Calling all musicians

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Calling all musicians

Calling all musicians of the CB to take a shortish survey! 

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

4. What styles of music do you like best?

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

10. How much do you practice?

11. Is your family musical?

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 6, 2017 - 5:13 pm)

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

I play the piano, ukulele, recorder(ish), and I sing. I've played the piano for 5 years, ukulele for 2, recorder: we were forced to learn in the fourth grade , and I've been singing for as long as I could speak!

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

Well, my mom played the piano and she wanted us kids to get into an instrument too, so all four of us play the piano. The ukulele I wanted to play because I thought the guitar was kind of cool, but I wasn't ready for that responsibility. Again, I had no choice for the recorder... :( 

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

"Mary Had A Little Lamb" on the piano. 

4. What styles of music do you like best?

Musical Theatre!!! :) 

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

I'm in a glee club. Does that count? 

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

In front of strangers I am 100% comfortable. In front of my peers or family, however, it feels awkward. 

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

My school's glee club. 

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

We just wrapped up Glee Club, but we sang "Waving Through a Window" from DEH, A Disney Princess Medley (Those were my two favorites), "Scales and Arpeggios" from The Aristocats, "No Greater Gift", and this absolutely cringey and dreadful to sing creation called "Just Be Happy" by some company called PINKZEBRA. Also some Christmas songs.

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

I really like playing Christmas Songs and this ragtime piece I played. 

10. How much do you practice?

I don't (lol) unless there's a recital. I probably should practice often though... 

11. Is your family musical?

Everyone (except for my dad) plays the piano, and my sister did plays with me when she wasn't as busy, but I am by far the most musical. 

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

I perform in concerts, shows, and recitals throughout the year. I actually don't get stage fright. 

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

30 min-1 hour. Meh. They're ok I guess. 

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

That was my dream when I was younger, but I honestly don't think  I could make it, unless I was like a costume designer for Broadway.

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

I play the piano and ukulele pretty well (if I practiced) and my singing's okay. I get solos often, so that's good I guess.

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

Oh YES! :) 

submitted by rthebwayfan, age 13, fl
(December 6, 2017 - 8:37 pm)

Glee clubs sound like so much fun! We're doing some Disney songs in our choir, and I love them... though that may change when we get to Bippity Boppity Boo. And I listened to Just Be Happy... *cringe*... 

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 8, 2017 - 1:00 pm)

the. cringe. is. real. Luckily, I won't have to sing it ever again!

submitted by rthebwayfan, age 13, fl
(December 11, 2017 - 6:28 pm)

Complete my own survey, why not? 

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

My main instrument is piano, which I've played for about nine years now. I've played ukulele off and on for about two years. I've always loved to sing, but only started taking serious lessons this summer. I've been part of our church's handbell choir for around three years now. I really want to learn to play cello too!

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

My parents decided I should play piano because our house came with one (beat up as it was), and it would be a good building block if I decided to pursue another instrument later on. I stuck with piano at first because I was just used to it, now because I love it so much!

My very musical brother, who has always wanted me to learn another instrument, gave me a ukulele as a birthday present. I was never that serious about it, but know enough to play a couple simple chords. He also convinced me to join the handbell choir.

I started taking voice because I wanted to become a better singer for musical theatre and choir, and because the teacher and I really get along well.  

And I want to play cello because it's such a lovely instrument! 

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

This little jingle my brother taught me called CDE (it goes C-D-E--C-D-E--C-D-E-D-C-D-C) 

4. What styles of music do you like best?

Probably classical for piano and musical theatre for voice!

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

I'm in a handbell choir and sometimes help with music at my youth group. 

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

If I feel confident about what I'm singing, I feel awkward singing one on one in front of friends or family, but I'm fine singing in front of strangers or crowds, even if the crowds contain friends and family. It's strange.

If I don't feel confident I'll get self concious and make more mistakes than I normally would if it's in front of anyone at all. The one exception to this is my voice teacher-- it took a few lessons, but now I'm not afraid to mess up in front of her.

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

I'm in a community choir. We do a wide variety of music.

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

In handbells we're doing a wide variety of Christmas music, my favorite naturally being Carol of the Bells, which we do every year but I love anyway.

Our Christmas music for choir is also really nice-- my favorite of it is this really cool version of Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel

For piano I'm doing a lot of things. My favorite is Fazil Say's Jazz Fantasy on the Turkish March (look it up-- I've gotten it up to about 60% of the speed he plays it at XD)

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

I love the Maple Leaf Rag and some of the Chopin and Debussy pieces I've done. In handbells we did a really fun version of Count Your Blessings. For voice I love Don't Rain On My Parade from Funny Girl.  

10. How much do you practice?

I try to do about forty-five minutes a day.

11. Is your family musical?

My grandmother is a piano teacher and always has plenty to point out about my playing! My brother is amazing at improvisation and playing by ear, and can pick up any instrument and figure out how to play it very quickly. He's also very good at composing, but he has no perserverance for actually practicing and his sight reading needs some work. My dad plays guitar and my mom is a good singer, but none of my family is super dedicated.

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

My teacher has an annual recital, and choir and handbells perform pretty often-- I'll sometimes play a piano piece to fill in our performance. I sometimes play piano for church, too. I don't actually get nervous. 

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

I take voice and piano with the same teacher at the same time, so one hour combined. I enjoy my lessons very much! 

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

No. I can see myself teaching children piano on the side in college, maybe even starting up a community choir or something later on. But a job as a concert pianist isn't very stable, and I don't think it would be something I'd enjoy doing-- I want to be an engineer! 

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

I feel like I've come to a point with my piano playing where I can learn to play anything I want to. Some would definitely take a lot of sweat, but if I persevere I can make it happen!

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

Ohhhh yes! 

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 7, 2017 - 10:14 am)

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

I've played the piano for about 9 years, and the flute since April. I also play the ukulele on and off, and I like to sing thought I've never ahd voice lessons 

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

Piano, because my parents made me, and flute, because I've wanted to since I was little but never had an opportunity or reason. 

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

I don't remember on the piano, but on the flute it was some random warm up jingle that we play every week in band 

4. What styles of music do you like best?

Oddly enough, I like alternative rock and also classical/romantic/baroque music 

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

I'm a homeschool band that meets weekly at a local college 

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

I don't like singing around my family or good friends, but I don't mind singing in front of strangers 

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?


8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

On the piano, I'm playing Mozart's sonata V (just the first movement), and O Come, O Come, Emmanuel for christmas, and on the flute I'm playing Cumberland Cross by Carl Strommen 

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

I really really liked playing Fur Elise on the piano, and I haven't really been playing the flute long enough to have a favorite song 

10. How much do you practice?

I practice the piano like maybe 2ish hours a week, and I practice the flute like 1 hour or so per week. 

11. Is your family musical?

yes. everyone except my mom plays the piano, though she used to. 

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

Yes, I have several recitals a year, including one this saturday, oh yes. 

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

45 minutes or so, and yes! I love my piano teacher. 

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

I wanted to at one point, but I just don't know if that's realistic. I don't think I'd ever be able to have a career in music 

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

Pretty good. I'm pretty good at the piano, though I'm not sure about the flute. 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?


submitted by Leafmist
(December 7, 2017 - 10:54 am)

Our answers are super similar, wow! Good luck on your recital!!!

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 8, 2017 - 1:01 pm)

I'll only be able to do half of this at the moment, because what do you know! I have to leave for my piano lesson in like 45 minutes!

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them? I play the piano, and have been for four years (Counting this year), and sometimes I plunk out a tune or two on my borther's uke. He got it for Christmas last year, so I've only just started fiddliing around with it.

2. Why did you choose that instrument? Well, come four years ago, when I was ten, I did'nt want to play piano AT ALL. My parents made me. But now I love, love love it, and cannot imagine life without it! I just started the uke 'cause it was just something fun to do on my spare time.

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play? Ummm, well I started piano off with a cirriculem that my piano teacher goes by, so there was a lot of arranged famous peices. But I think the first one I learned to play was a "song" called Two Blackbirds. It's literally just slamming your first two fingers against different groups of black keys up and down the scale XD

4. What styles of music do you like best? I like Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, very emotional styles. Also, I like playing the soundtracks of some movies, too. Like Pirates of the Carribbean, Beuty and the Beast, Pride and Prejudice, ect.

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)? No, well.. actually, since you said that voice counts, I'm on our "Church Choir" of legit. 10 people. ;)

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people? If it's people I know, say at church, then yes. Otherwise....not at all.

7. Are you in any kind of singing group? Oops. I guess the same answer as #5!

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites? Chopin's Valtz in c-sharp minor, Op. 64, No. 7. Bach's praeludium & Fuga 2 in C minor, BWV 847. I'm going to start playing Christmas music this week, too. My altime favorite is "Dawn", by Dario Marianenelli, from the movie Pride and Prejudice. Google it, I'm sure you'll recognise it. Dawn is my "calming piece" that I play whenever I'm nervous about a recital, or things like that. I also just finnished learning "Moonlight" sonata by Beethoven. That's also one of my favorites for when I'm in a darkish mood.

I have to leave like right now, so I'll post the rest later!

submitted by Vyolette
(December 7, 2017 - 1:21 pm)

Dawn is one of my absolute favorites! Triplet vs. eighth note rythms are always so lovely. And our church choir was down to eight people before the director left and the whole thing disbanded. Though I can't say I'm disappointed about it because my new choir is awesome.

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 8, 2017 - 1:06 pm)

Oh, cool! I'm procrastinating in studying for my AP Human Geo. exam anyway, so why not?

1) What instruments do you play?

I play piano. I suppose I play voice, though I'm not in choir this year (couldn't fit it into my high school schedule) 

2) Why did you choose that instrument?

This is one of my earliest memories, actually! I had done this music thing for little kids where every year they move you up to a new instrument (all I remember is this weird elephant drum). When my sister got to old for it, I got moved out of it as well. However, apparently my mom didn't want me to miss out on two extra years of bad-music-playing. She gave me a choice between playing piano or flute, and I picked piano obviously. I think I just picked it because we already had a piano. 

3) What was one of the first tunes you learned how to play?

Mary had a little lamb

4) What styles of music do you like the best?

I haven't really refined my taste. I generally like fast paced songs, but I might hate one song from a certain style and hate another of the same style. 

5)Are you in any kind of instrumental group?

Not really. Sometimes I do duets with people, though.

6) Do you feel comftorable singing in front of others?


7)Are you in any kind of singing group?

I used to be in choir. But not anymore, so no.

8) What are some of the songs/favorites you are doing now?

Ragamuffin, Spinning Song, and some patriotic songs

9) What are some of your favorite songs you ever played?

I dunno. Latin Holiday is one I remember. Maybe the Entertainer 

10) How much do you practice?

Ugh, it varies wildly since school started. 

11) Is your family musical?

Umm, not really. My grandparents are. My paternal grandma is in choir, and my maternal grandfather plays the flute. My dad played piano as a child. My parents and my sister do not play anything or sing. 

12) Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

I perform twice a year (once for a Recital, and another for this competition judges thing), plus occasionally more at nursing homes. I always get very nervous. Especially for the judges thing because I also have to do sight-playing.

13) How long are your lessons and do you enjoy them?

My lessons are 45 minutes. I enjoy them, if I have practiced enough that week, I'm not sick, and the teacher is in a good mood. 

14) Would you pursue a career in music?

No, I don't think I would pursue a career in music. Besides teaching, which would be very stressful for me, I can't think of a job that I would feasibly enjoy that would earn me enough money. 

15) How do you feel about your level of playing in music?

I'm an MD something. Which I thing stands for Medium Difficulty something. I guess that's cool. 

16) Does your instrument playing make you happy?

Yes, I love playing piano when I'm not being forced to play. It puts me in a good mood, but I don't like feeling like I don't have a choice. 

submitted by GreenMango
(December 7, 2017 - 3:03 pm)

. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

Mostly I just love to sing (I don't take lessons or do chorus but I do musical theater), but I also used to play the saxophone. 

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

I've always liked to sing, I think.  I chose the saxophone because for 4th grade band we had a choice of playing the trumpet, clarinet, flute, trombone, or saxophone, and sax seemed the coolest. Also, my uncle plays the saxophone.

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

I think this just applies to the saxophone... this song called Let's Go Band, which is a version of the Let's Go Team cheer.

4. What styles of music do you like best?

I like older music, and cast recordings. 

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

I used to be in band in 4th and 5th grade, but no. 

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?


7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

No, but I do a sort of theater class where we do a musical every year, and I sing in that. 

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

I'm learning the song "Agony" from Into the Woods for theater. On my own, I'm not really doing much. I guess I'm trying to learn "It Won't Be Long Now" from In the Heights. I love that song.

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

One of my favorite songs to sing is "Popular" from Wicked. My favorite song I've played is "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy." 

10. How much do you practice?

I no longer practice saxophone (I really should) but I just sort of sing a lot. 

11. Is your family musical?

Well, they like to sing, but... not really.

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

I perform in musicals (like small neighborhood kids' productions) and I've been in my school's talent show.  I get very nervous.

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

I used to take saxophone lessons. I forget how long they were, but I enjoyed them. 

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

No, because I feel like if I were a singer, I would have to write my own music for my singing to feel real, and I'm not a very good songwriter. However, I wouldn't mind being in musicals for a living. 

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music?

I think I'm good ish at singing and not that good at the saxophone. In general I guess I'm okay at music. 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

Singing makes me really happy. Playing the sax makes me pretty happy too. 

submitted by Applejaguar, New York
(December 7, 2017 - 4:15 pm)

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them? :Piano for two years i think.

2. Why did you choose that instrument? uhhhh... honestly i cannot remember. :P

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play? "shoo fly" and i did not pick it!

4. What styles of music do you like best? classical, rock, uhhhh...

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)? not really.

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people? meh.

7. Are you in any kind of singing group? no.

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?  "puppet parade", "jazzy old macdonald" (i hate jazz so don't ask me why) uhhhh... theres others.

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played? Ode to joy, by far

10. How much do you practice? 20 minutes a day.

11. Is your family musical? yes.

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous? i have a recital once a year, and i have pre-stage fright, but other than that, no.

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them? half an hour, and it kinda depends.

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not? sure. i dunno...

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? meh.

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy? depends.

submitted by Catsclaw , age 11, The Library
(December 7, 2017 - 4:59 pm)

1. What instruments do you play? How long have you played them?

Piano for seven years now, I think. I started violin in May and I sing off and on - I started singing two years ago, but I only ever do it to accompany piano. I've maybe sung three songs total with my teacher.

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

Well, I was pretty young at the time, and basically my parents asked me and my brother "Hey, wanna play piano?" We didn't see any reason not to so we both started taking lessons. Violin I asked to learn because I'd been hankering after another instrument, and Owlgirl gave me some very convincing reasons as to why I should learn violin and not viola. I still want to learn viola when I have a better grasp of bowing, though ~

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

Something super easy like Hot Cross Buns, probably. But I do remember friends of ours (who all play the piano) showing me this one-finger version of Darth Vader's Theme that I promptly memorized. I have a better, two-hand version of it now, though.

4. What styles of music do you like best?

My foolproof genre is classic rock. I've never listened to a band under that category that I didn't like. I also listen to plenty of alt, and a bit of country and some bluegrass. (I really want to learn how to play some of those bluegrass songs on the violin, the band I listen to has an amazing fiddler.)

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group?

I wish. Hopefully next year, in high school.

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

I've never been formally handed a microphone and told to sing. But I'm actually a lot better at singing in front of people than I am at playing an instrument. Which is funny, because I'm not a good singer but I'm decent on my instruments.

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

I'll have to develop an acceptable voice first.

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now? Which ones are your favorites?

On piano I'm playing a piece called "Giant Purple Butterflies," by Wynn-Anne Rossi from A Trip to the Rainforest. It's very very pretty. I'm also wrapping up "Wild Flowers" from my piano book (which is very nice for expression) and I'm playing Minuet No. 2 by J.S. Bach on the violin, wrapping up Minuet No. 1.

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played? 

Ironically, my favorites are the ones I sing! That would be "All the Rowboats" and "Eet," both by Regina Spektor. I also really enjoy this fairly easy version of The Phantom of the Opera.

10. How much do you practice?

20 minutes per day on piano, about fifteen on violin. All depends on how quickly and how much I'm playing in terms of violin.

11. Is your family musical?

My immediate family is very musical. My mom is a fantastic singer and used to play flute; my dad plays guitar, banjo, and ukelele, plus he sings very well. My brother, as I've said, plays piano, and he's a former trombone player. My grandma on my dad's side also taught herself to play piano, but besides her I don't know of anybody else who still seriously plays.

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

My piano teacher has an annual recital; over the years it's gotten more and more nerve-wracking, to the point where my fingers are trembling as I try to play. Still, once I get into the swing of things it's easier. It's been nice to play my Regina Spektor pieces at the recital because I'm much more comfortable singing.

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

My piano lessons are 45 minutes and my violin ones 30. I do enjoy them, I like my teachers.

14. Would you ever want to persue a career in music? Why or why not?

Definitely! I'd love to be in a band, I think it would be really fun. It's hard to earn a living through music, though, so that wouldn't be the only thing I'd do.

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music?

Well, I've been working really hard this year because of high school auditions! I've gotten much better at sightreading and scales. My violin still needs a lot of work, but I think I'm doing pretty well in piano. Don't even get me started on my singing. My piano teacher is also a vocal teacher, so I hope that at some point she'll catch on and realize that I might want to take singing more seriously . . . 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(December 7, 2017 - 6:22 pm)

In terms of voice I had a similar situation to yours this summer. My piano teacher is also a voice teacher and much more professionally trained in that area, so I was hoping she'd pick up that I'd want to take lessons in singing too and suggest it. She never thought of it (I wasn't being very obvious), so finally in August I took initiative and asked my parents for just a month of voice lessons as a trial.

My first voice lesson I didn't do so well-- I wasn't confident and had a weak voice. But my teacher encouraged me and gave me some simple folk songs to work on. She helped me improve rapidly that month, and I've continued taking voice lessons and plan to keep doing so. My teacher has really helped me with tone quality, breathing, and confidence, and has introduced me to great repetoire, including some really awesome but lesser-known musical theatre songs. 

So all that to say, I would recommend looking into voice lessons seriously if that's something you're really interested in. Talk to your parents about it-- maybe you could see if you could take a couple trial lessons if you're not ready to commit. Have fun!  

submitted by @St.Owl, Shoshannah
(December 8, 2017 - 1:23 pm)

1. I play the piano (for 8 years), the trumpet (for a year, but I don't have one anymore) the clarinet (for 3 years), and although I've never had voice training or really sung for a group, I love to sing around the house and stuff and always have.

2. I remember, I kind of just randomly decided in first grade that I wanted to learn to play the piano, and I loved it. I joined band because my friends did, and honestly, I don't really like to play the clarinet, probably because I don't like our band teacher. I'm going to start singing in choir at school because I'm finally getting enough courage to do it in front of people.

3. I think a very simple version of Chopsticks, because it was the only piano song my mom knew and she taught me it before I started taking lessons.

4. For instrumental, I can describe my music taste as 'Olafur Arnalds'. I'm not sure how to describe his style, but I love it. I'm not really a fan of classical music like Beethoven, Mozart, etc., but I really like piano music that has a lot of loud, crisp chords... if you look up the backing track for the song Roses by Luke Christopher, that's kinda what I'm talking about...

5. I'm in band at school, and soon, I'm joining choir, also at school.

6. I'm getting more comfortable with it. If you count my family, yes, I'm literally always singing or humming or listening to music at home. 

7. Soon I will be!

8. In band at school, we're playing Feliz Navidad. As a singing project for myself, I'm learning the chords for a song called Demon Limbs on the piano and then singing with it. For piano- "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis, "Great Smoky Mountains", "Edelweiss" from The Sound of Music, and "This Place is a Shelter" by Olafur Arnalds (because he gives his sheet music out for free !!)

9. "Lord, How a Rose E'er Blooming" and The Star Wars theme song on the clarinet, and "Marmalade Rag" and "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera on the piano.

10. I sit down and play the piano all the time. I sing all the time. I'll be honest, I don't practice the clarinet very much...

11. No. My dad's band teacher recommended to him that he should try Home Ec on the first day, if that tells you anything. My mom played piano for less than a year. My sister also quit piano pretty quickly. I do have a first cousin who is in marching band at college, though, so I guess a little bit.

12. It's easier performing in band, because if you mess up a little bit you can't really tell. I sometimes get a bit nervous before piano recitals, but it usually is okay.

13. My mom's good friend teaches me piano, she has been since 1st grade. Lessons can take a while, because my teacher is very talkative and always has to catch up with my mom when she comes.

14. No... I would rather do something with art.

15. I think my skill in piano is pretty good. I honestly don't know whether I have a good singing voice or not, but I don't care because I love to do it. I'd say it's decent but I can't hit a lot of super high notes yet. I'm ok at clarinet, but not great.

16. Piano and singing, yes. Clarinet, eh... 

submitted by Bluebird
(December 7, 2017 - 7:09 pm)

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played? Also the same as #8! (Man, I really should read through all the questions first....XD)

10. How much do you practice? I practice on the piano for 45 minutes to an hour each day. Depending wether or not I'm running late.

11. Is your family musical? You could say that...? My Mom took piano lessons for eight years, but she hated it, and had really bad teachers, and she never really learned how to read notes. My Dad took piano lessons all through his childhood and teenhood, and occasionaly, he goes and  sits down at the piano and starts plunking out a song, usually Honkey Tonk. He also occasionaly plays his guitar, which he mostly taught himself how to play. My brother also takes piano lessons.... and yeah. I'll leave it at that. I guess we are musical! XD

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous? My piano teacher has recitals about every six months, so I play at them. I also sometime play for my grandma, and great-grandpa. People who enjoy it.

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them? As mentioned before, I had a lesson just this afternoon! They are usually around 45 minutes long and yes! I do enjoy them!

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not? Oh, ho ho dear. I won't go into detail, as that would take almost a whole page the CB, but yes. I am very seriously considering pursuing a career in music.

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? I find that I play rather well.  My piano teacher says that I have a very strong gift, and that I'm "really, really good." 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy? Yes, very happy indeed.

submitted by Vyolette
(December 7, 2017 - 9:36 pm)