You probably don't

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

You probably don't

You probably don't want to read this.

I've been holding back

For too long.

I would have something sooner

But my frustrating emotions

Keep getting in the way.

Whenever I post

It bottoms.

Not saying it's anyone's fault.

Saying I might not post


Whenever I talk

No one listens.

Countless comments I've made

Countless checks to see

What people have to say

Countless disappointments when no one 

Has anything to say.

I'm mediocre.



I'm the main character

Of an Imagine Dragons song

"Can nobody hear me?"

Or maybe something from Echosmith

"I wish that I could

Be like the cool kids,"

Because I've never been there

And I'd want to try it out 

submitted by IWishForYouNotToKnow, age Whatever, Wherever
(December 19, 2017 - 6:26 pm)

Awww, no! Everyone should be heard in here. I’m so sorry that you feel you haven’t been. I’m sure you have wonderful contributions to this place, and that you are appreciated. A lot of times, people just forget to respond. 

“ you can reach, reach out your hand. And oh, someone will come running and I know they’ll take you home.” 

By making this thread, however anonymous, you’ve reached out your hand. I think that you should just keep posting on threads that you’re interested in, the more active you become, he more likely you’re to be responded to. 

submitted by Kestrel, Returning to Reality
(December 20, 2017 - 11:09 am)
submitted by TOOOOOPPPP!!!, age TIPPITY, TOPPITY!!
(December 20, 2017 - 4:11 pm)

I'm so sorry you feel this way! Nobody on the CB deserves to be ignored. As Kestrel said, the more you post, the more well known you'll become. Good luck!

submitted by LilyPad
(December 20, 2017 - 4:46 pm)

I'm really sorry you feel that way! The more often you post and make comments, the more people will notice it and awknowledge you, I'm sure!

"Cause I know the smallest voices they can make it major"

submitted by Allie
(December 20, 2017 - 5:47 pm)

I'm so, so, sorry if I've been... ignoring you. I get you, they do seem to fit in. Seems nice. Again, I apologize, and will try to acknowledge and respond to posts on threads that I'm on. 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 14, the Wood, Omniverse
(December 20, 2017 - 10:30 pm)

I'm sorry that you feel this way! I can't promise you that I will start commenting on your posts because I obviously don't know who you are, and I don't do any of the AE stuff. But please don't give up on posting! 

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 23, 2017 - 2:12 pm)

I would say something comforting, but I’m not really good at that... so I’ll try to comment on all posts, I suppose. 

Oh, sorry admins, I forgot about the no posts on Christmas thing. Well, it’s worth it to make sure whoever this is doesn’t feel ignored...

submitted by Autumn Moon, age 11, Here
(December 25, 2017 - 6:59 pm)

Yeah, I understand what you mean. I kinda feel the same way. Don't give up though, because there are people here who genuinely are glad that you're here. I'm one of them :) have a nice day!

submitted by Nighthawk , age -14, the Castle of Lions
(December 26, 2017 - 10:38 am)
submitted by top
(December 26, 2017 - 10:41 am)

I know who you are,

I've seen your thread after thread.

It's possibly my fault that they wind up...



Sometimes CBers don't post on threads, simply because nobody has. If you're who I believe you are (watch me be wrong), then I've seen most of your threads (mainly about your OCs) and admired them so much. You have an original, unique art style, a passion for your OCs, do a great job at lettering, and are loyal to your fandoms. We admire each of these.

Some of us are anxious and get awkward. We wonder if other people will think our posts and replies are cool, so we move away from posts and get terrified.

If you're who I believe you are, I've seen one of your posts about your OCs. I wanted to post about it, but at the time I was too shy and anxious. I'm so sorry for that.

Keep writing!


submitted by IWishTheSame, yci
(December 26, 2017 - 11:38 am)

I'm sorry! I think all of us feel this way sometimes. At least, those of us who are lesser known. But I hope things get better for you soon!

submitted by Winterbranch
(December 30, 2017 - 2:08 pm)

I know you would rather not say, but I have a very hard time helping people when they are anonymous. I'm so sorry you feel this way. I thought that was the way I would be when I joined the CB, but now I almost feel like part of the fam. Maybe your anonymity may help us to be more avid in our respect and kindness towards all other's posts, but if you truly would like help with this problem, we would have to know who you are. There are so many amazing friends and writers on here, who are yet to be met, and need some attention. If you are unsure about revealing your identity, please keep in mind that we are your friends and we're here to help. I know there are all too many people on here that feel the same way, and here is my advice: 

1. Be who you are-Don't be who you think we want to be, but rather who we should know that you are.

2. Be involved-Try to join in on SI's, RP's, SL's, or even create a post introducing yourself, so others can get to know you.


3. Be a friend-Treat others like a friend, and you will be treated like one. We all would like to get to know you, and we are all here to help each other.

I really hope this helps you, and I would not like anyone to leave the CB because they went through this. If you have any questions please ask.

No one should be left out.  

submitted by IWishToKnow, Jwyn
(January 1, 2018 - 7:40 pm)

Hey, I feel ya. I've been on the CB for four years and I'm still not really a "popular" CBer. I mean I have a few really awesome friends on the CB, but I was never really recognized. Most people probably don't even know what KtG stands for when I post as that! XD I have done the exact same things you do, checking threads to see if there are replies, etc. Whenever I get a compliment on a compliment thread or something similar, I screen shot it and save it because I hardly ever get mentioned. But the CB is not another elementary, middle, or high school where the entire social environment is based off the "popular" hierarchy. The CB is a free place where we can hide from the usual "popularity" and just be our wonderful, creative selves.

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(January 2, 2018 - 3:18 am)

I've been where you are. Take care of yourself. Eat, sleep, shower, do your homework on time. It can be hard. Keep going so it gets easier. If it's boring, make it interesting. Cry if you need to, but don't fall apart.

Read, something light or inspiring. Maybe listen to some new music. Friday I'm In Love by The Cure, anything by They Might Be Giants, I'm Alive by Becca, Larsong by Guy Klucevsek. If you can, take some time to relax and some to get stuff done. Get outside. Keep posting. If nothing helps, write about it. These things that you're feeling? Beautiful. Write about them and what's causing them. Draw if that's your thing. And show us. We (or I, at least) want to see.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 3, 2018 - 6:44 pm)

Dude, I wish I could be a little less blunt, and a little less tactless in this approach but I know no other way. There are millions of people out there, and if you define someone as cool, that's what you think. Cool and popular are technically not synonyms, so you probably shouldn't be saying that. Look, here on the CBer, everyone is, just, well, everyone is somebody else from their real life. I mean, we have aspects of ourselves, but only the ones we want. If someone seems cool to you, they could personally think you're the best CBer in the world. So, don't judge yourself that way. Be happy here. the CB is a little retreat for us to be happy. Also, I've never heard of Echosmith. They sound like a depressing band to me (but that's just me).

submitted by Secret
(January 3, 2018 - 10:58 pm)