AE Number One!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Number One!

AE Number One! I've made an AE! My very first! I've never done this before, so everyone will have to give me some constructive critisism about this. Ok, here he is:

Name: Counter

Age: About fourteen or fifteen

Appearance: Tan skin with longish dark blonde hair and brown eyes. Short and slender, but surprisingly strong. Wears t-shirts and jeans most of the time, with converse shoes. Has fine, delicate facial features.
Personality: Um... disagrees with me. A lot.
(I do NOT!) 
He is actually kinda shy and gets very flushed when embarrassed, which embarrasses him even more. He is fairly sensible, can be quiet when he doesn't know people. He likes being part of the group, but not usually the center of attention.
Other: Talks in bold. (See?) Is looking for a crush! We didn't discuss this! I'm DEFINATELY not looking for a crush! *blushes*
Someone's blushing! 
Am not!
submitted by Cockleburr
(December 12, 2016 - 8:39 pm)

Me: Hi Counter!

Niccolai: why must you drag us here to introduce a new Æ?

Me: because you and Doublock need crushes.

Niccolai: why?

Me: Because,  A. Counter is hot and you know it.

Niccolai: I don't care

Me: B. Because Doublock needs a new crush so she can stop thinking about Bolton.

Niccolai: Crushes are useless, she is better off without that cheater.


Niccolai: I am NOT scared of relationships.

Grey: Are too!

Me: where did you come from Grey?

Grey: I heard you and Nick arguing so I thought I would come and watch.

Me: where's Doublock?

Grey: she is still sulking in the crush thread.

Niccolai: how come you dragged me here and not Doublock?

Me: umm... because Doublock is in a delicate mental state and-

Grey: when Nebula tried to get her over here, Doublock punched her in the nose for suggesting the idea of a crush other than Bolton. 

Niccolai: I bet that hurt!

Me: you have no idea...


Anyway, welcome to the CB counter! My AEs are Grey, Doublock, and Niccolai (Nick for short) 

submitted by Nebula and Co.
(December 15, 2016 - 1:13 pm)

Uh, hey Nebula! And hello, um Niccolai. What an interesting name. I- wait. I am hot?? Ahh! What does- why-how-AHHHH! *runs away screaming bloody murder*

Well. Er, Counter's hiding in the closet again. He's a little... um, shy.

*muffled voice from closet* Am not! I'm New-person-phobic! 

You know that isn't real.

*still inside closet* I AM LIVING PROOF THAT IT IS REAL! 

Well, I'm sure he'll come welcome you more warmly once he gets over the realization that he is hot. 

OH my GOSH my CAPTCHA just said ktgr. Kate-the-Great! 

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 15, 2016 - 10:30 pm)

**Whips out mirror to check hair and makeup* *applies more lipstick* *Walks over to closet* 

*Hi, Counter! Are you okay? *Smiles sweetly at Counter* Do you want to go for a walk with me?*

Rosalyn is looking for a new crush, since Bolton broke her heart. Did you see the sheet I posted on page 2? Rosalyn is like, super beautiful. (She's my Æ Arwen's sister. She used to live in Hawaii.)

**Glances hopefully at Counter** 

submitted by Rosalyn
(December 16, 2016 - 2:29 pm)

*Clicks to the other tab to pause music, then shakes head and clicks back to this tab* Hi! 

Hi. I'm Jolie, Moonlight's dragon. It's nice to meet another two-legs-round-ears. I have to have out with two-legs-pointed-ears all the time.

Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Counter. Such a strange name. MY name is Clarabelle.

Be nice!

*Rushes into the room, holding a stack of papers. Papers drift to the floor, and bends down to pick them up, dropping more. Shoves all of them into a messy pile in hands.* ..What? What? What did I miss? What's going on? 

We're welcoming Counter.

'Kay. Soooooo... Hi'ya Counter. My name is Theo. 

*Nods head to the music* Clicking submit in 5...4...3...2...

Can I do, what'd'ya' call it, the CAPATACHA code?


'Kay, whatever, can I do the CAPTCHA code? 

Why do CBers care so much about the CAPTCHA code?

Ignore Jolie, just GET ON WITH IT! *Many voices join in as Moonlight says 'GET ON WITH IT!'*

muvt *pronounces it like muved*

Now, clicking submit in 5...4...3...2...1... Show's over, folks! *Starts singing along to music and clicks submit* 

submitted by Moonlight, age 11, Ellesmera
(December 15, 2016 - 8:08 pm)