
Chatterbox: Down to Earth




Who here has got a penpal? Tell us about your penpal, how you started getting in touch with them, or anything else! Oh, and does anybuggy know of any good (and safe) penpal programs? I want a penpal but am not sure how to go about getting one.

submitted by Allison P., age 12
(June 7, 2009 - 8:05 am)

I'm only a couple minutes behind Grace!! HI!  :)

submitted by Laura
(June 13, 2009 - 12:55 pm)

My pen-pal and I (lacey) haven't ever met! But we really want to! I got her in forth grade, because in forth grade we were studying states and stuff. So everyone got a state to write to so ranom school, and I wrote to NE anddddddddddd someone *gasp* responded and asked if I wanted to be pen pals! I said *gasp!* YES! and now, here I am, writing emails and ocasionally letters to my best friend Lacey, who lives in NE, and I've never met...hmm... haha! I don't know any web addresses, so sorry!

submitted by Maggie S. , age 13, St. Paul, MN
(June 16, 2009 - 7:55 am)