AE Number One!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Number One!

AE Number One! I've made an AE! My very first! I've never done this before, so everyone will have to give me some constructive critisism about this. Ok, here he is:

Name: Counter

Age: About fourteen or fifteen

Appearance: Tan skin with longish dark blonde hair and brown eyes. Short and slender, but surprisingly strong. Wears t-shirts and jeans most of the time, with converse shoes. Has fine, delicate facial features.
Personality: Um... disagrees with me. A lot.
(I do NOT!) 
He is actually kinda shy and gets very flushed when embarrassed, which embarrasses him even more. He is fairly sensible, can be quiet when he doesn't know people. He likes being part of the group, but not usually the center of attention.
Other: Talks in bold. (See?) Is looking for a crush! We didn't discuss this! I'm DEFINATELY not looking for a crush! *blushes*
Someone's blushing! 
Am not!
submitted by Cockleburr
(December 12, 2016 - 8:39 pm)

That's awesome, Cockleburr! Very believable character. I don't know much about AEs, but perhaps you could give him an unusual hobby/habit that really makes him stand out from the others?  

submitted by Shoshannah Lily
(December 13, 2016 - 9:33 pm)

Thanks, Shoshannah Lily! That sounds like really good advice! I'll have to think about what it will be.

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 14, 2016 - 7:39 pm)


submitted by Scylla
(December 13, 2016 - 11:07 pm)

Thank you, Scylla!

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 14, 2016 - 7:40 pm)

Hi Counter! I'm 8-Piece--it's great to meet you! I've been waiting for more nice AEs to come in, so... welcome! What's your favorite color? Mine's blue, like the ocean.

Yeah, hey there bud. *winks* It's reaal nice to meet ya.  

Veranda, you're such a flirt! I promised myself I wouldn't let my AEs have crushes. It never works out well...

Can't stop me from tryin'. 

... I suppose I have to say hello too?

Well, yeah, that's be nice--

*heavy and dramatic sigh* HELLO, Counter. I'm MewFour. It's 'nice' to meet you. Enjoy your stay, or whatever you like. Just don't get on my bad side and we'll be fine. 

You're such a grump, Mew! Take a note from 8's book and be more friendly.

What's the point in making friends?

Because friendship! And--and--

And it's nice to be kind to people, because they'll be nice back. I like being friendly, it gets you farther in the world. 

*another sigh* 

Ignore him. He's too sour for his own good. 

Welcome, Counter! :)

*eyebrow raise* See ya around, Counter. *grins*

Just submit it already, Veranda.

*winkingly presses submit* 

submitted by Clouded Leopard, and her AE squad
(December 14, 2016 - 1:56 pm)

Hey, 8-piece. It's great to meet you, too! Um, my favorite color... gosh, I guess it'd be... orange. Sorta- sort of pumpkin orange. I never really thought about it before! I like ocean blue, too. The ocean's my favorite place to be!

Hey, we seem to be getting somewhere! Only one 'um', one hyphen, and two little dot-dot-dot things! Does anyone know what those are called?


How in the world did you know that?

I'm a genius.

Yeah, right. Anyway, go say hi to the other AEs!

Oh. Right. Um, hello, MewFour. I'll, uh, try to stay on your good side, then? Right. Ok. And... hi Verdana. It's really nice to meet you, too! Er... pardon my asking... but do you have something in your eye? 



Not that I'd know anything about it, but I think it's called flirting. 


submitted by Cockleburr
(December 14, 2016 - 7:38 pm)

Here is Rosalyn's sheet. (I edited it a bit)

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px}

Name: Rosalyn


Age: Undecided. Somewhere in early teens.


Appearance: Slightly darkish flawless skin, (used to be light like Arwen’s, but all those years in Hawaii…) large brown eyes with long eyelashes, waist-length curly hair. The hair is dark brown, with some blond and a touch of auburn-ish color as natural highlights. She has a small mouth, a small figure…generally petite. Wears her hair down most of the time, usually with a flower stuck in it. In other words, stunningly beautiful.


Personality: A bit shy, but will warm up within minutes. She likes boys, but tends to get a bit annoyed once in a while when they all crowd around her because of her looks. Is always checking her appearance; she is never without her makeup kit which includes a small mirror, lipstick, and eye shadow. Doesn’t tend to get attached very much to a boy, though she’ll often act like it. She is skilled in the art of heart breaking, because the boys flock to her and she is seldom without a boyfriend. 


Crush: Typical story: The new Æ got her heart broken by Bolton, was depressed for a while...and now she's looking with wide eyes over at Counter.

Other: Speaks in bold with asterisks. 

Hah, Hazel says rNYC. Too bad I don't live there.

submitted by Leafpool
(December 14, 2016 - 2:37 pm)

Hi Counter!  Welcome!  Dove, say hi.

*Dove smiles widely at Counter*  Hi!

Edemame, say hi.

*Edemame scribbles in notebook*

You're supposed to be meeting Counter, not writing!

*doesn't answer*

*Echo smiles apologetically*  Sorry.  When she gets "in the zone" with her music and writing, she won't stop until she finishes.

*Edemame looks up, a smile bright on her face, her eyes twinkling happily*  Then she sees all the people, and tucks the notebook in her bag*  Um...Hi!  





submitted by Echo & Dove
(December 14, 2016 - 6:21 pm)

Oh, hey, Dove. How are you? And hello, Edemame. Er, what are you writing? 

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 15, 2016 - 9:27 am) a story.  *looks down, hiding her face with a curtain of hair*

Sorry, she's shy about her writing.

I'm not shy, I'm er... showing-people-my-writing-phobic.

That's not a thing.

If Counter can be new-person-phobic, then I can be showing-people-my-writing-phobic.


Sorry Counter. 

submitted by Echo & Co.
(December 16, 2016 - 2:23 pm)

Hey counter. My Æs have returned from dead, and they want to say hi.




And my Æs are all hiding for one reason or another. DJ is hiding because he is now shy and insecure. Zekrar is hiding because he hates people, and Jack is hiding because he is scared of Zekrar.

We will go now.


submitted by Gared CO
(December 14, 2016 - 11:10 pm)

Hi there! Um, congratulations on returning from the dead. Um, is that what you're supposed to say when people return from the dead?

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 15, 2016 - 9:29 am)

Sadly, my life is still in the balance.

submitted by DJ Bowtie
(December 15, 2016 - 12:31 pm)

Oh! Well. Um, I hope you don't die! Dieing is usually bad. I generally try to avoid dieing, whenever possible. So, yeah! Good luck not dieing!

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 15, 2016 - 10:21 pm)

Edemame and Dove are both beautiful and looking for a crush...  Edemame speaks in italics and Dove speaks in bold.

*clears throat*


We did not agree on you putting me and Dove out there like this..


Whatever, you two need crushes!


submitted by Echo, Edemame, Dove
(December 15, 2016 - 7:13 am)