Sports and stuff

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Sports and stuff

Sports and stuff

I'm not sure how many CBers play sports, or what season is going on for ya'll right now, but I want to talk about athletics! Do you watch sports? Do you play sports? Tell me all about it!

I think high school has different seasons than junior high, so because I'm in junior high we are in the middle of girls' basketball season. My team is decent, we have a winning record (5-4). Also, our school is super tiny, so we only have 5 girls! Luckily, a fourth grader and a fifth grader play up with us. Yeah, so, I love basketball, it is really fun and keeps me in shape. Do any of you play/watch basketball? If so, I'd love to hear about it!

I have another announcement that is pretty exciting- my school's girls' cross country team got third in state! Yay!!! I wasn't on the team, but I heard that they did really good. Also, my school has this thing called Speech, which is sort of a sport/competition. You can perform a momologue, duet, trio, or group speech, which is pretty much a skit with no props except for tables and chairs. You choose the speech but they are already written, and you have to have your lines memorized. It is so fun, and the Speech Contest is coming soon, so wish me luck! I'm doing a trio speech about this summer camp with a mean director, and I'm worried because the girl I'm doing it with doesn't have her lines memorized, and the contest is October 5th! Ahhh! I think the other boy I'm doing it with and I will have to memorize her lines so we can prompt her. Another part of speech is Improv, which is exactly what it sounds like- the judge will give you a line and you improvise for two minutes with a partner or group. I'm doing it with my friend. Pray for me on October 5th, I'm super nervous!

It is not volleyball or softball season for me, but I play both. I am a catcher in softball, which is really great because I am constantly doing something, either catching pitches or throwing it back to the pitcher. Volleyball is fun as well. I can't wait for these seasons to start! 

Also, THE WORLD SERIES! It's time, people! Who do you want to win? My team, the White Sox, is terrible and didn't make it to the playoffs, so I'm not sure who I want to win. Thoughts on this? Wow, this thread is getting long, and I'm forgetting so many sports! (Football, Swimming, Tennis, etc.) Please feel free to talk about any sport! I can't wait to see what you guys have to say! 


submitted by Bluebird
(October 21, 2016 - 12:04 pm)

i love tennis and rugby and basketball

submitted by zombie, age !!!, used to be Zaiden
(October 21, 2016 - 1:30 pm)

Cool, zombie! I don't know anything about tennis or rugby, but what position do you play in basketball? I'm either center or slot, which for us means down by the basket because we have a play where there is only one person down low... it's kind of complicated. Being a 5' 6'' 7th grader pays off in basketball! Also, when are rugby and tennis seasons? Good luck on all your sports!

submitted by Bluebird
(October 21, 2016 - 6:11 pm)

Basketball isn't for me, but I'm glad you like it! 

I like soccer and horseback riding, but currently am on a swim team.


submitted by Daisy
(October 21, 2016 - 6:29 pm)

I love sports! Except for Basketball! But you would hate basketball too if your two brothers were obsessed with it and play basketball with a mini hoop on the doorway right infront of the stairs so you can never get through and then they get mad at you if you kick the ball away. This happens all. winter. long. because it's too cold too play outside, and then my dad and brothers get obsessed with March Madness and all of that other stuff and whenever you ask to watch a movie they get distracted by the game that's on for like ten minutes and get mad at you again if you get impatient because maybe not everybody cares about the game!!!!!!

Oops. That turned into a rant. Sorry. No offense to basketball players. Basketball can be fun when you play it with your Cross Country team who have no idea what to do.

Anyways, I love love love Cross Country and nearly all of my friends are on the team. We had our second to last meet yesterday (actually third to last but I'm missing the state meet.) It was a lot of fun and I was the first girl on my team. There were 175 people total, but the boys and girls ran seperately. I could barely stand at the end. It was the hardest finish I've ever done. I couldn't breathe. I'm really proud, even though I was the 11th girl and the top 10 get medals. But I was going to be 12th until I passed this girl on the final stretch. Revenge is coming. Grr. Our team is amazing and my favourite teacher is the coach and we have tons of fun. It's basically my whole group of friends, who are all awesome weirdos who like to run around pretending to be unicorns at meets. There have been times where the whole team is walking back from the soccer teams with their arms over eachother's shoulders trying not to fall on their faces. It's great. We also have no problem with giant group hugs. I know, we're weirdos! ;)

Also, my school has a Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee team in the spring that's really fun. 

submitted by The Riddler
(October 21, 2016 - 7:27 pm)

Oh wow! Congrats on getting 11th in your race! I don't think I could ever do cross country. Ultimate Frisbee sounds sooooo fun. I wish my school would do that :)

submitted by Bluebird
(October 23, 2016 - 4:30 pm)

I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE volleyball!!!! I'm a DS/OH (Defense Specialist/Outside Hitter) What position do you play? I don't really like basketball, but I like softball. I don't play it outside of school, but I usually pitch. Also, good luck for Speech!

submitted by September
(October 21, 2016 - 8:54 pm)

I don't really have a position in volleyball because we rotate, and since we don't have many girls playing we kind of just do whatever. It's still really fun, though!

submitted by Bluebird
(October 23, 2016 - 4:32 pm)

Swim all the way. I LOVE to swim. I homeschool so I'm not on a swim team, but I'm with a year-round swim club that is basically like a small swim team. The swim season is going on right now so our little club has gotten even smaller... though it's kind of nice to not be crammed in lanes with like four other people XD. 

Morning practices are the best/worst thing ever. I hate getting up (getting up at 4:30am three times a week is just too much), and just intially getting in the water, but once I start swimming and get warmed up they're quite fun. The past week, there's only been four people counting me at the morning practices, and it's fun because we're all friends. Though it is weird being the only girl there. Thurday's practice was really crazy, (the boys were acting so weird) but it was fun. I think we were all just tired.

Sometimes my coach lets us play music at practice, and that's really nice. It makes the practice a little more bearable. The school that we rent our pool from has a big speaker that we can plug our phones into, except that sometimes THEY TAKE IT AWAY AND THEN THERES NO MUSIC and I get sad.

Anyway, enough about swim. I also play tennis. This is a very new sport for me, I've only very recently started taking lessons, but I like it so far. IT's very diffferent from anything I've done before, but I like it.  

submitted by Leafmist
(October 22, 2016 - 9:54 am)

WOAH 4:30 in the morning, three times a week? I don't think I could do that. (I am a morning person but not THAT much of a morning person ;)

submitted by Bluebird
(October 23, 2016 - 4:36 pm)

I do gymnastics! I love doing all gymnastic-y (Gymnasticky??) things, so it's great. I've been doing it off and on since I was three or four, at the same place. 

submitted by Leafpool
(October 22, 2016 - 1:16 pm)

Cool! My sister used to do gymnastics, but it was only tumbling and with this old guy who was like, 60 years old. I loved watching him teach the kids- it was so funny, and they actually learned quite a bit from him. Me, I can't even do a cartwheel XD 

submitted by Bluebird
(October 23, 2016 - 4:40 pm)

Watching sports is boring. Doing them is a whole different story. 

l swim (freestyle and butterfly) play soccer (defense, mainly) ski, run, and cycle. l do all of them competitively except for cycling.

Today l had a swim meet, which l'm very  happy about :)

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 22, 2016 - 5:45 pm)

I love soccer, but our school doesn't have a team and my parents didn't want to drive me to all the games :( But we play it a lot at recess, which is great because everybody can play no matter if you're 6 or 14, boy or girl. I always play defense, or get stuck being goalie. 

P.S. How did your swim meet go?  

submitted by Bluebird
(October 23, 2016 - 4:44 pm)

...I'll just be that sad kid who is horrible at aevery sport under the sun. Good luck on all your sports, though! I like badminton quite a bit, it's fun. Anyone else play? I do with my mom, but I know for a fact I won't get on the school team. It's the most competitive sport at school!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(October 22, 2016 - 7:01 pm)

No, no, Booksy. I am that sad kid who is terrible at sports, but her mother makes her do it anyway. I'm good at gymnastics, though. But not the flexibility.

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 23, 2016 - 1:08 pm)