Marvel vs D.C. 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Marvel vs D.C. 

Marvel vs D.C. 

Ok, I have recently become a bit of a marvel fan. I noticed a lot of other CBers love superheroes too, so this is a debate. Which one do you believe is better? Marvel or DC? Post arguments, facts, whatever you want! 

submitted by Nebula , age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(April 11, 2017 - 1:34 am)

One word: Marvel.

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(April 11, 2017 - 11:04 am)
submitted by Top!!!
(April 11, 2017 - 1:19 pm)

MARVEL. Definitely.

submitted by Rae
(April 11, 2017 - 3:17 pm)

DC forever. I mean seriously, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, and Oracle. And Martian Manhunter! And the Hawks! And Vandal Savage! And Bane!! And Flash (comics not the show *cringe*). And ughhhhh Black Canary is one of my favorite heroes ever. Anyway, before I start to fangirl, I'm gonna go... Marvels good too though, I mean there's Hawkeye. Even though he's kinda just like Green Arrow *cough cough*.

submitted by Nighthawk
(April 11, 2017 - 3:48 pm)

Hawkeye was first. I looked it up. MARVEL!!!!!!!!!!! DC isn't completely bad, as it does have Martian Manhunter. Other than that, Marvel's better. Simple 's that.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(April 11, 2017 - 5:18 pm)

Technically they were bothe debuted around the same time, but yes Hawkeye was a little earlier. I wasn't saying Marvel stole the idea nor am I saying DC did. 

submitted by Nighthawk
(April 12, 2017 - 11:15 am)

Marvel? I'm more of a Marvel fan, but I love both. DC has some great TV shows, and I love the DCAU, but I'm an MCU fan at heart. I am way too excited for Thor: Ragnarok. Did you see that teaser! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Spiderman: Homecoming both look awesome too. I'm apprehensive but hopeful about Justice League though, and Wonder Woman looks cool. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, Thyferra
(April 11, 2017 - 9:30 pm)

Is anyone else super excited for Avengers, Infinity War? It's comming out in 2018 and I'm SUPER EXCITED! Partly because it will have all of the characters from MCU all in the same movie. Imagine Tony Stark meeting Rocket.... I'm pretty sure something would explode. 

I kind of like Marvel better than DC because the heroes don't let their depressing backstories get in the way of their life. They joke around and have fun, all while beating up evil phycopath robots. (Ultron)  

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(April 12, 2017 - 1:32 am)

Well, they don't let it get in the way all the time. I mean, the Flash's parents were killed and he's a huge jokester. As is Dick Grayson aka the first Robin and Nightwing. Just saying. Sorry, I'm a huge DC fan and can kinda get defensive... Sorry!! 

submitted by Nighthawk
(April 12, 2017 - 11:18 am)

I am so excited for Infinity War! Personally, I really want Gamora and Black Widow to become assasin buddies. XD

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, Thyferra
(April 12, 2017 - 1:13 pm)

Well, I really like Marvel. They've got more 'teen' superheros, I guess. And there's some good diversity. But I'm a bit of a Batgirl fan, so....

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 12, 2017 - 5:42 am)

marval sorry to D.C fans  i only like afew super heros my fave is docter strange

submitted by eevee, age none, everywhere
(April 12, 2017 - 2:20 pm)

Come on, Marvel? It is just a rip off, of DC. Take Thor and Superman for example, 

Marvel: We don't know how to make original comics of our own so let's make a person from another planet.


Green Arrow and Hawkeye (I like Hawkeye, btw he really goo, but Green Arrow has better backstory, and he better.)

Marvel: Look at this guy who shots arrows, let's make him be red and be called Hawkeye. 


Hulk and The Thing (Fantastic Four ppl)

Marvel: Look at this guy who turns into this monster, let's make our guy never turn back though to make it more dramatic.



submitted by Greenhood, RollingEyesWithBarry
(April 12, 2017 - 4:11 pm)

Greenhood, not to be rude or anything, but The Hulk came before The Thing. Also Fantastic four is by Marvel and always was ( I am pretty sure). Superman and Thor... you can't exactly compare them together...

Also Hawkeye's color is purple not red.

Sorry to be so straight forward but I am only really like that with facts and fandoms. Facts and fandoms... that sounds like a good name for a game! *copyright Esquire of Rohan 2017* 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(April 12, 2017 - 8:03 pm)

I mean, I am a BIG DC fan, so sorry I get defensive, I like most of the superheroes. I am going to C2E2 this April. Also can't wait for Ant Man 2!!!!!!! Avengers keep on fighting eachother, and I think that dumb, sooooo yeah! 

Also there is this:

Superman and Batman: THIS IS MY MOVIE/COMIC!!!!

IronMan (Love him!!!) and Captian America: THIS IS MY MOVIE/COMIC!!!!!

And then there is these two....

Supergirl and The Flash: WHOOO HOOO BEST CROSS OVER EVAH!!!!!!


submitted by Greenhood, RollingEyesWithBarry
(April 12, 2017 - 4:16 pm)