, whacha gonna do?" Rider smiled wryly.

"Bye, then," She muttered to whoever may be listening. Nobody was but Taxi And Ditty. Rider straightened her back, turned towards the huge double doors, and shoved them open. Bright sunlight flooded the convention center.

"Oh!" Said the person at the nearest thread. "You're leaving? Too bad. Have fun out there!" Then somebody else started talking. Rider stepped outside and stretched, slipping her pen out of her pocket. She spun the pen in one hand as she strolled down the city streets. Skyscraper websites, little blog buildings, YouTube channel stands, all crowding the busy sidewalk. Ditty nodded towards one of the blog shops.

"I heard you might be looking into one of those?" She suggested. Rider spun the pen.

"Yeah, maybe. But for now, let's just..." She didn't finished. She examined the pen, that could do so much, only some plastic and ink. "Let's just see what happens." She turned back one more time at the CB, wondering about heading back, but then turned to face the city, the whole huge world. "Let's just write," she whispered.


Like I said, I'm going to miss you all. Thank you for helping me through the times when I had no friends. Goodbye. 

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(June 1, 2016 - 4:27 pm)

Aww, thanks!

submitted by Scylla
(June 4, 2016 - 2:39 pm)

Oh, goodness! It's been a busy week and I haven't been able to check the CB for a while and now I stumble across this thread and I'm feeling really sad because Rider, an amazing CBer, whom I haven't seen for a very long time but love for her spunk and creativity anyway, is gone, and then I look at all these stories people are writing and I think, "It's so sad...and all these people are making her absence so elegant, it's almost beautiful, really..." And then I start planning what my part of the story will be, how I'm going to write my goodbyes and elaborate upon the clever, clever image of the Internet City,and then suddenly: Bablam!

She's not leaving!

And then: What?

There was so much commotion!

I was going to write something about how it is your decision to leave, that nobody can force you to stay, but it would be really amazing.

And now you are staying. HOORAY!!!!! YIPPEEE! Thank you!


Please excuse the run-on sentence :)

submitted by Over the Rainbow
(June 4, 2016 - 7:00 am)

I don't know you very well, but  I still felt awful when you said you were going. But then you said you weren't!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D So I am very much relieved.

Although I'm what you might call a New Generation CBer, I think I understand how you must feel. Everything you knew and loved is gone, and no one really behaves as though they miss it. You feel disconnected from the place where you once felt at home, where you once knew you belonged. All these new people who don't seem to care about you as much as the older ones. 

But we do care! We really do! Changes happen. Nothing of human making ever stays the same in this reeling world of ours. Yes, the old Chatterbox will probably never come back.

But is this a reason to abandon the Chatterbox, to give in to panic or despair?

We must make the best we can of where we are now. The old tower has been knocked down -- but now we have the opportunity to build a new and better one. We can find new ways to enjoy the fellowship and continual exchange of ideas and hopes here, and we can always strive to make it better.

I believe, TARDISrider, that your continued presence here will vastly influence the building of our new Chatterbox -- with a little time and effort, you will add bricks of your own to the tower, cement what was good about the old days into our new world, and remind us of it. And we would all do very well to listen. :)

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(June 4, 2016 - 1:10 pm)

Thank you TARDISrider. Thank you for coming back. I'm so glad you did.

submitted by Cockleburr
(June 5, 2016 - 1:20 pm)

I'm sorry. I'm sorry to see you go. I'm sorry that you think no one cares. I'm sorry if I never paid much attention to you.

As TARDISrider, her Æ, and her CAPTCHA walked away, someone noticed. Leeli, her Æs, and her CAPTCHAS watched as rider left. "Farewell, old friend. You will be missed," Leeli said, sniffling. And all the CBers gathered round, tears streaming down their cheeks. Rider would be forever remembered fondly. She was cared about. She was loved. But now she was gone.

I hope you don't think we don't care. And I wish you wouldn't leave. I'm on the verge of tears now. But you seem so set on leaving. Well, good luck, and goodbye. Please come back and check in every once in a while. We will all miss you TARDISrider. And you'll always have friend son the CB. Don't forget us. We'll always be here for you. Don't you ever forget that. And for the last time, Goodbye. I'll miss you! We all will. *crys*


Actually, TardisRider has since decided to stay.



submitted by Leeli
(June 5, 2016 - 10:01 am)