Evolution VS Creation

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Evolution VS Creation

Evolution VS Creation


I read through this thread and was caught up in how interesting it is! I decided to make a new thread with some questions that struck me while reading this one. 

-What do you believe?

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

-What happens when you die?

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

-How do we know that science is right?

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

...quite frankly, how do we know that anything in the world is right, unless we see it with our own eyes...and how do we know that our eyes aren't lying?



@Admins, please link this? Thank you!! 

When I got to the end, I saw that Hermione had topped it, I like that she was trying to top the oldest threads, but I also agree with Butterfly about keeping the old parts of the CB in...well in peace.

submitted by Silverwaxwing, age 14, The World
(August 13, 2017 - 6:31 pm)

Again, no offence intended... and why do I keep going off topic!? Yeah, I don't think I can promise at this rate that it won't happen again. But I find this really interesting, and I like these types of debates/information thingies. Because even though they don't usually change opinions, they are informative and show me different perspectives on the world.

Just responding to the  scariness of Athiest life. And this is just me, not everyone. But I have been religious, agnostic, and athiest. Since I was Catholic, my quality of life hasn't dipped. I have purpose. I want to go to college, get a job, pursue my hobbies, and make myself and my family proud and happy. I want to help the causes that I relate to, and I do a lot of community service. Many people live in a life without God, and it feels a bit odd to have someone tell you that your life is terrible. Sure, sometimes I get afraid about death, but it's not something I'm constantly thinking about. When I'm just out, living my life, I don't think about being athiest, or what I think happens when you die. I look out every day and am thankful that I'm alive, instead. I look at the greeness of trees and the pink tinge of the sunrise, and that makes me happy.

The were you there question is a good one. And it is why I don't think we will find out what happened. We just have to examine the evidence and decide what opinion we believe in. To me, creation doesn't make sense. But to others, it does and the Big Bang Theory doesn't make sense. It's up to individuals to decide, and it doesn't impact daily life style or their happiness levels all that much (again, in my opinion).

submitted by GreenMango
(August 19, 2017 - 1:13 pm)

Leeli, this is my point of dependancy that i was making earlyer. 'I would be nothing without God. Without God, we dont have a purpose.' I believe you are you. You are your your own person. You can do whatever you want with your life. So serve your own perpous, do what you want to do. Be a vetrinarian, or a scientist. I think you should do what makes you happy, not what you think would make God happy.

For the evolution thing, were werent there, because it takes awhile to happen. We can see the remainders of it happening today, and the old skulls and bones and civilizations as even more proof. Were you there for Creation? No I dont think so. As far as im concerned, I think the Bible is just a collection of old folklore tales.

submitted by U know who
(August 19, 2017 - 1:58 pm)

Admins, why did you deleat what I said about the Peldge? And the rest of why the bible is unreliable and such? I'm sorry if I offended your Christan ways, but it's unfair to allow people to post things on why the Big Bang and Evolution are fake and not let me post things on why the Bible and Creation are fake. If only Christans are okay, then make this a Christan websight and kick the rest off. If 'everyone's equal' then prove it, and allow others to post what they want, not just the people you agree with. 


We have been posting a lot of varying beliefs, including yours, on this thread and others. If part of your comments were deleted it's likely because it sounded rude or stated something as a fact that we don't have time to verify. We do our very best to be impartial and fair to all.


submitted by U know who
(August 19, 2017 - 7:41 pm)

The Admins are right. You've been posting much on your beliefs too. Please respect the guidelines for treating everyone respectfully, even if you don't agree with them. 

submitted by ...@U-know-who
(August 20, 2017 - 1:01 am)

@Leeli I have been a Atheist my whole life, and it isn't terrible. I have a purprose, I am not purproseless. My purpose is to achive my dreams and goals. Even though I am a Athiest I still want to goo to college, and study writing. I am no differnt from any of you who believe in God, and even though I am a Athiest my life is the same as yours. I mean not the same same, but my life isn't worse than yours. 

As a Athiest you just keep living your life, and it isn't terrible. I am still happy even though I don't believe in God, and life is unfair to everyone at times.  My life hasn't been fritghtening everyday. 

My point is being a Athiest diose not make your lifde terrible. You still have porpuse and no offense, but why should you rely on God to have purprose? 


I'm sorry if that offend anyone.  

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 12, Californa
(August 26, 2017 - 12:06 pm)

The Big Bang Theory and the Seven Days of Creation are not similar at all. The Big Bang Theory is extremely secular. 

And I have seen the world from an Atheist's point of view. Trust me. I have. 

submitted by Killim@U-know-who
(August 19, 2017 - 1:17 pm)

Like Anonymous, I am posting anonymously. Also like Anonymous, I am Jewish. And like everyone else, I hope I don't offend anyone.

-What do you believe?

I believe that God created the world (mostly because I have a hard time believing the Big Bang theory) and some very primitive creatures, and then they evolved into us.

Also, I want to pop in here that I don't like calling God he. We don't know what God is. God is just God.

-Can you prove your ideas?

There is scientific proof about evolution. I can't prove my beliefs about God, though.

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

No. We can make hypothesi, but we can't actually know.

-What happens when you die?

All I'm going to say is that Jews don't believe in... that other place.

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

There is a scientific proof, but at the moment I can't remember what it is. I think it's the egg.

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

No, they come from your brain.

-Is the scientific universe in God's head?


-How do we know that science is right?

There's evidence. 

-How do we know that the Bible is right? 

Inserting Torah instead of Bible: We don't. 

submitted by AnotherJewishPerson
(August 19, 2017 - 10:27 am)

 OK, I just want to say some things not really so you guys will listen but so I can express my beliefs because I enjoy doing it. 

So, as far as evolution goes, I believe in small scale evolution (I guess that's what you call it). I believe that it happened in animals, not humans. I think that people get confused about the whole God making Earth in seven days thing. I believe that God has a different way of measuring time and that the creation of the earth actually took 7,000 years. It says this in Abraham, which is in the Pearl of Great Price (one of the religous texts that Mormons have along with the Bible), that God's reckoning of time is 1,000 years to our day. It doesn't mean that our days pass any slower, it's just that he knows and has another way of counting time. This makes sense to me, because 7,000 years would be a more accurate time frame to make the Earth.

Also, I think I want to counter something that U-know-who said. If people don't teach their children religion, we will probably lose it all together. I could make the same argument and say that people shouldn't be allowed to teach children evolution because they might believe it just because that was what is introduced to them. I agree that people shouldn't force their religion on their kids and that when the children are old enough they can make their own decision, but I think that religion should still be taught in the home.

I don't want to be offensive in this comment at all, so please don't take it wrong. To those who say that they are Atheist and question why God hasn't shown them that He exists, maybe it's because you aren't trying (again, I really don't want to be taken wrong here. I don't want to be mean and please don't bite my head off). I know that I have received answers to my prayers through faith on my part. I have to show God that I will try my hardest to get an answer. Faith without works is dead. For example, I am reading the Book of Mormon (one of Mormon's religious texts) to reaffirm my testimony that it is true. I am pondering it, and praying to Heavenly Father to know whether or not it is true. Do you think He would give me an answer if I just asked him and didn't do any work? No, I don't think he would.


Again, I really don't want to be offensive. I know that sometimes we say things without thinking, and I am really sorry if I hurt anyone. 


submitted by Someone
(August 19, 2017 - 7:12 pm)

Hello, everyone. After a while of reading all the responses on this thread, I have decided to throw in my own two cents. I am a Reform/Reconstructionist Jew, but not very religious. I am to forgo the survey thing that Silver wrote, just because I'd rather free write. It's easier for me. Let me know what you think, and please don't be offended!! <3 


I agree with AnotherJewishPerson that calling God a "He" makes me sort of uncomfortable. I don't know if I believe that God has a sentient consciousness, but I am against the idea of the old bearded guy up in the sky. I think there's some force at work in this world— maybe it's love, maybe it's God, maybe it's something else entirely, but there is something there that keeps the universe from spiraling off of its axis.

But with most of the problems in our day-to-day lives, it's up to us to be our own inspirations. We can't rely on God to suddenly wipe away all of our problems, especially the ones we created ourselves. We do control ourselves, after all. It's up to us to fix the world we broke. God is not going to snap God's fingers and make everything nice again.

You should do the right thing, not because you think God might punish you for it, but because it is the right thing.

I do believe that if there is a God, that God loves every single soul, every single thought and every single blade of grass that exists on this earth unconditionally. We all deserve love. We all deserve life. We all deserve happiness. At the core of things, people are inherently good.

God is the universe.

The rabbi at my synagogue likes saying that there is God in every atom, every dust molecule, every soul in this world. There's a bit of immortality inside of each one of us, a little miracle, a little corner of the universe and I kind of love thinking about that. I kind of love believing that everything is special, that there is no good, no evil, but only complexity.

I believe in God, even though it's hard, sometimes.

But I also believe in science.

I believe in global warming, DNA, prions, and millions of other solar systems— I believe that there is logic to everything, and also a certain randomness. I believe that the universe has no secrets. Everything is there, waiting but hidden, and that science is how to find them.

God is important, yes. God is the motivation, the conscience, knowing beyond everything that you are important, that you don't deserve to be forgotten, that it matters that you are here. God is love.

Science is the key, the weight in your hand and on your shoulders, the rush of adrenaline when you solve a puzzle, feeling small under the stars and big when you peer into a microscope.

I believe in evolution. I have as much right to do so as anyone has to believe in creation, and they have as much right to believe in that as I do this. I believe that it is not an insult to think that we may have evolved from monkeys, because we are not, by nature, greater. We have not been chosen.

We are the de-facto rulers of this world because that is what we have made ourselves to be. We have not been satisfied— we have strived to push ourselves and make this world a better place. And we have. It isn't perfect, nor is it good enough. Each day the thin, gray, paper of the newspaper holds blood-splattered stories and war-torn words.

I believe in LGBTQ+ rights, and that will never, ever, change. I don't care what it says in the Torah, the Bible, the anything. It doesn't matter to me. I will fight the fight for human rights, because we are all human under the labels. 

If you are an atheist, it's okay. It is NOT okay to tell people that their beliefs are stupid. It is NOT okay to try to force them to give up their religion.

If you are religious, it's okay. It is NOT okay to tell atheists that they are going to be punished for not believing. It is NOT okay to try and force them to join your religion.

I believe that everyone should be able to choose.

I don't know what happens when we die, and I don't think anyone ever will. I don't believe in Heaven and Hell, that's for sure, because it seems unfair to me to pass judgment on people. Who is to say, you are good and you are bad, and ignore everything that each person has ever done to the contrary.

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Take of it what you will. 

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(August 20, 2017 - 1:10 pm)

-What do you believe?

I believe in evolution, not creation. I'm not religious, but I respect people who are, but I also find religions other than Christianity to be very interesting. I also really like to read about mythology from different parts of the world, and I actually know more about Greek and Norse mythology than I do about the Bible and that sort of stuff. But yes, I fully believe in the big bang and how we evolved in to the species we are today, and would like to learn more about it.

- Can you prove your ideas, no matter what they are?

Well, nobody can one hundred percent prove anything, but there is significant scientific research that supports evolution, and... well almost everything. 

-Will we ever find out what happened so long ago?

There will always be more to learn about, but yes, we will figure out the answer in the end. 

-What happens when you die?

I have no idea. I'm terrified that it might just be nothingness for ever and ever, and I really hope that it isn't, but I also can't think of how it could possibly be anything else. Not to offend anyone, but I don't really like the idea that all Christians go to heaven and everyone else goes to hell. I mean, other religions deserve equal credibility, and just because someone doesn't believe in Jesus or God or the Bible doesn't mean that they're not a good person. If there were a heaven I think all people who have done good on earth should go there. 

-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well if chickens evolved slowly from dinosaurs, then the egg should come first. 

-Do ideas hatch from eggs?

Umm... no? 

-Is the scientific universe in God's mind?

Not sure what this one means, but probably no. 

-How do we know that science is right?

Because it works out in everyday life and there are millions of scientists around the world who can prove things. 

-How do we know that the Bible is right?

Well if you believe in the Bible, then it is, but it doesn't logically or scientifically explain a lot of what's happened in the world. 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 22, 2017 - 8:48 pm)

Hi guys! I'm popping back into this thread. I think someone said/asked about why suffering is in the world, and although I can't explain it myself, I will post a couple pictures from my Bible explaining what Christians believe about it. 

If you all have any other questions about Catholic/Christian beliefs (because I think this thread is also for learning about other people's beliefs or religions...? Correct me if I'm wrong), the Bible I have has a lot of explanatory paragraphs next to the readings to explain the scripture and teachings. I don't know the answers to everything, but I'd love to try to explain some things!

Also, Abi and AnotherJewishPerson, I actually saw a great movie a while ago where God was played by Octavia Spencer, a woman who also played Dorothy in Hidden Figures. I agree with everything you said about calling God "He". We are all created in God's image, so it doesn't make sense.

submitted by Bluebird
(August 22, 2017 - 9:30 pm)

Pt. 2

submitted by Bluebird
(August 22, 2017 - 9:31 pm)

I've been reading this the whole time and I think it's really interesting! I just wanted to pop in and say That was The Shack, correct Bluebird? I loved that movie. It was really powerful and it made me think. 

submitted by Esquires Ghost
(August 23, 2017 - 1:09 pm)

Yes, it was The Shack! I thought it was a great movie.

submitted by Bluebird
(August 24, 2017 - 6:43 am)

Alright, first of all, things I say will probably come off as more rude then something, say, Leeli says. It's biased, really because you're all Christains, Admins. So something I say about the bible will come off as rude but something Leeli says about evolution won't. 

And  Someone, it will still be taught, in school designed classes that teach children about different religions. It's called World History. Also, you can take different classes learning about different religions when you get older. Oh, and Evolution is taught when you're old enough to think for yourself, not when you're 4. 

And to take up where I left off, Admins if you don't find this too rude, The Pledge is something that you have to say. It starts  sports games, the school day, and if you don't say it then you come off as rude, spoiled, and disrespectful. So I guess in a social way you have it say it, it's not required but if you don't say it everyone judges you badly as spolied and bratty for the rest of your life. 

And the Bible. It's not reliable, as far as historic documents go. A random guy could've made up a story then claimed it's true and put it in the Bible. There's no evidence any of the stuff that happened in the Bible. It's all a lie, really, cause their is no other proof. But in science you proove evolution by doing multiple tests, coming up with multiple hypotheses and solving them. They may not always be right, but in the end, the multiple answers lead to one bigger solution. It's how science all works. 

Killim, how do you know what it's like to be an atheist?  

submitted by U know who
(August 22, 2017 - 10:48 pm)