I'm Back!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I'm Back!

I'm Back!

Hey, y'all! I missed being on here so much! I have almost no idea what has happened here in the last month (expect for some AE marriages??) I'm still not going to post much, but I haven't died or anything. Don't worry yourselves.

Has anyone else joined in the last month?

Any Hamilfans?

I'd also like anyone who is/was homeschooling highschool to elaborate on their experiences if they want to. I've almost convinced my parents. Not quote, though.


And, school starts soon! I'm excited, but kind of sad because a whole comlicated business involving a teacher who "resigned" and complicated things happening. ANYWAY...

I'm also writing a ton, and working on plans for a company... and I'm working on coding and taking a couple college courses... I'm very, very busy.

No theatre, though.

SO what have you peeps been up to? Has anyone broken any major bones? 

submitted by S.E.
(August 14, 2016 - 1:36 pm)

It really hurts to break toes. I've broken, what, 4 of them? And sprained all of them at least once.

submitted by S.E.
(August 20, 2016 - 6:33 am)