I'm pretty scared

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I'm pretty scared

I'm pretty scared just now.... See, my mom and brother are in South Carolina, and my mom's usually the pianist at church. There's another pianist, but she's due to have her baby any day. So I might have to play for congregational singing Sunday, but I won't know if I do or not until it's over, cause Heidi could go into labor anytime, be it tomorrow morning or twenty minutes before the service starts.... And it would be the first time playing for people to sing for me... So yeah, I'm really scared. Your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated. Also appreciated would be a magic pill you can swallow that will make you the greatest pianist in the world for a couple hours... just a couple hours.... That would be nice. Thanks!


-EH the Terrified

submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(June 18, 2009 - 9:00 am)

Happy birthday, Emily L.! And nothing happened. I'm immensely relieved and ever such a little bit disappointed. It was a good experience; I have to learn to work well in panic mode, and it's really best that I didn't humiliate myself, which believe me, I would have. I just didn't have enough time. But I didn't have to play, so all is well. Sorry for the false alarm, and thanks for your thoughts and prayers, everybuggy!!!



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(June 22, 2009 - 8:33 pm)

Oh, okay. Well, I'm sorry you're a little disappointed, but I'm glad you can relax now.

submitted by Lena
(June 23, 2009 - 7:33 am)

Thanks, Everybuggy! And I'm glad it went well. :)

submitted by Emily L., age 13, WA
(June 23, 2009 - 7:43 pm)