Evolution VS Creation

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Evolution VS Creation

Evolution VS Creation


I read through this thread and was caught up in how interesting it is! I decided to make a new thread with some questions that struck me while reading this one. 

-What do you believe?

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

-What happens when you die?

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

-How do we know that science is right?

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

...quite frankly, how do we know that anything in the world is right, unless we see it with our own eyes...and how do we know that our eyes aren't lying?



@Admins, please link this? Thank you!! 

When I got to the end, I saw that Hermione had topped it, I like that she was trying to top the oldest threads, but I also agree with Butterfly about keeping the old parts of the CB in...well in peace.

submitted by Silverwaxwing, age 14, The World
(August 13, 2017 - 6:31 pm)


I would like to counter that if that's ok?

As far as the whole blaming things on God goes, I don't do that and my religion teaches not to do that. God sent us down here to Earth to test and try us to see if we are worthy to live in his presence again. Those who do not have the oppourtunity to accept the gospel in this life will have an opportunity in the next life. I don't blame things on God at alll. When I'm going through something hard I pray for it to get better, and if it doesn't I just have to accept God's will because I know that in the end He knows what's best for me. 

As far as war and hate goes, people all have thier agency. They can chose what to do, and God can never take that away from them. If this life was supposed to be all great and happy and everything running smoothly, why did God send us down here? It's all part of a plan.


 I'm sorry if that offended anyone, I totally didn't mean it to. 

submitted by Someone
(August 16, 2017 - 7:34 am)

Well, actually, the Admins are right. Christianity is the belief in the birth of Christ, the death of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, and the ascension of Christ (And also that he is the Son of God). After all of that happened and the news of Christ going through all of these things started spreading around, that's when Christianity was formed. 

Also, Admin, you are right. And this is @U-Know-Who too. God did not create evil. But instead, through the process of mankind having free will, evil became. Now you may wonder why He didn't stop all these evil things from happening. Well, if He were to constantly intervene and stop evil and begin to control the evil things that happened in this world, then He controls the people through which evil came. That's not free will. That's treating humans like puppets. Jesus was the Son of God, not a crazy dude. Actually, the Trinity is the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Son came down to Earth as a human to save us from our sins. He didn't create Christianity--instead, Christianity was created because of Him. 

submitted by Killim@Admins@---
(August 16, 2017 - 12:15 pm)

I don't think God made us to test us. God made us because He loved us. We don't have to prove ourselves to Him, as we are imperfect beings. That's what makes needing Jesus and accepting that He died for us so beautiful. 

submitted by Killim@Someone
(August 16, 2017 - 3:28 pm)

This is just a reminder to be respectful. I know ya'll are just stating your beliefs and that is what I made this thread for, but please respect one another! :)

I'm really really enjoying reading your beliefs and thoughts on the subject! Thank ya'll for joining in and teaching me about what you believe. 


submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 16, 2017 - 1:28 pm)


Hey, I'm gonna add to what Killim and Somone said. I hope it doesn't seem like people are ganging up on you or anything, we just want to explain some things that we believe.

First off, God gave us free will. He doesn't want us to be robots, programmed to be a certain wa and by him. He placed us here on earth because he wanted us to love him. Love is a choice, not a code written into our database. If he made everyone love him automatically, it wouldn't be love. So he gave us free will. He told Adam and Eve not to eat fruit from a certain tree in the garden of Eden. But Satan tempted them, and they ate it. That's why sin entered the world. That's why there is so much hurt and pain. It isn't God's fault, it's ours. And God isn't leaving it this way. He's going to fix it. Jesus wasn't a crazy person, and it hurts my heart that you call him that. He was the son of God, and like Admin and Killim said, Christianity wasn't something he created. It was born because of him. I know it's all very complicated and hard to believe. 

Adding to what you said about animals having souls--You know, no one really knows for sure if animals have souls, but we know that God created the animals and he values them. He put the responsibility of taking care of them on humans. Animals are definitely intelligent creatures. They definitely feel emotions. However, human souls are different in that God created them in his own image, as said in Genesis. We don't know if animals have souls and go to heaven or not. The Bible doesn't say for sure. There's a lot of debate on the subject. But personally, I have a feeling they do. 

This isn't meant in any way to be offensive or hurtful to anyone. 

submitted by Leeli@U-Know-Who
(August 16, 2017 - 4:46 pm)

What do you believe? I have no religion, and personally Don't want to take part in one. I believe in evolution.

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

Yes. There is multitudes of scientific evidence, and I happen to be good at proving points and debating. 

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

well, we can guess and review the evidence, but we will never truly know if we are right, because we never saw it happened.

-What happens when you die?

That is an extremely hard question. Let me contemplate that for a bit. 


I think we become one with nature and the environment. Maybe we have consciousness, maybe we don't. I don't think we go to a physical place. I think we go... On. In Egyptian mythology, they prepare the dead for their next journey and next life. I like the idea of that, of going to a place where your departed loved ones can be with you. Or maybe we all become one with each other. We join together and are happy. Or maybe our consciousness floats out into the universe and we glide through worlds and galaxies. Or maybe we are just erased completely. I hope that is not what happens. Or maybe we come back as ghosts or spirits. Or maybe we are reincarnated. There are so many options, it's hard to believe in just one. We will only ever truly find out when we die.

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Hmmmmmmm. Well, for the chicken to exist, the egg must exist first. The chicken is created from the egg. And yet, for the egg to exist, the chicken must exist first, to create the egg. None can exist without the other. They are yin and yang. So I think that both came simultaneously, none before the other. One cannnot exist without the other.

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

I don't really think so. I've seen an egg hatch, I was not suddenly over come with ideas. I think ideas come from experiences, and what you observe around you. Like dreams. To create dreams, your brain takes memories and pictures and creates stories. Ideas form kinda like that. 

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

I don't really get this question. 

-How do we know that science is right?

Because the most of the theories are provable. I know they are provable because I've proved some.

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

We don't. We don't know if anything is right. 


Please. No offense was ever intended with any of my answers. I was simply answering the questions. I am sorry if my answers go against your beliefs. Believe your beliefs no matter what, because it makes up who you are. 

submitted by A Disguised Person
(August 16, 2017 - 11:50 pm)

Ok. Here we go. Hopefully no one gets mad at me. Whew lets do this.

-What do you believe?

I believe that God created the world in seven days >six if you don't count the day he rested< around 6,00-7,00 years ago. I also believe that Jesus came to earth to die for everyone's sins that had already happened, were happening, and will ever happen. He was crucified and three days later resurected, before appearing to more than 500 people, including his disciples. He went back to Heaven saying that he would return and that's what the book Revelation is all about-his return and the Tribulation and all of that. I also believe that if you are a Christian before the Rapture, you will not go into the Tribulation. And if you are not a Chritian before you die, then well, hell's waiting. I know this sounds horrible, and it is. Hell is not a place I or God wants anyone to go. 

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

I believe I can. I think there are loads of ways to prove that the earth isn't billions of years old and that evolution is fake and doesn't really explain many gaps in its own story.  

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

Could you possibly clarify how long you're talking?  

-What happens when you die?

As previously stated, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as you Savior, then you go to Heaven, but if you don't, well, you go to hell.  

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

I need some clarification on this one...  

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

I don't really understand the question.  

-How do we know that science is right?

It depends what science you are talking about.  

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

There are plenty of secular books and materials that back up the Bible, many of which the authors are atheists. Well, they were anyway. There is so much historical evidence to back the Bible up that I don't know how you can say that it is not true.  


Please don't start a war or a fight over this subject, guys. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so please don't act like its scandalous for theirs to be different from yours. 

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 17, 2017 - 6:45 am)

When I said 'Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?' I meant when you believe the earth and/or our being came to be. No matter what you believe.

When I wrote 'Do ideas hatch from eggs?' I think I was just interested to hear what you take on it was. Do the hatch differently for everyone? Where do they come from? God? Ourselves? The past? I'm curious to know what comes to mind when you read a slightly out of the ordinary  question. I'm enjoying reading all the answers! :D 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 17, 2017 - 11:19 am)

Ooooh ok. Sorry about that :p

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 17, 2017 - 6:51 pm)

I don't yet know where I stand in this. I do think that science is correct, to an extent. And I don't believe that there is an all-powerful "God" in the sky. I think that when you die, you are judged. Not by a god, but by yourself. The truest part of yourself looks at you and decides what you should be in your next life, and you are "reborn". It could be any time at all, from an early nomad to your own mother.

submitted by Who?
(August 17, 2017 - 10:33 am)

That is very intersting! I've thought a lot about this subject. (which is partly why I made this thread) I don't know whether or not I believe in past lives or not, but I never really thought about being 'reborn' in any time. I considered being born in any place, but never any time. I will have to think more on this!!

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 17, 2017 - 11:22 am)

Just a correction, God doesn't reside in the sky, He resides in heaven. 

submitted by Killim@Who?
(August 17, 2017 - 12:24 pm)

Alright, I will counter everything you all said. Also, not meaning to offened anyone here. (Thought I had to say it again, just in case.)

First, I think Christainity did start before he died on the cross. He went around telling people about it, maybe he even made the bible. And I think maybe he wasnt crazy, he was just a normal guy who wanted change. Maybe he thought he saw God tell him that he was his father in a dream or hallucination. And the people who followed him also wanted change. Maybe he wasnt the one who started the rumor that God was his father. Maybe it came to be over time, as the Bible was passed down from generations and added to. But being Jewish and Christianity are soooo soooo simular. You both belive in God. You both belive that there is heven and hell after death. The only difference is what Jesus added to chnage things up. Or maybe there really was no Jesus. Maybe people created the concept of him to try and spread their new religion, and he eventually became known as God's son. Or maybe he was a guy who died because he wanted to belive something different, maybe he didnt even belive in a God and instead wanted know religion and just peace. And maybe people thought he was the son of God because he wanted peace, and then Christainity started. No one knows what really happened, it was so so long ago. Sort of like the dinosaurs and anceint civilizations, which takes me to my next topic. 

Second, the dinosaurs and other creatures did exist, even if it was before the so called 'seven days of creation'. We have proof. Old bones in stone deep down in the earth that measures how long ago they lived. Frozen creatures presevered perfectly, or ones found in amber or tar. And the gem stones and coal and fuel, they need millions of years to be set, to be made, and some are even made out of the remains of anceint creatures. And evolution, we also have proof of that. Heck, its even happing today! If you look at the coyotes, who are evolving to live in citys and other places humans have taken over. Again with the fossiles, we have proof. Look it up.

Third, I believe ANIMALS HAVE SOULS. They have more of a soul then us, matter of fact. They care more for eachother and nature and dont come up with elaberate plans to destory eachother, cause their animal species to go extinct, or destory the world around them instead of being grateful. They have mothers and fathers like us, who care deeply about their children, and care for them (most of the time). The have emotions and feelings, they make mistakes and do things they regret, just like us. Tell me, can a thing without a soul feel compasion? Can a thing without a soul love others? Take my dog, she is more loyal then any friend, she loves all of us dearly, she has fears and things that make her imperfect, just like us, and she has friends and crushes like we do. Can a souless creature feal all that? 

And if God did show you and Atheists signs that he existed, I would like to hear what signs he gave you and your family.  

submitted by U-know-who
(August 17, 2017 - 12:53 pm)

Not meaning to be rude, just curious- what is your definition of a soul? Because I don't believe in souls. They don't have a definite definition, and I don't think that feelings come from them. I think that feelings come from the brain.

-Just my opinion, though I do have some proof. Once again, though, proof can be interpreted in many different ways and I accept that I might be wrong on one of my opinions.  

submitted by GreenMango
(August 17, 2017 - 3:17 pm)

First of all, Judaism and Christianity are similar in the fact of believing in God, but Jewish people do not believe Jesus to be God's son (unless they are Messianic). Also, historically, your statement is inaccurate concerning when the Bible was created. The New Testament of the Bible was written after Jesus ascended, and Christianity is also the belief that Jesus was born, Jesus died, Jesus resurrected, and Jesus acsended. Therefore, logically, it doesn't make sense that Christianity was created by Him before these things happened because Christianity is the belief of all of this. We do know what happened so long ago because of the Bible, and it's not even historically or religiously accurate to say that Jesus didn't believe in God.

Also, please remember to know that evolution is a theory. I don't need to look it up, they teach enough at school. 

I'm not going to get into the soul thing, but I will say that our brain is much more complicated than theirs, so that's why dogs and humans are not held at the same level.

I believe God came and spoke to a member of my family. He was on the train going back somewhere in Japan, and when he looked through the trees, he saw Jesus on a cross against the sunset. Now, it wasn't like you may picture it. It may not even be the way I picture it. But God went to him that day in a vision, showing him that Jesus loved him so much that He died for him.  

Also, my dad, who is a pastor, was one day in this one location with me when I was a month old. When driving back to our house, God told him that one day he would serve as a pastor here. Thirteen years later, after moving a couple times, the most recent time we moved, we moved to the place that God told my dad we would move thirteen years ago.  

Also, another member of my family grew up in a Buddhist nation, not knowing Jesus, and one time she heard John 3:16, and God spoke to her that way. God doesn't always audibly speak to you, but He speaks to you through different ways. But when it happens, you know.

There's a man that was actually an Atheist like yourself, and he went on an investigation to prove Christ wasn't real. The more he researched and the more people he interviewed, God spoke to him through those interviews, and he discovered God and Jesus to be very real. And mind you, he wasn't the slightest bit agnostic. He was a hard core Atheiest.

Many of my friends who didn't believe have had God talk to them, and they became believers.  

And God has spoken to me. Some encounters are rather private, but know that He has.  

submitted by Killim@U-know-who
(August 17, 2017 - 5:23 pm)