Calling all musicians

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Calling all musicians

Calling all musicians of the CB to take a shortish survey! 

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

4. What styles of music do you like best?

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

10. How much do you practice?

11. Is your family musical?

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 6, 2017 - 5:13 pm)

I play the flute, i've played it since the start of school last year, when i was in 5th grade, i still play the flute but now i'm also in choir, i started choir at the begginning of this school year in 6th grade  

2. I chose the flute because i had to be in band for school, we already had 2 flutes because my sisters and mom played one and no one else in our band was going to play one, so I'm the only flute in our band                                                                                                                               

3.The first tune i learned to play was hot cross buns                                                                   

4. i don't have a favorite style of music but i like faster classical music                                       

5. i'm in band and choir                                                                                                         

6. I'm fine with singing in front of other people if I'm in a group and one time for our church i signed up for a solo but there were too many people so my "solo" had three people in it            

7. choir and praise team for my church were once a month i go up front with about 5 or 6 other and lead the songs                                                      

8. we have a concert on the 12th of December and my band is playing Chatterbox (without the crickets) and North Pole Sleigh ride, we're also playing Christmas Fun but not for the concert, also at that concert my choir is singing Christmastime, Come Thou Fount, Blizzard on the Way and Tiny Little Baby Born on Bethlehem, if you look up these songs you'll probably only find some of them because some of them there are songs with the same or really close name and i don't know who wrote them                                                                                                  

9. one of my favorite songs that i've played was probably Regal March even though I wasn't that good at it                                                                     

10. I sometimes sing at home but I probably only practice my flute at home about twice a month, i mostly only practice at band which i have twice a week for about 40 minutes                   

11. I don't know if my dad played an instrument but my mom played the flute in middle school and high school, and both of my sisters played the flute in middle school but then stopped, both of my sisters were in choir for one year in highschool                                                               

12. I have about 4 concerts a year and i play the flute and sing at all of them, before hand i'm nervous but once i start i'm not and I think this is what i practiced for all those times in band and choir                                                                                                                                     

13. I don't take lessons i just have band 2 times a week for 40 minutes and choir 2 times a week for 40 minutes                                                                                                             

14. No, I'm not really that good and it just isn't my favorite thing, i like it of course but i don't love it, except for maybe choir, but I don't have a very good voice                                             

15. if I ranked myself 1 out of 10 on my flute playing 10 being amazing! and 1 being terrible I would probably give myself a 7.5, for choir on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say 8.5 because I sing the right notes but I don't have a super good voice                                                                       

16. yes! i love singing and i love the feeling of my fingers pressing down certain keys and changing my fingering without even haveing to think about it, it's an amazing feeling.                                                                                            

submitted by Barnswallow
(December 8, 2017 - 5:13 pm)

Also my dad played the clarinet in middle and high school

submitted by Barnswallow
(December 11, 2017 - 3:22 pm)

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

I play the clarinet, tenor ukulele, and a bit of piano. I've played the ukulele and clarinet since 5th grade (I'm now in 8th) and the piano since... a few weeks ago, when I sat down and taught myself. Oh, and also I sing. Since pretty much forever. 

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

Well, haha, funny story time. I play the ukulele because my elementary choir teacher was putting together a uke group and I thought it would be cool. I didn't anticipate how much I'd end up loving it! I play the clarinet because I have a very weird-shaped mouth (even with braces). Back when I was trying to choose an instrument, my teeth were pretty bad. So I couldn't buzz at all, so that ruled out brass. And I couldn't make the proper embouchure for a flute and that left clarinet. I've grown to like it a lot though. :) Piano, well, I found a song online that I loved, but I didn't feel like transposing it into clarinet key, and so I taught myself the piano so I could play it. And voice... I've been doing that forever. 

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

Ukulele-- a hymnal called "Rock'a my Soul". Clarinet-- "Hot Cross Buns". Piano-- the song I mentioned earlier that I wanted to play. It's the prophecy from Wings of Fire, put to music. And voice, well, I don't know. 

4. What styles of music do you like best?

Instrumental and moving. 

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

I am 1st chair clarinet in band, and I'm in a ukulele choir at my old school. (complicated) I also volunteer at my church, where I sing and play the uke. 

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

Maybe? I have moods. Other people go crazy on a sugar high, for example. I sing. 

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

Kind of? I sing with my ukulele group and at church. 

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

I'm playing a song called "Summer Resounding" in band, which is super fun. I'm also doing a bunch of holiday songs with my uke group, which is fun. 

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

Umm... I kind of like everything. XD But Mele Kalikimaka, on the ukulele, was fun. And Georgia on My Mind is one of my favorites. 

10. How much do you practice?

Uke? The group meets twice a week, and I usually practice once more on my own. Clarinet I meet every day in band and practice once or twice on my own. Voice, whenever I feel like it, and piano the same. 

11. Is your family musical?

Kind of... my mother plays the piano, my dad played percussion in high school, and my sister sings and plays the flute and the piccolo. 

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

Sometimes, at band concerts and ukulele concerts and such. Also at youth group on Wednesdays. Sometimes I'm nervous, mostly when I'm singing alone or playing the clarinet. But when I'm singing with a group or playing the ukulele, I'm cool as a cucumber. 

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

I take clarinet lessons for half an hour every Monday and I do enjoy them. The teacher is fun and nice and really understands me. I also take ukulele lessons from my elementary school choir teacher along with a group of other kids and those are fun as well.

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

I would love to, but stuff like earning enough money gets in my way. 

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

I feel like I'm pretty good. I caught on to the piano and ukulele fast. And I'm first chair in band, which is the best you can be. I feel pretty confident in my musical abilities. 

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

Clarinet, sometimes. Sometimes it stresses me out though. Ukulele always makes me happy, as does singing.


submitted by Starseeker, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(December 11, 2017 - 3:30 pm)
submitted by The Serene Goat, age 128 Months, The Nearest Library
(December 12, 2017 - 1:56 pm)

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

I play clarinet. I've played it for about two and a half years. Fun fact: I play in both a homeschool band and our town's community band. The community band has been really challenging, but it's really encouraged me to grow and I love it.  

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

This is how the conversation went: 

My dad: So what instrument do you want to play?

Me: I dunno. 

My dad: How about the clarinet. I used to play that. 

Me: Ok, sounds cool! 

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

Ummm..... probably like hot cross buns or something. 

4. What styles of music do you like best?


(I know that's not an answer XD) 

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

As I said, my community band and my homeschool band. I could probably sing ok if I had the proper instruction, but we don't have time for doing that.  

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

I love singing by myself, but whenever I'm around other people I tend to shut up because my voice isn't that great. 

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?


8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

We're off band right now, but once I force myself to pick up my clarinet again (we've been busy) I'm going to work some on the Mozart clarinet concerto.  

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

Our community band played like the MOST FUN CONCERT EVER with the theme cowboys and aliens. It was super hard, but super fun. Honestly, I'd have to say that my favorite piece was Star Wars. John Williams HATES CLARINETS, (He is evil), and it was pretty much a bunch of like sixteenth runs the entire time and I didn't really get those but the brass sounded so amazing and there was this baritone solo that was so gorgeous and just....... I loved it so much.

10. How much do you practice?

During the week I'll do my best, but we're gone from home a lot and I'm homeschooled so not as much as I should. Also sometimes I get migraines and usually don't practice then because practicing with a headache sucks.  

11. Is your family musical?

Heck yeah. My mom is a music minor and teaches piano lessons. My dad was playing weddings by the time he was 14. He's an organist. 

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

Whenever my bands have concerts. The last one I played was international christmas music, and that was like a week or two ago. We all wore christmas hats. It was fun. And honestly, I'm an anxious person, and will be terrified of like tests and stuff, but now when it comes to performances (at least with the ones where I'm a third clarinet and it won't really matter what I do) I don't get that scared.

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

I did take lessons one time from my band teacher who is a clarinetist. I traded them for some babysitting. Honestly, private lessons sound great, but we just don't have the time.  

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

My dad has told me that, unless music is your passion, you probably shouldn't go for a career in it. Because being a musician isn't easy. And I do like music, but I know that it's not my passion, and it's not what I want to do with my life. 

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music? 

I'd say pretty decent for the two and a half years I've been playing.  

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

When I'm by myself, usually. When I'm with others and there's this exhilaration of hearing harmony and melody and the people who are perfectly on pitch and being able to be a part of it all...... always.

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 14, Covered in snow
(December 12, 2017 - 6:28 pm)

1. I play the flute and a tiny bit of piano. This is my 5th year playing flute. I want to learn more piano.

2. I don't really know what my thought proccess was. I originally wanted to play trombone, but I'm short and was very small in 4th grade, so I thought my arms wouldn't be long enough. I probably chose flute because it sounds really pretty. I'm glad I did because now I love it!

3. The first real song I learned was probably Hot Cross Buns. It was two lines long and only had 3 or 4 notes.

4. To play or to listen to? I like to play pretty much anything.

5. I'm in my school band. 

6. Not at all

7. No.

8. In band we're playing Forge of Vulcan and Distant Thunder of the Sacred Forest. Distant Thunder is really fun because there are lots of percussion parts that sound really cool, and the melody is super fun to play. I'm also playing a lot of Christmas carols because I'm in my school's holiday band, and my private lesson teacher has given me a lot. Most of those are really fun. I'm also learning my SEMSBA piece, but I don't love it.

9. Hmm... Last year we played music from Harry Potter, which was really fun. This year my friend (who also plays flute) and I played a duet of Sleeping Beauty Waltz that went really well and sounded really pretty. In elementary school all of the songs were fun, especially the Nutcracker March and The Hannukah Song.

10. 2 hours per week is the requirement at school, sometimes I do more.

11. A little bit. My younger brother has played trumpet for 2 yeas but migh quit when he goes to middle school.

12. For school I have 5 concerts each year, plus a marching band parade, holiday band concerts, and a few others. I usually don't get too nervous, except when I have to do recital goups. This year I also had an auditoin for Jr. Districts, which I was EXTREMELY nervous for, and I will probably audition for Jr. SEMSBA, which I'm a little less nervous for.

13. I take private lessons once a week for an hour. I do enjoy them, but I'm shy so it can be awkward and uncomfortable for me to be alone with the teacher, even though she's really nice.

14. I don't know. I've thought about it, but when I do I start to think that I probably wouldn't be good enough. 

15. I think that I'm pretty good at flute. My friends who play flute say I'm the best one in our section, but I feel like agreeing with that would be bragging, and I'm not sure if it's true. Sometimes I'm better at certain things, but some of the othr flute players are really good. 

16. Yes, definitely. Band is one of my favoite things about school. It's sometimes a lot of work and can be overwhelming at times, but I really truly love it. 

submitted by Dragonrider
(December 13, 2017 - 7:55 pm)

1. What instrument/s do you play (voice counts!)? How long have you played them?

I play the bassoon, the guitar, the bass guitar, a little piano, a little banjo, and a little flute. I've been playing the bassoon for over 2 years now, I've been playing the bass for a few months, and I've been playing the guitar for about 3 years. I've been able to play the banjo since I was about 9 years old, and I took piano lessons in preschool. After I moved, I started up again in first grade, and quit in third. And I played the flute from fourth grade until the sixth, when I switched to the bassoon.

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

I chose bass because I've always loved the sound in recordings. The chose bassoon because I thought it was the coolest thing ever! (it still is!). I chose flute because my mom had one, I chose guitar and banjo because my dad knew how to play them and I wanted to know as well, and I played piano just because. 

3. What was one of the first tunes you learned to play?

The official song I learned to play:

Bassoon: Allegro Appassionata

Flute: I've Just Seen A Face

Guitar: Tom Dooley

Banjo: Polly Wolly Doodle

Bass: Come Together

Piano: Beethoven's 5th 

4. What styles of music do you like best?

I LOVE rock and alternative and contemporary stuff from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.  

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group (band, orchestra, etc)?

Duran Duran, The Beatles, The Police, My Chemical Romance, Weezer, Hall & Oates, The Police, David Bowie, Queen, and more. 

6. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of other people?

Not really. I've been able to sing in front of people in singing competitions at school dances, but I've never been 100% confident in doing it. 

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

No, I'm in the school band, but I'm thinking about putting together a band later on in my life, and (hopefully!) getting a record deal. 

8. What are some of the songs you are doing right now (on your own or in any kind of ensemble)? Which ones are your favorites?

I'm playing a bunch of winter songs on my bassoon for the school band, I'm playing Maneater, Come Together, and  When I'm Sixty-Four on the bass, and some traditional folk stuff on the guitar. I don't really play the rest of my instruments often, but I do know how to play them.

9. What are some of your favorite songs you have ever played?

Bass: Come Together, When I'm Sixty-Four, Maneater

Bassoon: Allegro Appassionata, Baby It's Cold Outside

Guitar: Tom Dooley, Skip To My Lou

Flute: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Banjo: Polly Wolly Doodle

Piano: Beethoven's 5th 

10. How much do you practice?

I practice the bassoon every weekend, and the guitar and bass whenever I can. The other instruments usually take a backseat.  

11. Is your family musical?

Yes, my sister plays clarinet and piano, my mom used to play the flute, my other sister is too young to play any instruments, and my dad plays the guitar, piano, banjo, guitarron, ukulele, and a whole bunch of other instruments. 

12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous?

Yes, for school concerts. I'm never nervous, just excited, but if I was performing with my own band at a gig, I would be terrified. 

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

I do band class in school, which lasts for 40 minutes every other day, and sometimes I'll look up guitar tabs, bass tutorials, and sheet music, but that's it. 

14. Would you ever want to pursue a career in music? Why or why not?

Yes, because I love my music, and I want to be able to make a difference in someone's life musically like so many musicians have done to me. However, I know that the music business is cruel, unfair, and mostly based on luck, so I'm not sure if it will ever happen for me, but I still hope and try. 

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music?

I  feel that I am talented. After all, when I first got my bass, I figured out a bass riff in a few days. And I am good at the bassoon, which is the hardest instrument to play. I also feel that quite a few of the other instruments I play come naturally to me, but not without hard work.

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

Yes. I'me never happier than when I'm playing my instruments and singing. I can channel my feelings better than I ever could with my words.  

submitted by Gaby F., age 12, Red Bank, NJ
(December 14, 2017 - 11:00 am)

You play the bassoon? That is so cool!!!!! I love how the bassoon sounds. In my community band, whenever the bassoon gets a solo, I kid you not I get chills. Because they sound so cool. 

Oh, about being a musician. As somebody who's dad is a musician, yeah, it's definitely not easy. But if you're really passionate about it and if you're really good, you can usually find a way to make it work. Just don't expect to get paid a lot XD 

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 14, Falling from the trees
(December 14, 2017 - 11:41 am)

1. What instrument/s do you play?

I play guitar and piano, and I really want to take voice lessons. 

2. Why did you choose that instrument?

Because I love the sound of piano, and I learn guitar at school.

3. What was one of the first tunes you learnt to play?

On piano, twinkle twinkle little star, on guitar Johnny be Good. (I don't know why my teacher thought that would be a good idea)

4. What styles of music do you like?

Musical theatre, blues rock and pop. 

5. Are you in any kind of instrumental group?

I used to do choir and next year I want to audition for school band.

6. Do you feel comfortable signing in front of other people.

Yes. I used to get major stage fright. I would totally freeze up. But now I feel comfortable singing in front of a large crowd.

7. Are you in any kind of singing group?

My friends and I formed an acapella group but it didn't go so well.

8. What are some songs your doing right now?

Im doing I know It's Today from Shrek the musical as Young Fiona. I love that song! 

9. What are some of your favourite songs you've ever played?

I tought myself how to play "do you want to build a snow man" on the piano when I was 8. I still know how it goes (lyrics and all) don't judge me! 

10. How much do you practice? 

I practically teach myself to play the piano so my "lessons" are kind of infrequent.

11. Is your family musical?


12. Do you perform? When? Do you get nervous.

For choir I used to preform about twice a term, plus a Christmas and Easter concert. I try to squeeze in atleast one musical a year. Yes I do got nervous. Like last musical when I had to sing the first lines of the entire show by myself ACAPELLA!!!! Yes, I was nervous.

13. If you take lessons, how long are they? Do you enjoy them?

I use to do Guitar lessons for one hour every Friday at school. Now I don't though, so, again I sort of teach myself. 

14. Would you ever want to pursue a field in music? Why or why not?

Yes. Because I love to sing and play my guitar so much.

15. How do you feel about your level of ability in music?

I have often been told I have an ear for music. I'm not perfect, obviously, but I catch on to things quick. You can never stop getting better, right?

16. Does playing your instrument/singing make you feel happy?

yes. Otherwise why would I do it?

I loved this, Shosh! 

submitted by LilyPad
(December 14, 2017 - 8:00 pm)